Are you getting conservative? Follow Booker: The Definitive Prediction of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature under the


  1. Are you getting conservative? Follow Booker: The Definitive 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature Prediction Under the Epidemic
  2. The Nobel Prize will be announced today: the prize money has increased to 7.6 million RMB.
  3. The Nobel Prize kicks off: the epidemic broke tradition for the first time in more than 60 years and died a hundred years ago-cnBeta News
  4. Will the Nobel Prize successively announce that this year’s Peace Prize will become the “New Crown Peace Prize”?
  5. The Nobel Prize has been blond for 119 years and has not been paid. This year the prize money has been increased to SEK 10 million.
  6. See the full report on Google News