Fixed investment in the first three quarters of the year turned positive for the first time, with a year-on-year increase of 0.8% _Sina Technology


Original title: Fixed investment in the first three quarters of the year increased by 0.8% year-on-year

Every time the reporter Zhou Chengcheng Every time the editor Chen Xing

On October 19, the Information Office of the State Council held a press conference on the functioning of the national economy in the first three quarters of 2020. According to the data, preliminary calculations show that gross domestic product in the first three quarters quarters was 7.22786 billion yuan, up 0.7% year-on-year at comparable prices. In quarterly terms, the first quarter fell 6.8% year-on-year, the second quarter increased 3.2% and the third quarter increased 4.9%. From a month-on-month perspective, third-quarter GDP increased 2.7%.

“Because the entire economy has continued to recover steadily in the first three quarters, especially the 4.9% growth in the third quarter, everyone is more concerned about whether the trend will continue into the next stage,” Liu Aihua said , spokesperson for the National Statistics Office and Director of the Department of Comprehensive Economic Statistics. From the perspective of demand, production or the confidence and vitality of the entire market, we believe that there is rationale, conditions and confidence to maintain the current situation in the fourth quarter of this year and throughout the year.

The “Daily Business News” reporter pointed out at the press conference that investment in fixed assets in the first three quarters increased by 0.8% year-on-year, and for the first time this year it went from negative to positive.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the total planned investment in projects just started in the first three quarters increased by 14.6% year-on-year.The image shows the construction site of the storage tank of the Caofeidian LNG project in Tangshan, province of Hebei, Xinhua News AgencyAccording to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the total planned investment in new projects in the first three quarters increased by 14.6% year-on-year.Picture shows the construction site of the Caofeidian LNG project storage tank in Tangshan, Hebei, Agency from Xinhua News

Investment continues to rebound

At the press conference, Liu Aihua said that first, looking at demand, the first three quarters of this year have gradually recovered. From an investment perspective, investment in fixed assets in the first three quarters of this year increased 0.8% year-on-year and, for the first time this year, went from negative to positive. From the perspective of leading indicators, the total planned investment in start-up projects in the first three quarters increased by 14.6% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 1.1 percentage points faster than that of the first half of the year. Real resources available for investment in fixed assets increased 4.8% this year, the same as in the first half of the year. The investment will continue the current trend of going from negative to positive and rally further.

From a consumption perspective, the quarterly growth rate of total retail sales of consumer goods turned positive for the first time this year. Liu Aihua noted that, in terms of growth, 14 of the 18 commodity categories currently counted have turned positive and 6 categories have achieved double-digit growth.

From the perspective of the service side, during the XI and the Golden Week in mid-autumn that just passed, as monitored by the relevant departments, the average daily sales of the key monitoring companies in the retail and catering sector in nationwide rose 4.9% compared to the XI Golden Week last year.

“Everyone can feel the fireworks in scenic locations and cinemas during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day. By a comparable estimate, the number of tourists has rebounded to around 80% from last year, and revenue has rebounded. to around 70%. The recovery is very good, “said Liu Aihua. .

Continuous improvement of the industrial cycle

Second, the industrial cycle continues to improve. Liu Aihua said that this year, we have intensified efforts to open up the industrial chain supply chain to ensure the production of key industries and products. In general, the internal circulation of the industry is gradually improving.

He pointed out that, first of all, the capacity utilization rate is increasing quarter by quarter. In the third quarter, the national industrial capacity utilization rate was 76.7%, 2.3% more than in the second quarter. Among them, the automobile manufacturing industry recovered by 3 percentage points, the general equipment manufacturing industry recovered by 1.7 percentage points, and the electronic equipment and computer communications manufacturing industries recovered by 0, 5 percentage points.

At the same time, the recovery of downstream industries lags behind that of upstream industries, which has also improved in recent months. Data shows that in September, the value added of the consumer goods manufacturing industry above the designated size changed from a 0.8% year-on-year decline to a 3.2% year-on-year increase, increasing for the first time after months of decline. Most of the service industry industries have achieved positive growth. In September, six of the eight industries that make up the service industry production index achieved positive growth in their production indexes. Among them, the information transmission software and information technology services industries have experienced double-digit growth. the above.

Greater confidence in market players

Third, the confidence of market players has gradually increased. Liu Aihua said that in the first three quarters of this year, through the full implementation of the business aid policy and the continuous deepening of the “delegation, regulation and service” reform, the sense of business profit has been significantly improved. Tax and fee reductions have achieved positive results. From January to August, 1.88 trillion yuan in tax and fee cuts were added, effectively reducing the burden on market entities. In August, the cost per hundred yuan of operating income of industrial enterprises above the designated size decreased by 0.47 yuan year-on-year.

Furthermore, corporate profits have continued to grow. In August, earnings for industrial companies above the designated size rose 19.1% year-on-year, a positive increase for four consecutive months. In August, the profits of service companies above the designated size increased 15.5% year-on-year, also representing double-digit growth. Among them, corporate profits in high-tech service industries increased 34.7%. From a business expectations perspective, the manufacturing purchasing managers index in September was 51.5% and non-manufacturing business activity was 55.9%, an increase of 0.5 and 0.7 percentage points, respectively. , with respect to the previous month. Above the inflection point.

Liu Aihua emphasized that these three aspects are very beneficial for the next stage to further exert the resistance of the super large market and stimulate the demand potential of the super large market. “Overall, we are full of confidence in the economic development throughout the year.”

The leading role of the new kinetic energy is highlighted

It is worth mentioning that Liu Aihua also emphasized the leading role of the new kinetic energy when talking about the characteristics of economic functioning at the press conference.

He said that due to the impact of the epidemic, the driving force of industrial transformation and development has accelerated significantly. The new momentum that the Internet economy represents has grown against the trend and has played a very active role in helping to prevent and control epidemics, protect the lives of residents and promote economic growth.

Statistics show that in the first three quarters, the value added of the high-tech manufacturing industry above the designated size increased by 5.9%, and the value added of the equipment manufacturing industry increased by 4, 7%, both at a faster rate than the first semester. Investment in high-tech industries increased 9.1%, an acceleration of 2.8 percentage points. New formats and models for online shopping and live product delivery continue to be hot, and emerging demands such as online office, remote consultation, and online education are very strong. Online retail sales of physical goods in the first three quarters increased by 15.3% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 1 percentage point higher than in the first half of the year, representing 24.3% of total retail sales of consumer goods. 5G construction, rail transit and other new infrastructure and new consumption are also increasing. In September, the production of urban rail vehicles increased by more than 50% year-on-year, the production of smart watches increased by more than 70% and the production of new energy vehicles increased by more than 50%. Generally speaking, the driving effect of the new economy on the overall economy is very significant.

Liu Aihua noted that overall, the overall economy showed a sustained and stable recovery in the first three quarters of this year. However, while we fully observe the trend of improvement, we must also see that the current situation of the epidemic abroad is still relatively serious and the international environment is not. Stability and uncertainty continue to exist objectively, effective domestic demand remains insufficient, the recovery of regions, industries and companies remains uneven, and the foundations for continuous economic improvement need to be further consolidated. Therefore, in the next step, we must follow the requirements of promoting high-quality economic development and building a new development pattern, do a solid work of “six stability”, fully implement the “six guarantees” task, build a foundation for protecting people’s livelihoods and helping businesses alleviate hardships. Strive to complete the goals and assignments for the year.
