Under the epidemic, China’s economy rises against the trend, foreign companies borrow from the Expo to share development dividends | New Crown pneumonia_Sina Finance_Sina.com


Under the epidemic, China’s economy rises against the trend, foreign companies borrow from the CIIE to share development dividends.

Author: gold leaf

  [ 作为世界上第一个以进口为主题的大型国家级展会,进博会是中国积极扩大进口的重要平台。尤其是在世界经济低迷的大背景下,中国经济逆势上扬的成绩单,让跨国企业纷纷通过进博会分享中国发展红利。 ]

  [ “过去两届进博会,我们看到了国内企业在数字化转型领域的巨大需求。过去几个月中,我们见证了中国经济的强大韧性,二、三季度GDP均实现正向增长。我们期待在进博会上与更多国内企业和客户开展深入的交流互动,积极促进国内、国际双循环。”江森自控副总裁朱永焕说。 ]

While the global epidemic is still spreading, international exhibitions have been canceled one after another, and global companies are looking forward to an offline exchange on an international scale.

Xylem, a New York-based smart water technology provider, is participating in CIIE for the second time. “Against the background of the impact of the epidemic this year, the CIIE was held as scheduled, conveying China’s open attitude to the world and strong confidence in the market recovery,” said Lu Shuping, president of the region of China and North Asia of the company, to the China Business News reporter.

There is more than one company like Xylem. Building on the successful participation of the previous two sessions, ABB, a longtime friend of the CIIE, brought in more than 50 innovative products and R&D results from 14 countries this year, as well as the first launch of more new products. “We plan to sign cooperative agreements with a number of major customers to promote joint innovation. Therefore, we signed early to secure the fourth CIIE next year,” Dr. Gu Chunyuan, president of ABB China, told CBN.

Statistics show that this year’s CIIE not only has a larger exhibition area than the previous one, the number of Fortune 500 exhibitors has reached the above scale, and a group of companies has signed up to participate in the next three CIIEs.

Nuggets China Market

The planned area of ​​the III CIIE corporate exhibition is 360,000 square meters, an increase of 60,000 square meters compared to the second planned area, an increase of 20%. A large number of Fortune 500 companies have gathered in the technical equipment showroom, which is a popular showroom at CIIE every year.

This year’s CIIE technology and equipment exhibition area has an exhibition area of ​​70,000 square meters, including three showrooms, nearly 340 exhibitors, more than 60 Fortune 500 companies and industry-leading companies, which focus in high-end equipment, industrial products, material processing, and Topics such as molding equipment, industrial machinery, automation and industrial solutions, energy, energy conservation and environmental protection. In addition, starting this year, the technical equipment exhibition area has added a special area for energy conservation and environmental protection, covering a total of more than 8,000 square meters and more than 20 enterprises.

“After the outbreak of the new corona pneumonia epidemic, the state has paid more attention to the supervision and monitoring of urban wastewater and medical wastewater, and clearly stated that it is necessary to strengthen the protection of water sources drinking water and conduct water quality monitoring to ensure that drinking water sources are not contaminated. At the same time, people Pay more attention to the safety of higher quality drinking water. In addition, the impact of the epidemic will also accelerate the technological development and construction of intelligent water affairs systems, including remote monitoring, unsupervised big data management and precise control operation models, gradually becoming rigid requirements The intelligent transformation of the water industry is also the general trend “. Lu Shuping told reporters that a variety of new Xylem products will be showcased at this CIIE, including the YSI brand, of which two will be launched in Asia and three in the world. .

In Lu Shuping’s view, with the continuous development of the Chinese market, in addition to being an important link in the global supply chain market and the consumer market, the Chinese market also continues to enhance its important position in the innovation market . “We have a China technology research and development center in Shanghai, and our research and development expenditures in 2018 and 2019 exceed $ 4 million.”

In this epidemic, digital and smart technologies have played a very important role in the prevention and control of the epidemic. At the same time, it has accelerated the demand for digital and intelligent transformation from companies. This has also provided market opportunities for multinational companies such as ABB and Siemens.

“At the first CIIE, we showcased more than 30 industry-leading exhibits and solutions from 8 countries; at the second CIIE, the number of exhibits increased to more than 40. At the two CIIEs, ABB and State Grid, South China Power Grid,China PetroleumSinopecZhenhua Heavy Industry, Baowu Group, Non-Ferrous Metals Group,Zijin MiningMore than 50 companies have signed strategic cooperation agreements. “Gu Chunyuan said that every year ABB receives large-scale corporate and government delegations who come to the booth to visit, and it can also enable them to better understand industry trends and develop more innovative technologies that serve the local area.” At this year’s CIIE, ABB’s debut New products will increase from 1 item last year to 3 items. “

This year’s CIIE, the technical equipment exhibition area brought together the top ten brands of the world’s industrial electrical industry (General Electric, Hitachi, Siemens, Toshiba, ABB, Honeywell, Schneider Electric, Mitsubishi Electric, Emerson, Omron) , six major construction machinery. Brands (Caterpillar, John Deere, Volvo, Liebherr, Doosan, Hitachi) and five major brands in the printing industry (Epson, Brothers, Canon, Konica Minolta, Ricoh). Among the many exhibits, there are upgraded models of the flagship exhibits at the previous CIIE, as well as new products and technologies that were launched for the first time.

Side effects of innovation and development

At the opening ceremony of the 2020 Pujiang Innovation Forum on the theme of “Cooperation in science and technology and joint innovation” held on October 22, Minister of Science and Technology Wang Zhigang declared that the current new round of scientific revolution and technology and industrial transformation is accelerating and the scientific research system is “open” The transformation of “science”, great advances in scientific theory and technological innovation will not only reshape the global industrial division of labor and competition, but they will also provide more scientific and technological answers to improve the well-being of people in all countries.

Hu Zhijian, Dean of Development Strategy of the China Academy of Science and Technology, also stated at the Pujiang Innovation Forum-2020 International Symposium on Innovation Think Tanks in Science and Technology that the difference in openness determines the level of a regional economy and the overall strength of a country.

As the world’s first large-scale national exhibition on the subject of imports, the CIIE is an important platform for China to actively expand imports. Especially in the context of the global economic downturn, China’s Economic Rise Against Trend Report Card has allowed multinational companies to share the dividends of China’s development through the CIIE.

According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on October 19, preliminary calculations showed that gross domestic product in the first three quarters was 7.22786 billion yuan, an increase of 0.7% year-on-year at comparable prices. In quarterly terms, the first quarter was down 6.8% year-on-year, the second quarter was up 3.2% and the third quarter was up 4.9%.

In the first three quarters, the added value of equipment manufacturing and high-tech manufacturing increased 5.9% and 4.7% year-on-year, respectively.robotThe production of integrated circuits increased 18.2% and 14.7% year-on-year, respectively, maintaining a relatively fast growth rate; the service industry achieved a steady recovery and the added value of modern service industries, such as information transmission, information technology software and services, and finance increased by 15.9% respectively. 7.0%, the modern service industry is growing well.

It is the third time that Johnson Controls has participated in the CIIE. This year, Johnson Controls will launch its OpenBlue digital platform, which can be widely used in various settings such as data centers, hospitals and office buildings. Zhu Yonghuan, vice president and general manager of the company’s China region, told reporters that the scheduled celebration of the CIIE has created an excellent opportunity for technical exchanges between domestic and foreign companies.

“In the last two CIIEs, we have seen audience enthusiasm for artificial intelligence and digital technology, and the huge demand from domestic companies in the field of digital transformation. In recent months, we have witnessed the strong resilience of the Chinese economy., GDP in the third quarter achieved positive growth. We look forward to in-depth exchanges and interactions with more domestic companies and clients in the CIIE, and actively promote the domestic and international dual cycle, “said Zhu Yonghuan.

Gu Chunyuan also said that he is more confident in the Chinese market’s prospects after passing the epidemic test. “China is our second largest market in the world. Currently, more than 90% of sales revenue in China comes from locally manufactured products, systems and services.”

Furthermore, he also revealed that the Shanghai Robot Future Factory project is progressing as planned and is expected to come online in 2021. “ABB’s new ‘factory of the future’ robot is a significant investment that we have long deployed in the Chinese market. The project was announced just before the opening of the first CIIE. In September 2019, the new factory in Pudong Kangqiao was inaugurated and ABB will be built. The world’s largest, most advanced and flexible robot factory. “

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Editor in charge: Liu Xuanyi
