First batch of 40 authorized items list launched in Shenzhen pilot demonstration zone | Reform pilot | Shenzhen_Sina


Original Title: List of Top 40 Licensed Item Batches in Shenzhen Pilot Demonstration Zone Released

The “Economic Information Daily” journalist learned from the National Development and Reform Commission on October 18 that the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council have recently published the “Pilot Plan of the implementation of the comprehensive reform of construction of a pilot zone of socialism with Chinese characteristics in Shenzhen (2020-2025) “At the same time, the” List of the first batch of articles authorized for the pilot comprehensive reform of the of a pilot zone of demonstration of socialism with Chinese characteristics in Shenzhen “.

The 40 authorization items include six aspects, including 14 factors in the configuration of the factor market, 7 in the business environment, 6 in the technological innovation system, 7 in the openness, 3 in the public services system, ecology and governance. of urban space In three articles, each article clarifies the main content of the reform items.

For example, among them, support for the first trial in the construction of the capital market, step-by-step liberalization of the communications industry, deepen the comprehensive reform of state-owned assets and companies, carry out pilot reforms of the bankruptcy system and explore and improve the large-scale science plan management mechanism. in.

“The implementation plan and authorization list are an organic and unified whole. The implementation plan focuses on clarifying key areas, reform directions and construction mechanisms. The authorization list focuses on a specific implementation. The two repeat before and after and they support each other. ” Ning, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission Jizhe stated in a press conference held by the Information Office of the State Council on the 18th that, within the general framework of the implementation plan, the authorization list will present measures of Specific reform in batches in accordance with the reform agreements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and the reality of the reform and development of Shenzhen.

Ning Jizhe pointed out that the authorization list is a major innovation in reform methods. Comprehensive clearance is different from the “one issue, discussion, tiered approval, and detailed review” clearance method that is typically implemented in past pilot reform projects. It is based on the high-level design and strategic deployment of the core reform to promote key areas and batch approvals. Reform of key links. The authorization list is an important carrier of batch authorization and an important manifestation of innovation in reform methods. “Items on the list are subject to records management. Except for items that clearly need to be submitted for approval, other items will no longer be submitted for approval. This method itself is a major reform.”

He said the list of authorizations reflects the responsibility for reform. There are 40 authorization items in the first batch of authorization lists, each of which is very rich in content. According to statistics, it is necessary to break more than 20 existing laws, regulations and policies, which include almost a hundred specific laws, regulations and policy provisions. They are highly innovative and revolutionary, reflecting the strength and depth of the centrally authorized reforms. This will pay huge reform dividends to promote high-quality development.

Authorization items were reportedly rolled out in batches for ongoing deployment. Under the general framework of the five-year reform pilot, in accordance with the decisions and deployments of the Central Party Committee and the State Council, combined with the reality of Shenzhen reform and development, the National Development Commission and Reforma will work with relevant parties to study and formulate a list of authorizations on an ongoing basis, and then proceed with implementation after submission for approval. Ripe lots, batch release, progressive succession, stubborn progress, and rapid and steady progress of comprehensive reform pilot projects.

Ning Jizhe said the plan has made it clear that Shenzhen should take primary responsibility for the pilot. As the main unit at the central department level, the National Development and Reform Commission will work with other departments, Guangdong Province and Shenzhen to jointly promote the implementation of comprehensive reform pilot work.

He said inventory management will be implemented. Establish a workbook, break down work tasks, formulate key annual work arrangements, and compact responsibilities for each reform. Propose schedules and roadmaps, do a good job of tracking and scheduling, and report progress regularly. “In principle, the first batch of authorized items should be implemented by 2022. For example, the formulation of a list of special measures for Shenzhen to relax market access will be included in this year’s work as a pioneer and will strive to achieve substantial progress as soon as possible. “

Also, optimize the deployment path. For measures that are smoothly implemented and have obvious effects, it is necessary to accelerate progress and achieve early harvests as soon as possible. If the expected results are achieved, summarize and refine them in time to accelerate the formation of a batch of reproducible and popularized institutional results. It is necessary to establish a solid system to identify and prevent reform risks, implement an inclusive and prudent reform risk classification and a hierarchical management and control mechanism, and take the corresponding adjustment measures according to the degree of risk.
