Pursue the convenience of services to enhance the profit sense of the masses.


Original title: Seeking the convenience of service to enhance the sense of profit of the masses

[Informe de la conferencia de prensa de la Oficina de Información del Consejo de Estado]

On September 30, the Information Office of the State Council held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council, Di Jing, Director of the Office of Government Function Transformation of the General Office of the State Council, Director of the Coordination Office of the State Council Reform and Review Office, Li Jingsheng, Director of the Public Security Administration Office of the Ministry of Public Security and Information Center of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security Director Zhai Yanli, Director of the Fund Supervision Department of the National Medical Security Administration Huang Huabo, presented the “Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Promotion of” Interprovincial Administration “of Government Services” (hereinafter, the “Opinions”) issued recently by the General Office of the State Council, and Asked a reporter.

“At present, there are more than 200 million floating inhabitants in our country, people who work and live in different places, and the interregional commercial activities of companies are more and more frequent. Promote high-frequency government service elements’ administration interprovincial ‘is to deepen the reform of decentralization, management and service, and optimize the business environment This important measure favors the free flow of various factors of production and the establishment of a unified national market. It is a reform measure of “small cuts and big results, “introduced Di Jing.

Government public safety services will expand diversified online and offline convenient service channels

According to Li Jingsheng, in recent years, the Ministry of Public Security has continually optimized service processes, improved working mechanisms, and accelerated the “transprovincial administration” of government public security services in response to business needs. and the masses of high-frequency government services, such as traffic management, home registration, and entry and exit. At present, the Ministry of Public Security has introduced reform measures such as the renewal of resident cards and the acceptance of reissues in other places, the “national inspection” of driver’s licenses, the “national inspection” of motor vehicles and the “national inspection” of entry and exit documents for residents of the interior. Issues relating to the “interprovincial administration” of high frequency government services.

Li Jingsheng said that in the next step, the Ministry of Public Security will further integrate and optimize the business processes and rules of government services of “interprovincial administration”, upgrade and improve the business processing system, expand the convenient service channels. and diversified online and offline, and will promote the realization of government public security services. It’s simple and quick to do, online and nearby.

The journalist learned that before the end of 2021, the Ministry of Public Security will introduce the relevant reform measures to continue implementing 7 elements of “interprovincial” high-frequency government services, two of which are the issuance of certificates. It is not necessary for public security organs to issue certificates and certificates of home registration at the place of home registration; 5 items are home registry relocation, and the masses are handling job transfer, home registry relocation, admissions to college and technical schools, students home registry relocation, graduates home registry relocation college and technical high school, and couples relocating the home registry, When parents request the relocation of the home registry of their children, the applicant only needs to submit the application at the relocation place, and the public security organs of the relocation site and relocation site handle the relocation of the home record together, and there is no need to go through the relevant procedures at the relocation site. After 2021, the Ministry of Public Security, on the basis of the pilot exploration, will gradually carry out two high-frequency matters of government services of “transprovincial administration”, including the entry of newborns in different places and the first application for cards of identification of residents in different places.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will continue to provide services such as online transfer of unemployment insurance relationships

Zhai Yanli introduced that the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has accelerated the promotion of various off-site employment and social security services in recent years. In September 2019, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security opened a national platform of public social security services on the Internet. The public can inquire about their annual social security rights and interests in each insured location; After migrant employment, they can apply online for cross-border pension insurance for company employees. Provincial transfer; retirees living in different places can complete qualification certification for social security benefits by sliding their faces; electronic social security cards have been applied nationwide.

After the outbreak of the epidemic in 2020, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has also introduced unified national services, such as the unemployment registration and the application for unemployment insurance benefits, so that the unemployed can obtain employment services and receive unemployment benefits in a timely manner no matter where they are. In addition, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security provides consultation and verification services for certificates such as employment and entrepreneurship certificates and diplomas from technical colleges to facilitate the verification and verification of employment in different places.

Zhai Yanli said that in the next step, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will continue to provide services such as online transfer of unemployment insurance relationships, online application and replacement of social security cards. Through the comparison of big data with the relevant departments, expand the “invisible certification” of social security benefits and reduce massive operations. In addition, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will continue to improve the regional cooperation mechanism and gradually provide services such as certification of relocation benefits, relocation application, relocation medical settlement and other services for insured workers with related injuries. with work; open a “joint multi-location office” for file transfer of mobile staff personnel; The current annual social security query will be further updated to the monthly social security payment record query.

Coverage of designated medical institutions and the scope of outpatient settlement will constantly expand

Huang Huabo said that the National Health Insurance Administration has always attached great importance to interprovincial management of health insurance services. In 2016, the direct settlement of hospitalization expenses for medical treatment began in different parts of the provinces and progress was made decisively. At present, the direct settlement of interprovincial hospitalization and medical treatment expenses has been carried out in all coordination areas of the country. The number of designated medical institutions in the network has increased, the functions of the interprovincial and remote medical settlement system have been continually improved, and the number of settlements and settlement funds has steadily increased.

Huang Huabo introduced that in order to further expand the coverage of direct settlement for medical treatment in different places in the provinces, the National Medical Insurance Bureau actively promotes the pilot work of direct settlement of outpatient expenses in the provinces on the basis of of the direct settlement of hospitalization expenses in different parts of the provinces. It is currently in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. , The Yangtze River Delta and the three regions of the five southwestern provinces carried out pilot projects and obtained initial results.

On September 28, the National Health Insurance Administration and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued the “Notice on the Promotion of the Pilot Work of Direct Outpatient Expenses Settlement in the Provinces” to constantly expand the pilot area and expand the coverage of the designated medical institutions and the scope of the outpatient settlement. To make it even easier for the insured masses to search for medical records in different locations, the National Medical Insurance Office has developed and launched the national remote medical records archiving mini-programs and launched unified archiving services on the national platform. At present, mini-programs have been launched in 120 coordinating regions in 19 provinces, and it is becoming increasingly convenient for policyholders to search for medical records in different locations.

(Beijing, September 30, by our reporter Peng Jinghui)
