What sectors have the opportunity to open soon? Institutions say so | To share_Sina Finance_Sina.com


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Original title: What sectors have the opportunity to open soon? The agency said

Source: Shanghai Securities News

The 8-day vacation has passed and the A-share market is about to open. Many industry experts believe that during the holidays,marketGenerally shocked and bounced, the A-share market is expected to usher in a “good start” after the holidays, and there are pro-cyclical sectors with low valuations.investmentopportunity. Also, medicine,consumptionThe short-term valuation of individual stocks in sectors such as technology and other sectors is too high,backgroundA difficult problem managers face, but most fund managers believe that the medium and long-term investment value of the aforementioned pathway is still there.

  Before the holidaysLighten upCoverage

  Before the holidays, public and private equity funds were significantly reduced.Guojin ValuesAccording to the data, as of September 27,Stock fundPartial StockHybrid backgroundPosition91.15% and 72.56% respectively, compared to the previous weekChain relationshipThey were reduced by 0.19 percentage points and 0.35 percentage points, respectively.

Image data as of September 27Image data as of September 27

Private capital at the ten billion level has continued to decline slightly. Private equity ranking data shows that, as of September 21, tens of billions of private equity positions have fallen for five consecutive weeks and have fallen below 80% for two consecutive weeks.

“The best word currently used to describe the market is ‘uncertain’.” Kaifeng Investment said that October is the most stagnant month for the US general election. The uncertainty continues to mount. Follow-up as the U.S. and vaccine landing time approaches. Once the elections are resolved, the market will gradually recover and the direction will be clearer.

A private equity fund manager in Shanghai also stated bluntly that uncertainties ahead of the US elections have increased and that the impact on market sentiment may be more frequent. Therefore, they recently chose to control positions,Avoid riskAt present, many stocks have not fallen to the bestAdd warehouseInterval, still have to wait patiently.

However, Banyan Tree’s Investment Research DepartmentSupervisorLi Shixian believes that the market has fallen to some extent before the holidays, and the short-term decline in most individual stocks has fully reflected pessimistic expectations, which is equivalent to having released some risk. It is not a smart move to reduce positions at this time.

  Relatively optimistic about the market after the holidays

Although both public and private placements are more cautious before the National Day holiday, the external market generally recovers during the holidays. Institutions are also relatively optimistic about the post-holiday A-share market prediction.

In response to questions such as the trend of A-shares after the holidays and investment opportunities in the market outlook, the private equity ranking network launched a survey of 100 private equity. According to the results of 53 private equity responses received, 66.04% of private equity believes that there is a high probability that A shares Maintaining a broad downward trend, popular stocks such as technology, medicine and consumerism continue being favored by 60.38% of private capital.

Zhikai’s chief investment strategist Liu Wei (Golden Unicorn analyst) said the fourth quarter of this year is expected to break the current weak equilibrium. In the next 3-6 months, the probability that the index will bottom out is increasing. After the holidays, we will continue to seek structural investment opportunities along the resumption of the work chain, mainly considering the design of industries and sectors, including photovoltaics,AppleindustryChain and a few weeks of low valuationFutures

Zeng Yu, director of investment research at Yihu Investment, said that the trend from domestic asset allocation to stock transfer has not changed, and the stable and positive domestic trend also continues. He’s more optimistic about the market’s performance after the holidays.

  Investment design both offensive and defensive

  Standing at the present time, how to invest in the fourth quarter?

  The answer given by many fund managers is that undervalued sectors can be set up in the fourth quarter, but long-term attention still needs to be paid to the top three tracks of technology, medicine and consumer.

Zeng Yu believes that low procyclical expectations, low valuations, clear industry trends, and a better competitive landscapecompanyIt would be a more suitable option, and high expected and high growth sectors and individual stocks should continue to be vigilant about the risk of accelerating the tail.

  Schroder investmentManagement (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.the companyZhou Yun, a multi-asset fund manager, candidly said that A shares are currently static.P / E ratioIt is already at a high level, but considering that corporate profitability will goto get better, To shareDynamic P / E ratioStill neutral Compared to some sectors that benefit from liquidity, the undervalued sector is expected to perform better in the fourth quarter. “Therefore, my allocation of A shares will be relatively balanced and will not be too concentrated in the most popular sectors.”

Invest in Wukongvice presidentAccording to Jiang Jingwen, non-financial listed companies in general in the third and fourth quartersPerformanceThere is a high probability that a trend reset will be achieved, but long-term growth space and the sustainability of the performance growth of publicly traded companies should be the key factors in the current assessment of stock selection. individual. Therefore, when choosing low-value industries such as procyclicals, you should not only pay attention to the performance restoration should be refined to the specific subdivision of the track and the business level of the company for consideration. The new energy sector in the fourth quarter is worthy of an active design in the dips.

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Sina Statement: Sina.com publishes this article for the purpose of conveying more information, and does not mean that I agree with their views or confirm their description. The content of the article is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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Editor in charge: Tian Yuan
