How can Guangzhou achieve “double first” in building security and the rule of law? _ 东方


Original title: Why did Guangzhou achieve “Double First” in building security and the rule of law?

A few days ago, the Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government Information Office held “Promoting the construction of a rule of law and security in Guangzhou, and improving the happy and safe temperature of Guangzhou.”Press conferenceIn the press conference it was mentioned that the 2019 annual security construction (comprehensive governance) was announced in August this In the evaluation results, Guangzhou ranked first in the province in terms of scores and won the award for excellent evaluation. This is the first time that a sub-provincial city has won this honor since the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government launched this assessment in 2013. Also, in September this year, in the 2019 assessment of the construction of the state of Law in Guangdong, Guangzhou continued to rank first in the province, marking that Guangzhou has taken the lead in building the rule of law in the province.

Two major honors, safety construction and rule of law construction, go to GuangzhoulongThe best affirmation of Ping An’s construction work is also the best encouragement for Guangzhou to continue its efforts in the future. What is Guangzhou’s secret delivering its brilliant transcripts?

Guangzhou has faith in promoting the construction of security and the rule of law.ServiceThe general situation is the long-term persistence of Guangzhou City in advancing the construction of security and the rule of law.downtownWork as the starting and ending point of work planning and promotion.Since this year, Guangzhou City has focused onjob, PaulmarketThe topics and other tasks of “six stability” and “six guarantees” include mediation of persons, civil litigation, administrative reconsideration,Legal assistanceAnd other means to actively solve theworkDisputes, shopsleaseOther conflicts and disputes, and promote in an orderly manner the restoration of legal relations after the epidemic. With the guidance of conviction, Guangzhou will be able to keep progress in all construction work.

Guangzhou has a way of promoting the construction of a safe and legal government. Innovation and optimization of methods and methods have promoted the development of various tasks in Guangzhou more efficiently and smoothly.For example, in the safety construction work, Guangzhou provides community network healthadministrationService, which includes all kinds of key personnel involved in the epidemic who have returned to the community to the 195,000 basic networks of the city to implement precise management services, and implement measures such as “three uniforms” to formClosed loop management, Effectively carried out the prevention and control of the epidemicobjectivesRegarding the construction of the rule of law, the Political and Legal Committee of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee promoted the comprehensive deepening of reforms andresponsibilityComprehensive system support reforms and continued strengthening of law enforcement, judicial review and oversightmechanismThe construction also laid a solid foundation for the development of judicial work in Guangzhou.

Promote the construction of security and the rule of law, there are people in Guangzhou. The mass line is the magic weapon for victory in all work. To do a good job in any job, we must adhere to the value goal of “all to the masses” and follow the basic principle of “everyone trusts the masses.” In order to protect the safety of Guangzhou, Guangzhou has still promoted plus prevention and governance of the “Guangzhou Neighborhood” group, combining professional, semi-professional and industrialsocietyThe power is integrated with the general voluntary power. During the epidemic prevention and control period, Guangzhou pioneered the “three-person team” working model and established 3,209 community “three-person teams” made up of village cadres, grassroots medical personnel and police from base across the city to carry out key personnel involved in the epidemic. Land inspection work and classified management and control to ensure that there are no errors or omissions.

Obtaining this award by Guangzhou fully proves that when faced with the security and rule of law exam questions, Guangzhou’s proposal to “have faith in mind, have methods in hand and care for the masses” is exactly the correct answer. As for Guangzhou, the continuous improvement of “if you want to reach the next level” is a superior pursuit.

Today, it is necessary to continue to promote the construction of security and the rule of law on the basis of existing achievements, and to raise the temperature of urban happiness and security. Guangzhou still needs to continue to rely on epidemic prevention and control, central work, municipal governance,Business environment, Judicial reform and other important axes, we will keep our feet on the ground, dive into hard work, and continue to push for comprehensive urban functions with greater confidence, more active actions and deeper concerns, to continually promote the construction of security and state of law. Make new advances.

(Source: Guangzhou Daily)

(Responsible editor: DF524)

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