* ST Letong first three quarters of revenue of 269 million yuan in net profit turned losses into profit


Original title: * ST Letong first three quarters of revenue of 269 million yuan in net profit turned losses into profit

On the afternoon of October 28* ST LetongPublish the 2020 quarterly report.reportDuring the period,the companyachieveOperating income269 ​​million yuan,Net profit263,400 yuan,Year with yearAchieve a turnaround for profit.

The company said that the expected profit in the first three quarters is mainly due to labor,rent, Decrease in interest on the debt. Companies through reasonable control of the business.cost, Optimize resource allocation, reduce printing ink, andThe InternetadvertisingContinuation of the company’s business recessionPerformanceThe negative impact: With the gradual implementation of the transfer of subsidiaries, the company is expected to achieve a change of course for this yearobjectives, To alleviate the risk of delisting.

Additionally,* ST LetongIn order to guarantee the realization of the benefits of the whole year, it has been publishedadShengtong Homes for SaleinvestmentLimited liability companySign “Capital transferAgreement, acceptingWholly owned subsidiary100% of the share capital of Zhuhai Letong Industrial Co., Ltd. was transferred to Shengtong Real Estate, and the transfer price was 40,204,200 yuan. According to the preliminary calculation of the finance department of Letong Co., Ltd., the transfer is expected to generate revenue of 33 million yuan, which will have a positive impact on the company’s annual operating results.

in* ST LetongWhile the performance of the first three quarters turned losses into earnings, the company also announced that it intends to issue shares and paycashPurchase of 100% of the capital stock of Zhejiang Qichen held by 7 individuals, including Dasheng Assets and Guo Hu, with an estimated transaction price of 275 million yuan; purchase of Nuclear Sanli 45 in the hands of 27 individuals, including Nanhua Assets and Ge Yuhua% Equity, the estimated price is 234 million yuan. After the completion of this transaction, * ST Letong will own 100% of the share capital of He Sanli through direct and indirect participation.

According to the data, the Three Nuclear Forces originally belonged to theindustryThe Sixth Research Institute, merged with Nanhua University in 2002, was restructured with the approval of the Hunan Province Department of Education and the Department of Finance in 2014.ReorganizationIt is Hunan Nuclear Sanli Technology Engineering Co., Ltd. The data also shows that the main business of the subject is the environmental governance of the tobacco industry and the nuclear military business. In 2019, it achieved revenue of 123 million yuan, achievingNet profit29,241 million yuan. In the first half of 2020, revenue will be 72,553 million yuan, and the networkprofit19,019 million yuan.

* ST Letong stated that through this transaction, the company will increase R&D, installation and commissioning and system integration in the fields of industrial ventilation and dust removal, equipment manufacturing, energy conservation and environmental protection, as well as nuclear emergency shelters, nuclear radioactivity detection and other businesses, which will significantly enhance the company’s assets. And income scale, strengthen the company’s profitability and core competitiveness.

(Source: Shanghai Securities News)

(Responsible editor: DF522)

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