Unlock the urban-rural cycle and build a great unified market-chinanews


  [Bajo la guía de los pensamientos de Xi Jinping sobre el socialismo con características chinas en la nueva era-Yuxin Machine abre una nueva etapa]Smoothing the urban-rural cycle and building a unified market

  CCTV News(Newscast): Secretary General Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to deepen structural reforms on the agricultural supply side, cultivate and strengthen advantageous industries and characteristics according to local conditions, and promote the integrated development of rural primary, secondary and rural industries. tertiary. We must deepen agricultural and rural reforms and activate the endogenous power of rural revitalization. In recent years, China has continued to deepen rural reforms, the gap between urban and rural areas has narrowed further, a new urban-rural business cycle model is being formed, and a large urban-rural market has gradually been established unified, opening a wide space for China to build a new pattern of development.

On this year’s National Day Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, going to the countryside has become a popular choice for people to travel. On the Internet search platform, the search popularity of “Country Tour” increased by 42% over the same period last year. Experience the agricultural culture, appreciate the rural landscape, pick melons, fruits and vegetables, and the rich rural formats make people feel the charm of the countryside.

3.09 billion people travel, this is the number of rural tourists in China last year, accounting for more than half of the total domestic tourism trips, and the revenue generated is 1.81 billion yuan. Behind the excitement are some new changes between urban and rural areas.

The new business format builds an important bridge to promote the urban-rural cycle.

Sidu Township, Songyang, Zhejiang, deep in the mountains, once became a “hollow town” because of the high mountain road. In recent years, the villages here have become more popular by improving infrastructure, attracting foreign capital, building homestays, bookstores, and cultural and creative foundations, and once deserted villages are rejuvenated.

In the past five years, Sidu has only one municipality, attracting a total of 380 million yuan of foreign investment of industrial and commercial capital. Last year, the Sidu Municipality’s total tourism revenue exceeded 30 million yuan.

Today’s Chinese countryside is becoming a new hot spot for attracting capital and talent flow.

The agglomeration of various productive factors from cities to rural areas is profoundly changing the form of agricultural production, and decentralized and inefficient agriculture is transforming towards intensification and modernization.

In Hebi, Henan, 8,000 acres of peanut fields, large unmanned agricultural machinery was brought into the peanut fields precisely according to the planned path. From breeding to harvest, mechanization and intelligence run.

Unmanned farms, smart greenhouses and contract farming are becoming new trends in agricultural production, and new service models have also shortened the distance between cities and fields. Orders were placed on mobile phones and origin traced. In Changsha, Hunan, a small mobile phone program established a communication platform between small farmers and urban consumers.

Due to the small scale of growing vegetables, small farmers like Hunan farmer Li Jianchun used to struggle to sell vegetables. Now, Lao Li has his own electronic vegetable archive on the platform, which consumers in the city can access at any time, and Lao Li can also receive feedback from subscribers in real time and arrange to grow vegetables in accordance with the order requirements. Today, 500 small farmers like Li Jianchun have gathered on this platform.

Agriculture is changing. New technologies and new services are increasingly entering the field of agricultural production. Primary, secondary and tertiary industries are accelerating integration in the countryside and the urban-rural cycle pattern is taking shape.

The gap between urban and rural areas is constantly narrowing, and the vast rural areas attract people who work abroad to return to their places of origin with a new look. According to the latest data, at the end of July this year, more than 13 million migrant workers who have returned to their places of origin have been employed locally, among which 5% of migrant workers who have returned to their places of origin. origin have used cloud video, live direct sales, and other new formats to start businesses.

The 15th meeting of the Central Commission for Deep Reform proposed that it is necessary to accelerate the transformation of agricultural development methods and create more experience in exploring the path of modern agricultural development.

Rural areas are vigorous, and a more fluid circulation between urban and rural areas will also stimulate stronger economic growth.
