The National Health Commission answers the questions of all journalists: telemedicine coverage has expanded enormously in the past year and the number of people served exceeded 21.72 million | Health Commission | New Crown Pneumonia_Sina


Original title: The National Health Commission answers the questions of all journalists: Telemedicine coverage has expanded enormously. Last year, the number of people served exceeded 21.72 million

Every time reporter Zhou Chengcheng Every time editor Wang Keran

On October 28, the Information Office of the State Council held a press conference on the reform and development of health enterprises during the XIII Five-Year Plan.

A reporter from the “Daily Business News” asked at the press conference: “During the period of the ‘XIII Five-Year Plan’, how to deepen the reform of the medical and health system to alleviate the difficulty and cost of medical treatment for the masses? ?

Yu Xuejun, member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the National Health Commission, replied that during the period of the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan”, the Central Party Committee and the State Council will incorporate the deepening of medical reform in the deployment. general of a comprehensive reform of deepening. Positive results have been achieved in solving the problem of expensive and unsightly medical treatment, which is prominent among the masses. In terms of solving the difficulty of medical treatment, we primarily focus on promoting sinking and balanced allocation of high-quality medical resources. In terms of easing the cost of medical treatment, we focused on reducing the price of drugs as a breakthrough and implemented the three-drug link.

“Internet + medical health” accelerates

Regarding solving medical difficulties, Yu Xuejun said in response to a question from a “Daily Economic News” reporter that the construction of regional medical centers should be promoted in an orderly manner, taking into account the flow of disease types. and other factors, pilot projects will be carried out in 8 provinces to gradually optimize the national high level. Allocation of medical resources. By promoting the construction of a medical consortium and comprehensive medical reform at the county level, 84% of county-level hospitals have reached the level of hospitals above the second level. In 2019, the consultation rate for common and frequent illnesses in counties across the country reached approximately 90%.

At the same time, strengthen the integration of resources and services. Yu Xuejun said that the number of urban medical groups established across the country has reached 1,408, county medical communities have reached 3,346, and interregional specialist alliances have reached 3,924. At the same time, we will promote the contracted services of doctors As a family, we will pilot the construction of community hospitals and improve the level of primary care.

Yu Xuejun said that it is necessary to continue to deepen the “delegation, management and service” to promote the development of the health industry and social medical standards. Furthermore, the development of “Internet + medical health” has been accelerated and the coverage of telemedicine services has been considerably expanded.

Yu Xuejun pointed out that in 2019 more than 21.723 million telemedicine services were performed nationwide. By the end of 2019, 258 prefectures and cities had achieved comprehensive health care in the region. Using information technology to streamline the service process, second-tier and higher hospitals generally implement online services such as appointments for diagnosis and treatment, medical navigation, and mobile payment. The appointment rate in tertiary hospitals exceeds 50%.

“Internet + medical health” played a unique role during this year’s epidemic. Mao Qun’an, director of the Planning Department of the National Health Commission, said that, based on “Internet + medical health”, various regions have provided the masses with a series of services such as epidemic prevention scientific dissemination, online consultation, psychological counseling, remote consultation, chronic disease follow-up diagnosis and drug delivery, reducing The increasing risk of contagion also ensures the medical needs of the masses, it must be said that during the epidemic it opened a “second battlefield” on the Internet.

Mao Qun’an pointed out that there are currently 900 Internet hospitals across the country, and the telemedicine collaboration network covers more than 24,000 medical institutions in all cities at the prefectural level, and more than 5,500 hospitals above the second level can provide online services.

Cancel all drug and consumable bonuses

In terms of easing the cost of medical care, Yu Xuejun stressed that efforts should be made to reduce the price of drugs as a point of progress and implement the three-drug link. The main measures include promoting the centralized purchase and use of drugs organized by the state, focusing on reducing inflated drug prices; launch comprehensively the comprehensive reform of public hospitals; and improve the universal health insurance system.

Yu Xuejun pointed out that the average price drop of the first batch of 25 pilot drugs in the 4 municipalities and 7 subprovincial cities reached 52%, and then expanded to the entire country. The second batch of selected drugs fell by an average of 53%. Conduct drug price negotiations and implement zero tariffs on imported anticancer drugs. Improve the national essential drugs system, standardize drug use management and ensure the supply of drugs in short supply.

Regarding the comprehensive reform of public hospitals, Yu Xuejun said that all bonuses for drugs and consumables will be eliminated, the mechanism of supplementing medicine with drugs will be broken, modern hospital management pilots will be carried out, and the evaluation of the performance focused on quality and oriented to public welfare.

In terms of improving the health insurance system, Yu Xuejun pointed out that a unified health insurance and critical illness insurance system should be established for urban and rural residents. The per capita financial subsidy standard has been increased year after year, diversified and compound payment methods have been improved, the medical treatment system has been established and improved, and commercial health insurance has been actively developed.

Additionally, alleviating the medical burden of the poor has always been a concern. Yu Xuejun said that it effectively ensures that the poor can enjoy basic health and medical services. Carry out classified treatment, treat more than 19 million classified poor patients, continue to provide health services to key populations, and fully realize protection, migration and treatment of the poor.

He noted that the share of self-payment of medical expenses of poor households with registered cards has been reduced to about 10%, and a working mechanism for timely detection, accurate treatment, effective protection, the monitoring and early warning to prevent sickness poverty and the return to sickness poverty. In total, almost 10 million poor households that became impoverished due to disease and returned to poverty have successfully lifted themselves out of poverty.
