People’s Daily Commentator: Moving towards modernization of governance: decisively winning the response to the thirteenth five-year plan to build a well-off society in an integral way manera-Xinhuanet


</p> <p>People’s Daily Commentator: Steadily Advancing Towards Modernization of Governance: The Response to the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for the Decisive Victory in Building a Wealthy Society in All Aspects 2

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 26 People’s Daily Commentator Article Oct 27:

Towards modernization of governance

——Decisive victory in the thirteenth five-year plan to build a well-off society in an integral way

Lizhi has a body and an orderly administration. During the period of the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan”, the socialist system with Chinese characteristics formed in the practice and long-term exploration of China constitutes the “winning code” behind the Chinese miracle, demonstrating strong vitality and great superiority, and condensing the majestic power of institutional self-confidence.

Focus on building a more complete, more stable and effective system, promoting reform of the party and state institutions, deepening the reform of the trading system, and steadily advancing the reform of “delegation, control and service”; based on improving the ability to use legal means to direct and govern the country, and amend the constitution in a timely manner, It formulated and promulgated a series of laws such as the Supervision Law, the Cybersecurity Law and the Vaccine Management Law; focusing on creating a pattern of social governance of joint construction, co-governance and sharing, and striving to build a higher level of safe China … During the period of the XIII Five-Year Plan, comprehensively deepen the reforms We are constant and courageous , and we have made great strides in the comprehensive governance of the country in accordance with the law. The level of refined social governance has been constantly improved, and the country’s governance system and governance capacity have consistently made new progress and reaching new levels on the road to modernization.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “The leadership of the Communist Party of China is the most essential characteristic of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the greatest advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics.” After five years of hard work, the most fundamental reason why the “government of China” can open a new kingdom is based on the strong leadership of the Central Committee of the Party with Comrade Xi Jinping at the center, which promotes transformation continuation of institutional advantages in government efficiency. From the Fifth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, it was emphasized that during the period of the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan”, “all aspects of the system should be more mature and finalized, the country’s governance system and capabilities Governance institutions have advanced significantly in modernization, and the basic institutional systems in various fields have been basically formed. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made strategic arrangements to turn China into a modern socialist country by the middle of this century, he clarified. the goals of system building and governance capacity development, and then went to the Fourth Plenary Session of the XIX Party Central Committee to study the persistence and improvement of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics., Promote the modernization of the system of national governance and governance capacities … Starting from the general situation is In the framework of the development of the party and the country, the Central Committee of the Party has continually deepened its understanding of the laws of governance and administration, and has systematically answered the question of “what to defend and consolidate, what to improve and develop”. Politicians have set the direction and provided critical follow-up to modernizing the national governance system and governance capacities.

In the past five years, “people-centered” has painted the values ​​background of modern governance, and the people’s sense of profit, happiness and security has been significantly enhanced. If the socialist system with Chinese characteristics is good, if it is superior or not, the Chinese people know better and have more voice. Whether it is streamlining the administration and delegating powers, promoting in depth the convenience of examination and approval services, performing “at most once” in the management of the affairs of the masses, or deepening comprehensive reforms to support the judicial system, “striving to make people feel fair and equitable in every court case,” whether perfect The property rights protection system, continue to optimize the business environment, let “permanent owners have perseverance,” or deepen the market-oriented factor allocation reform, so that the vitality of innovation and creation explodes throughout society … Always focus on achieving the good, maintaining and developing the best The fundamental interests of the broad popular masses strive for ensuring and improving people’s livelihoods, so that the results of reform and development benefit all s people more and more equitably, demonstrating the strong vitality and great superiority of our national system and our system of governance.

Over the past five years, “using the power of the system to respond to the impact of risks and challenges” constitutes the deep logic of modern governance, inspiring a powerful force to move forward unhindered. An important aspect of measuring the success and superiority of a country’s system is to see if it can command all sides and organize all parties to deal with the main risks and challenges. Stabilize the economy, promote development, fight the epidemic, fight floods, reverse crises and respond to the situation … During the period of the “XIII Five-Year Plan”, the Central Committee of the Party, with Comrade Xi Jinping in its core, strengthened its ability to manage risks, improved various risk prevention and control mechanisms and firmly understood it. Work with initiative, promote high-quality economic development and maintain social stability. Facing the great test of the new corona pneumonia epidemic, we take full advantage of the system’s advantages of focusing on important, difficult and urgent matters, withstanding the stress test, and leading the world in epidemic prevention and control and economic recovery. . Some foreign academics commented: “The strategic, general, prospective and domestic resource mobilization capacity of the Chinese system is unmatched by other systems.”

The rise and fall of a country depends on the system and the peace of the people is governed by governance. The five-year reform and development practice has fully demonstrated that the significant advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics are the fundamental guarantee to withstand risks and challenges and improve the efficiency of national governance. Enter a new stage of development, take more courage and take more measures to break down the deep-seated obstacles of the system and mechanisms, defend and improve the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities. . Our path is destined to go further and further. Broad, our system will become more and more mature.

Commentator for the People’s Daily: Moving towards the modernization of governance: decisively obtaining the answer to the thirteenth five-year plan to build a well-off society in a comprehensive way

