Was Biden’s first television debate with Trump the highlight? _Sina News


Original title: In the first television debate with Trump, was Biden’s performance the biggest attraction?

Without shaking hands, without touching elbows or wearing masks, two “contestants” stood on either side of the stage, and there were only a few dozen spectators. This will be the scene of the first debate of the 2020 United States presidential elections, which will take place in Cleveland, Ohio, on the 29th.

Prior to this, the President of the United States, Trump, and the Democratic candidate Biden had never met face to face. Some commentators said the first party gave the two a chance to maintain “unconditional” support, but if they weren’t careful, they would also get into the trap of scaring “undecided” voters. There is also the view that the first debate will set the direction for the remaining five weeks of the campaign. The main objective of the two is not to win, but to let their opponents lose.


This is a presidential debate rewritten by the epidemic. It was originally scheduled to be hosted by the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana, but was forced to relocate to Cleveland due to the epidemic. Since the epidemic has not receded, Trump and Biden will not shake hands before the debate in accordance with the tradition of the night of the 29th, nor do they intend to salute with the elbow. That night, the audience will be reduced from thousands of people in previous years to about 80 people, and they will be tested for the new corona virus before entering the venue. The candidates’ press meeting after the debate has also been canceled.

However, the scene of the debate on the television camera is not very different from that of previous years. Trump, Biden and the talk show host, Fox News host Wallace, don’t wear masks. Two “debates” will be held on both sides of the stage as they have in the past, with Wallace sitting across from them and taking the lead in “probing” against Trump. According to the US media, it is estimated that Wallace, known for his cutting-edge and ground-breaking questions, does not miss the opportunity to “torture” candidates by asking all kinds of sharp questions.

The Trump team has been highly motivated in the past two days. They view the Supreme Court justice’s nomination on the 26th as a windfall ahead of debate and may inspire Trump’s core voters. Wallace said the Supreme Court was a major topic of debate that night. Additionally, topics such as candidate registrations, the new corona virus, the economy, race and urban violence, and electoral fairness will all have a place in the 90-minute debate.

Outsiders believe the first defense will kick off the “October sprint” of the US general election, which is an important test for both candidates. But there are also comments that, as current president, Trump is in a more difficult position than Biden. Because in modern American history, the first televised debate of the incumbent president is always unfavorable. In 2012, then-President Barack Obama lost his standard in the first confrontation with Republican candidate Romney and then had to apologize to his staff; In 2004, then-President Bush met aggressive Democratic Senator Kerry. He behaved in a hurry; In 1984, then-President Reagan was in a trance during the first debate with former Vice President Mundell, which raised questions about his age and mental health.

Some analysts say incumbent presidents have been crushed, in part because they are used to becoming the undisputed focus upon entering the house, and they rarely compete on an equal footing with anyone. There are also opinions that this is the climax of the television debate, providing an open stage for the two candidates to compete.

“The television debate on the US presidential campaign began in 1960 and officially became a campaign routine in 1976.”Yuan Zheng, Deputy Director, American Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Social SciencesAt that time, it can be said that television is a new medium that has just emerged. The intuitive sentiment and impact that television debates can bring to voters is stronger than that of radio and newspapers. Why did the 1960 Democratic nominee and the young Senator Kennedy overwhelm the Republican nominee and then Vice President Nixon in one fell swoop? It’s because the former has a graceful and witty temperament and contrasts with the latter gaunt, which inspires some hesitant voters. Your own choice.

“Today, the television debate has become an important informal agenda for the American elections.”Song Guoyou, Professor at the Center for American Studies, Fudan UniversityHe said he uses an open comparison to allow voters to better understand the personal qualities, political views and adaptability of the two candidates. There is hardly a great score in American history.


The outside world is curious, how do Trump and Biden prepare for this important performance? How will you make your debut?

Trump’s team was silent, but Trump downplayed the need for preparation and refused to simulate the scene of a battle of words. Some US media ridiculed Trump for “naked examinations” and some allies worried that Trump might “be careless in Jingzhou.” But there was news that indicated otherwise. Some presidential advisers said Trump was using sticky notes for question-and-answer exercises; some attendees revealed that Trump recently tested firepower at campaign rallies and knew what he said would be best to “ignite” support. By.

Biden’s camp has been preparing for a high-profile battle. The US media said that Biden has carefully studied Trump’s speeches and debate videos in recent months. Starting last Thursday, Biden delayed other schedules and spent a few days simulating debates. There are comments that Biden has a richer and fresher experience than Trump. In the past 40 years, he has run for president three times and once as an Obama partner, participating in nearly 30 debates. Since last year, he has successfully reversed the sluggish performance in the early primary debates and played superbly in the dueling debate with Senator Sanders.

“What’s Biden’s status on the scene? Is he okay? This is a highlight of the first debate, and it’s also the topic of my greatest concern.” Yuan Zheng said that Biden used to say wrong things in the past, and the outside world is also heatedly discussing her health. situation. Considering they are both from the later years, especially Biden is 77 years old. Whether they can stay in good condition in an hour and a half is cause for concern.

Song Guoyou also believes that the type of image that the two candidates will show, including acting on the spot, speaking temperament, and physical condition, will be the most attractive part of the first debate. Other highlights include how the two will debate the six main issues and refine and deepen the political platforms issued at their respective party congresses. How did the two attack their opponents’ weaknesses, such as Trump’s tax problems, Biden’s son’s international business, etc., and how do they defend themselves?


In recent days, strategists on both sides are said to have been up at night for the first debate, worried that the first debate will affect the direction of the general election in the next five weeks. Top Democratic Party leaders believe there is no need to complain, and television debates are unlikely to change the trajectory of the campaign, because Trump’s handling of the epidemic will not change and nothing on stage will help the current situation.

A recent poll by the Wall Street Journal and the National Broadcasting Corporation in the United States came to a similar conclusion: More than 70% of respondents said the debate had little effect on their votes. Some national analysts also believe that a debate will not change the opinion of many people. After the long campaign has reached the stage of televised debate, many voters have taken a firm stand. What a candidate must do is keep the basic voters and try not to lose their attitude, make mistakes or lose points.

What impact will the first defense have on the electoral sprint?

Yuan Zheng believes that the influence of the debate on the electoral situation cannot be generalized. Sometimes it can be insignificant and sometimes it can be decisive, as in 1960. When it comes to this year, people cannot underestimate the influence and importance of all three debates, which is why Biden’s live performance has attracted much. Attention. If he behaves well, then the debate will be a plus for him. Conversely, if there is a bigger mistake, you will lose points, which will affect Biden’s lead pick.

“The television debate will have an important impact on the electoral situation.” Song Guoyou said that in this year’s general election, “undecided” voters played an extremely critical role. Many voters don’t like Biden, but because they really hate Trump, they choose to support Biden. From a fundamental point of view, the proportion of “staunch” Biden supporters is actually lower than that of Trump. So will voters who prefer Biden vote for Trump at the last minute? I’m not sure at the moment. This debate is likely to shape the positions of “undecided” voters, and even groups that are not undecided can also generate new voting trends due to the results of the debate. Thus, all three debates can influence the direction of the general election by changing the voting behavior of some voters.

Editor in Charge: Zhang Yu SN234
