Promote the construction of a new type of people-centered urbanization


Promoting the construction of a new type of people-centered urbanization can unleash an enormous potential for domestic demand, which is of great importance for the work of the “six stability”, the implementation of the task of the “six guarantees” and the stability of economic fundamentals. In the context of building a new development pattern, what is the importance of promoting a new urbanization? How to further promote the new urbanization? Can the goal of creating more than 9 million new jobs in urban areas be achieved this year? The journalist interviewed Cai Fang, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

  The new urbanization favors the expansion of domestic demand, promotes the formation of a strong domestic market and provides a solid guarantee to build a new development pattern.

Journalist: In the context of the construction of a new development pattern, what is the importance of promoting a new urbanization?

Cai Fang: At the present and in the future, China’s development is still in a period of significant strategic opportunities, but there are new developments and changes in opportunities and challenges. For this reason, Secretary General Xi Jinping emphasized: “Accelerating the formation of a new development pattern with the domestic cycle as the main body and the national and international dual cycles mutually promoting each other is a strategic decision made according to the stage. development of China, the environment and changes in conditions, and refers to the overall situation. Systemic deep-level changes. “

From the perspective of the international situation, the world today is undergoing major changes that have not been seen in a century. The global pandemic of the new corona pneumonia epidemic has accelerated the evolution of this great change. The global economy is sluggish, the global industrial chain and supply chain are suffering shocks, and the external environment facing China’s development is more complicated. .

From the perspective of national development, China has entered a high-quality development stage, with many advantages and conditions. China has the world’s largest and most comprehensive industrial system, strong production capacity, and comprehensive support capabilities. Has more than 100 million market players and more than 170 million people with higher education or various professional skills, including more than 400 million A large-scale domestic demand market of 1.4 billion people, including middle-income groups . The basic characteristics of China’s economic potential, its strong resilience, its great room for maneuver, and many political tools have not changed. Of course, we also face some challenges and we must be prepared to face them.

The new pattern of development with the great national cycle as the main body and the mutual promotion of the national and international double cycles is a whole and cannot be separated. With the great domestic cycle as the main body, it is by no means a closed door to operate. The national and international double cycle is not just a simple opening to the outside world, but a higher level of openness. The new development pattern conforms to the inherent requirements for high-quality development of the Chinese economy and also meets international expectations.

In the context of building a new development pattern, promoting a new type of urbanization will not only help improve factor allocation efficiency, stimulate a new development momentum, promote the formation of a strong domestic market through expansion of domestic demand, but will also promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas and promote coordinated regional development. .

The experience of various countries in the world shows that urbanization is the result of economic and social development and the only path to modernization. When comparing the relationship between the urbanization rate and the per capita gross national income at the international level, we can clearly see that the urbanization rate is closely related to the level of economic development and is mutually cause and effect. At present, the urbanization rate of China’s permanent population has exceeded 60%, and cities and towns have become the main platforms for transporting population and economy. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has initiated a new kind of urbanization practice and achieved fruitful results. In the future, we must actively promote the sustainable and healthy development of new-type urbanization with Chinese characteristics, continuously improve the level of urban-rural integration, and continue to improve people’s sense of profit, happiness and security, in order to build a mutual promotion of national and international dual cycle. The new development pattern provides a strong and powerful guarantee.

  Deepen reforms in key areas, promote county urbanization to make up for gaps, strengths, and weaknesses

Journalist: What do you think is the key to promoting a new urbanization?

Cai Fang: Secretary-General Xi Jinping introduced the concepts of “taking urbanization of the people as the core” and “adhering to the city of the people for the people,” which embodies the idea of ​​people-centered development. New-type urbanization with people at the center is a new urbanization strategy proposed by the Party Central Committee since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is not only high-level theoretical height, but also more suitable for China’s actual national conditions.

To promote the construction of a new type of people-centered urbanization, it is necessary to understand the laws of urbanization and the relationship between urbanization and other areas of economic and social development at a deeper level. The key is whether people are the center. Only people-centered urbanization that conforms to the law of development can improve development sharing and sustainability.

To drive the construction of a new type of people-centered urbanization, we must deepen reforms in key areas such as the household registration system to promote the urbanization of migrant workers with the equalization of basic public services as a core content. On the one hand, it is necessary to promote the equalization of basic public services in urban and rural areas, continue to pour new public resources into the countryside, improve the level of enjoyment of basic public services by rural residents and allow rural residents to migrant workers and their families truly integrate into the city and enjoy the same social security. Basic public services like compulsory education and affordable housing. On the other hand, it is necessary to focus on increasing the urbanization rate of the registered population and establishing the citizenship of migrant workers through the reform of the household registration system, which is the most effective means and maximum manifestation of promoting equalization of basic public services.

Journalist: What role should the county play in advancing the construction of a new development?

Cai Fang: This year’s “Government Work Report” proposes to strengthen the construction of a new type of urbanization and vigorously improve the county’s public facilities and service capabilities to meet the growing demand of farmers to find employment and settle in the county. As an important space for China’s industrialization and urbanization, an important link in the urban system, and a key link for the development of urban-rural integration, county cities play a very important role in China’s economic and social development.

It is of great importance to promote new type urbanization of county towns. We must accelerate the promotion of county cities to make up for shortcomings, strengths and weaknesses. Judging from the current situation, the central urban areas of more than 10 super-large cities in China are overcrowded and overloaded with functions. Small towns (about 90% of them are county-level cities) and counties are generally lagging behind, and their overall carrying capacity and governance capacity are weak. Accelerating the urbanization of county cities will not only help to undertake the deconstruction of the secondary functions of the central city, will strengthen the connection with neighboring cities at the prefectural level and urban areas, but will also help to optimize the spatial pattern of urbanization , will promote the implementation of the strategy of expansion of domestic demand and improve people’s sense of profit. It can be said that it benefits both the present and the long term.

  Make sure residents are confident enough to work and can meet the annual employment goal.

Journalist: Employment is an important aspect in the new urbanization process. Do you think the goal of creating more than 9 million new jobs in urban areas this year can be reached?

Cai Fang: I think this goal can be achieved. Statistics show that from January to August this year, 7.81 million new jobs have been created in cities and towns across the country, and the goal of more than 1 million people should be completed in the remaining months.

Our country’s confidence in the employment of residents is mainly based on three factors: First, the economic growth rate is gradually recovering and is expected to return to the potential growth rate level soon. Various factors of production, including labor, will eventually improve. Make the most of it; second, the service industry, new growth entrants, emerging business models and new forms of employment are also accelerating the recovery, helping to absorb a large number of jobs; Third, the government has incorporated the employment priority policy at the macroeconomic policy level and the effect of public employment services has improved significantly.

It should be noted that the indicator “new urban employment” is a flow concept, which refers to jobs or opportunities created continuously, not to a net increase. This indicator can reflect the economic vitality of our country, and this vitality is very important. In the future, we will continue to comprehensively strengthen measures to guarantee employment for residents. First, we must restore and maintain the growth rate of new businesses, further improve the business environment, and create better conditions for multiple ownership, multiple business formats, multiple business models, and diversified forms of employment. . Second, implement policies comprehensively for different key groups, expand the scope of public employment services, improve the efficiency of the implementation of government assistance measures to stabilize employment and support people’s livelihoods. through social policies to restore and expand consumer demand. Third, intensify the cultivation of human capital, expand the enrollment scale of high schools, vocational schools and universities, provide skills training, and create training-type public welfare positions.
