They broke again! Who has the upper hand in the final debate between Biden and Trump? | Trump_Sina


Original title: Tore up again! Who has the upper hand in the final debate between Biden and Trump?

On Thursday local time, the president of the United States, Trump, and the Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden began their last presidential debate. On many issues, the two clashed. Trump and Biden accused each other of secretly raising money from foreign interests; Trump did his best to portray Biden’s image of corruption, and the former vice president responded.

Biden announced that he had never accepted foreign funds, but noted that Trump had never published his tax returns. He pointed to the president and asked, “What are you covering?”

In the first debate between the two parties, Trump repeatedly interrupted Biden’s speech, and Biden denounced Trump as a “clown” and asked Trump to “shut up”; At the beginning of this debate, the two All candidates abide by the rules of debate, which require them to respect each other’s speaking time.

☆ Foreign backgrounds

Biden’s attitude shows that he had expected Trump to try to further accuse Biden of corruption. Before the debate, Trump’s campaign team introduced reporters to a man named Tony Bobulinski, who claimed, without providing evidence, that he had discussed joint ventures in China with former Vice President Biden and his son. .

Biden raised this issue with Trump, accusing the president and his aides of contributing to fake Russian news in unfounded allegations about his son Hunter’s businesses.

Biden said that the current situation is that foreign countries are trying to interfere with our election results. He said that Trump’s friend Rudy Giuliani was considered a Russian pawn.

Trump’s response falsely claimed that Biden had taken the US $ 3.5 million from Russia. A September report from Senate Republicans claimed that Biden’s son Hunter received $ 3.5 million from the wife of the former Moscow mayor.

Biden said: “I never received a penny from any foreign source in my life.” He pointed to Trump and said, “You haven’t even released an annual tax return. What are you hiding?”

☆ tax declaration

Biden said: “Publish your tax returns or stop talking about corruption.”

“I called my accountant. During the audit,” Trump responded. “I will release them as soon as possible, I want to do it, it will show how successful and great this company is.”

Although Biden cited the New York Times report on Trump’s tax evasion, neither of them provided concrete evidence that the other party had accepted payments abroad.

☆ stock market

Biden laughed at Trump’s frequent observation of stock market highs, and the president viewed stock market highs as a barometer of his success.

“If he’s elected, the stock market will crash. The best-known analysts say so,” Trump said.

Biden responded, “The stock market boom is their only measure of the current situation. In my cities of Scranton and Claremont, people don’t live in the stock market.”

☆ oil industry

Trump asked Biden if he would shut down the industry, and Biden responded, “I will transition the oil industry, yes.” The oil industry is seriously polluted. Over time, it must be replaced by renewable energy. “

Trump is skeptical. Trump said, “Basically his intention was to destroy the oil industry. Do you remember Texas? Do you remember Pennsylvania, Oklahoma and Ohio?”

Subsequently, the Trump campaign repeatedly emphasized this dialogue in a press release.

☆ Response to a pandemic

At the beginning of the latest debate, Biden clearly stated that Trump is responsible for the deaths of more than 220,000 Americans from the new corona epidemic. He said that President Trump is not worthy of re-election.

Biden said that one person responsible for so many deaths should not continue to serve as president of the United States. “We are about to enter a dark winter. A dark winter. He has no clear plan.”

Biden said he would encourage all Americans to wear masks, which is in contrast to Trump. Trump rarely wears a mask before or after contracting the new corona virus.

Trump defended his response to the epidemic at the inauguration. He stated that the increase in the number of cases in states like Florida and Texas has decreased, his government has instructed the production of adequate medical supplies and the United States is turning the situation.

Trump said, “He used to be hospitalized. He used to. But now I’m better.” He said, “More and more people are getting better and better. This is a problem facing the whole world. Leaders from many countries All congratulate me on America’s achievements.”

Trump also accused Biden of supporting more economic lockdowns, which would lead to the collapse of the US economy. “We cannot close our country, otherwise we will lose our country,” he said.

☆ Race and immigration

After the presenter raised a question about the position of the “The Fate of Black People” movement, Biden again accused Trump of being a racist.

Trump criticized the move, but said, “I am the least racist person in this room.” “I have completed criminal justice reform, prison reform and opportunity zones. I have dealt with black colleges and universities. I don’t know what else to say.”

When asked about the Trump administration’s previous policy of separating immigrant children from their families at the Mexican border, Biden noted that there are currently more than 500 children who have not found their parents. He said: “This makes us a laughingstock and violates all our concepts as a country.” Biden called the Trump administration’s policies “criminal.”

In response, Trump said in response to the separated children: “They are well cared for and the facilities they live in are very clean.”

☆ How do industry experts view the outcome of the final debate?

At the end of the final debate, S&P 500 Index futures fell slightly by 0.14%, basically the same level as before the debate began.

In that sense, VASU Menon, investment strategy analyst at OCBC Financial Management, believes that this debate is a bit more civilized, but Trump did not manage to recover the points lost in the first debate. Biden’s defense in this debate is better than Trump’s, which should help solidify his lead over Trump and perhaps help him win the election. Biden is most compelling in the debate over the new crown epidemic and stalled fiscal stimulus. These are the most important issues for the American people. This should be beneficial to your choice.

Yafumi Yamamoto, chief currency strategist at Mizuho Securities, said Trump’s behavior was more civilized than in the previous debate, which is good for him; however, Biden has been able to show leadership. I don’t think this debate will change Trump’s chances of victory. We can see in the futures and the market reaction. The expansion of Biden’s leadership will lead to safe-haven deals, but we’re not sure about Republican and Democratic voter turnout. Perhaps the participation rate of Democratic voters will be higher, but this debate will not have a major impact, because many people have already voted.

GARY NG, an Asia-Pacific economist at Natixis Hong Kong branch, noted that market reaction during Asian business hours was fairly flat, but sentiment turned slightly conservative.Dollar indexStrengthening can see this. Although the two candidates did not raise any new points in the debate, global investors can be prepared for any possible risks. But the short-term impact in Asia should be limited, because investors are psychologically prepared for the uncertainty of the US elections. What may change this point of view may be the unexpected October surprise or the controversy over the general election results that need to be clarified, especially if the situation is stuck in the mud for a long time.

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