Big explosion! There are 137 new cases of asymptomatic infection in Kashgar, Xinjiang! Has the Top Level Answer Started the Big Winter Exam? Harvard: New Crown May Last Until 2025 | New corona pneumonia_Sina


Original title: Major Emergency! There are 137 new cases of asymptomatic infection in Kashgar, Xinjiang! Has the top-tier answer started the big winter exam? Harvard: the new crown may last until 2025 Source: Brokerage China

Winter is coming!

In terms of solar energy, what just happened is frost. This means that the earth is approaching freezing and midwinter is approaching. Professor Zhang Wenhong once said that this winter’s challenges will be very severe. Last weekend the challenge arrived.

At 7:50 p.m. on October 25, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region People’s Government Information Office held a press conference on the Kashgar epidemic to report on the situation. On October 24, 2020, Shufu County, Kashgar Prefecture, conducted regular inspections of personnel required for inspections. During the test, 1 case of asymptomatic infection with new coronary pneumonia was found. After finding asymptomatic infections, the local epidemic prevention and control headquarters immediately performed nucleic acid tests on his close contacts and close contacts of close contacts. As of 2:00 p.m. on October 25, 137 people had tested positive.

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council for the new corona pneumonia epidemic and the situation of the new corona pneumonia epidemic in Kashgar, the new regional headquarters for the prevention and control of crown pneumonia has studied and decided: As of 24:00 on October 25, Shufu County, Kashgar will be The epidemic risk level of the township, Tokzake Town, Wukusake Town and Sayibag Township is set as high risk, other municipalities in Shufu County are set as medium risk and other counties and cities are set as low risk. .

Kashgar responded quickly after another outbreak of widespread infection. To ensure student safety, all primary and secondary day students and kindergartens have temporarily suspended classes and some flights have been canceled. The Kashgar Prefectural Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Headquarters immediately launched a first-rate response. The National Health Commission sent a working group on the 25th to Kashgar, Xinjiang, to guide local work on epidemic prevention and control. Only as of now, the origin of the disease is still unknown.

Is the winter exam coming up? The author believes that with the arrival of winter, no matter where you are, you should do a good job of self-protection and should not be careless.

What happened in Kashgar?

According to CCTV News, at 7:50 pm on October 25, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region People’s Government Press Office held a press conference on the Kashgar epidemic to report the relevant situation.

Gu Yingsu, deputy director of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Health Commission, said that on October 24, 2020, Shufu County, Kashgar Prefecture, conducted regular inspections of personnel who “should check and verify” and found 1 case of asymptomatic infection with a new coronary pneumonia. This case of asymptomatic infection was a 17-year-old woman, a resident of Zhanmin Township, Shufu County, Kashgar Prefecture. On October 24, the result of a regular nucleic acid test was positive. The patient was diagnosed as an asymptomatic infection by experts and has been transferred to Kashgar. Isolate medical observation in designated hospitals. Currently, there are no symptoms such as fever or cough.

After discovering asymptomatic infections, the local epidemic prevention and control headquarters immediately performed nucleic acid tests on his close contacts and close contacts of close contacts. At 2:00 p.m. on October 25, 137 people tested positive, all of whom were in the three villages where their parents lived. Associated with factory. According to the experts’ diagnosis, all were asymptomatic infected.

After the outbreak, the Shufu County Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters immediately activated the emergency response mechanism. The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Party Committee immediately made arrangements and deployments to properly handle the epidemic and ensure the health and safety of people of all ethnic groups, and sent working groups and expert groups to Kashgar to guide prevention and control; the Kashgar Prefectural Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Headquarters immediately launched a In response to the high-level response, the autonomous region and the joint regional team of experts rushed to travel to Shufu County to carry out the work, and relevant departments comprehensively conducted epidemic investigations and trials, flow adjustment, key population investigation, and nucleic acid testing. Resolutely adhere to scientific measures and precise prevention and control to ensure that the epidemic does not spread or spread.

According to the “Xinjiang Daily” report, the night of the discovery of the new corona pneumonia, Xinjiang held a district-wide video conference to report on the situation of the new corona pneumonia in Shufu County, Kashgar. When Chen Quanguo chaired the meeting, he gave six instructions: effectively strengthen the epidemic prevention and control chain, fully control local epidemics, strictly implement standardized prevention and control measures, expand compact labor responsibilities, focus on strengthening publicity and guidance, and coordinate the prevention and control of epidemics and the economic society. development of.

Action at school and airport

According to the news from the Municipal Party Committee of the Xinjiang Kashgar Propaganda Department, in order to ensure the safety of students, all primary and secondary school day students and kindergartens will be temporarily suspended until October 30, and classes will be They will resume on time after testing is complete.

During the comprehensive nucleic acid testing period, major supermarkets will operate normally and have sufficient supplies of living materials; During the trial period, it will temporarily affect the production and normal operation of business.

Also, according to the Beijing Evening News, outbound flights from Kashgar airport were canceled in a small area. The latest data from the Feichangzhun app on Sunday morning showed that there was a small area of ​​outbound flight delays at Kashgar Airport, with a real-time departure punctuality rate of 73%, that is, flights Normal departure departures (no delays, no cancellations) accounted for more than 70% of flights during this period. Yesterday at 3pm, flights in and out of Kashgar airport were canceled or returned on a large scale. According to Fly Changzhun statistics last night, the Kashgar airport yesterday canceled 33 inbound and outbound flights, and the cancellation accounted for about 45%. Among them, 20 incoming flights were canceled and 13 outgoing flights were canceled.

As of 9:00 am on Sunday, of the inbound flights at Kashgar airport, 3 inbound flights had been made and 3 were canceled. Of the outbound flights, 3 departed and the destination is Urumqi. 4 flights were canceled, of which 3 are for specific purposes. The land is also Urumqi.

According to CCTV reports, the National Health Commission sent a task force to Kashgar, Xinjiang on the 25th to guide the local epidemic prevention and control work.

In July this year, Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, had cases of infection in Xinjiang for several days, but it declined rapidly.

Has the winter exam come?

In a meeting prior to this, Academician Zhong Nanshan said that infection control is key to prevention and control work this winter and next spring, and it is important to wear masks and wash hands. The epidemic should continue to exist this winter or next spring, and local outbreaks are likely to occur. He believes that extensive nucleic acid testing and close surveillance appear to be effective. Because everyone knows that asymptomatic patients are also very powerful, we must.

Zhang Wenhong even said that this winter’s challenge is very severe! From a macro perspective, the final trend of the new corona pneumonia epidemic depends on whether the world can control the epidemic as a whole. “We have to wait for drugs that can effectively treat the new crown to reduce the death rate of critically ill patients, and there are effective vaccines to protect the relatively vulnerable population, which can also reduce the death rate,” said Zhang Wenhong. , to achieve these two points. , The door to the world can really be reopened.

However, the world is very pessimistic. According to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University, the US reported more than 83,700 new cases of Covid-19 on Friday, beating the record high of approximately 77,300 cases on July 16. CNBC’s analysis of Johns Hopkins data shows that as of last Friday, the number of coronavirus cases in the past 37 states has risen by 5% or more. The data uses weekly averages to eliminate fluctuations in daily reports.

Previously, the Harvard School of Public Health issued a Science. According to the description in the document, whether or not a vaccine can be developed, the new coronavirus can accompany humans until 2025.

Former director of the US Food and Drug Administration, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, said Friday night: “I think we will face great difficulties here, and I think the winter will be very difficult.”

White House coronavirus consultant Dr. Anthony Fauci told MSNBC’s Chuck Todd on Friday that the increase in cases in some states has led to more hospitalizations and ultimately more deaths.

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