agreement! Overtime works 3 times the salary these days on National Day! 30% of the travel budget of Internet users does not exceed 1,000 yuan, and you? _ Eastern Fortune Network


Original title: It’s ready! I work overtime these days during National Day, 3 times the salary! 30% of netizens have a travel budget of no more than 1,000 yuan, and you?


【agreement! Overtime works 3 times the salary these days on National Day! 30% of the travel budget of Internet users does not exceed 1,000 yuan, and you? 】 The 21st Network Adjustment Lab has continued to track the holiday travel situation in recent years and launched a series of Weibo polls, attracting tens of thousands of people to participate in voting discussions. Through the analysis of the voting results and comments, it is found that compared to “November” last year and “May Day” this year, the travel attitudes of Internet users have changed significantly. When people who are used to staying home for the holidays start to go out, does the “revenge out” really come? (21st century business herald)

“Because the stronger the gale, the more volatile my heart is.”

Shuangjie’s footsteps are getting closer and closer, and this lyric aptly expresses the feelings of netizens hoping to go on vacation.

This year’s National Day Golden Week is particularly special, not only because the National Day and the Mid-Autumn Festivals are together, but also because this is the first 8-day holiday after the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia. With the gradual normalization of national epidemic prevention and control, the minds and bodies of Chinese who have been “tied up” for more than half a year seem eager to free them.

The network tuning laboratory has continued to monitor the holiday travel situation in recent years and has launched severalMicro ExpoThe vote has attracted tens of thousands of people to participate in the voting debates. Through analysis of the voting results and comments, we found thatCompared to “November” last year and “May 1” this year, netizens’ departuresattitudeThere has been a remarkable change.

When people who are used to staying home for the holidays start to go out, does the “revenge out” really come?

  Netizens are suffocating!

  Willingness to travel is significantly higher than on May 1.

In 2020, the most important factor restricting travel will be the risk of an epidemic. Now that the prevention and control situation is gradually stabilizing, can you be sure that you will be able to get out of the “wave” during the “Eleventh” period?

Recently, Zhang Wenhong, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Huashan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University, said in a conversation with Zhang Quanling that more than 90% of them have now returned to normal life, but the normal above is that they can go completely to “waves”, not to the new normal we call it. Ordinary people still have to maintain “tension” in various dense environments, pay attention to environmental hygiene, ventilation, and wear masks when meeting. Scholar Zhong Nanshan wrote in the People’s Daily that at present, China has basically restored normal production and order of life, and achieved standardized prevention and control of the epidemic.

Now that experts have stated that the epidemic has been normalized for prevention and control, many netizens believe that as long as they pay attention to health protection while traveling, the problem shouldn’t be great. This change in attitude is reflected in the results of the vote on the will to travel on May Day and November.

According to 21 network adjustment laboratoryStatisticsBefore and after the holidays on May Day this year, 31.5% of Internet users have travel plans. Now, 4 months later, the National Day holiday is approaching, 41.6% of Internet users plan to travel. Compared to “May Day”, Internet users’ willingness to travel has increased by 10% and their enthusiasm for traveling has increased.

If compared to the willingness to travel on National Day 2019, it is more interesting. Every long party, the attractions are always “peopleAccordance“Therefore, many people stay away and prefer to stay at home. In 2019, more than 60% of netizens chose to stay at home, and only 15.4% of netizens plan to travel. Compared to the trend 41.6% travel this year, you can see that the epidemic actually caused the majority of netizens. ” Asphyxiated “.

  In terms of travel budgets, the Internet Coordination Laboratory 21 found that the majority of netizens have a budget of less than 5,000 yuan, more than half have a budget of less than 3,000 yuan, and even about 30% have a budget. budget less than 1,000 yuan.

Another survey initiated by showed that more than 60% of Internet users tend to travel in the province or city. Some netizens even called directlyIn the last 9 months, just to make ends meet, the travel budget still needs to be properly controlled.

It is worth mentioning that the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Welfare today (September 19) made it clear:

  • From October 1 to 4, the employer organizesworkPersonOvertime, It should be no less thansalary300% of them are paid overtime.

  • From October 5-8, if the employer arranges for workers to work overtime, it must be arranged firstCompensatory rest; If a compensatory leave cannot be arranged, overtime pay will be paid at least 200% of salary.

  • During the period from October 1 to 8, the employer did not hire the workersjobs, It will be treated according to the original salary calculation method.

In the survey just launched by the Internet Coordination Laboratory 21, more Internet users are willing to work overtime to earn 3 times their salary in relation to vacations.

“Business herald of the 21st century”Micro ExpoScreenshot

  Hotels are more expensive and popular,

  But netizens canto acceptThe price is low

Travel expenses and accommodation are the two main travel expenses. Although the epidemic is still there, the hotel business on National Day this year is even hotter.

Data from the Qunar platform shows that as of September 10, the average payment for hotel reservations on the platform during the holidayspriceIt is almost 20% more expensive than last year. The increase in Yunnan, Tibet, Gansu, Qinghai and Hainan is particularly important, and the number of hotel reservations in many cities such as Dali, Lijiang, Xi’an, Sanya and Bijie.I andBent.

21. The network adaptation laboratory also launched a vote on the accommodation preferences of Internet users when they travel. The results show that,Hotels remain the main preference of tourists. 54% of Internet users choose to stay in hotels, followed by folklore and hotel-style apartments, which account for 30% and 12% respectively.

The network is also an important consideration for many tourists. According to the National Holiday 2019White collarTravel preference, “half of the respondents choose budget accommodation below 500 yuan, and more than 15% will choose more than 1,000 yuanluxuryHotel type. This trend is also in line with our voting results,Even more netizens choose less than 500 yuan, which is 76.4%.

As for the 500 yuan line in the options, many netizens said that it is still too high, thinking that it is more acceptable within 200 yuan. Compared to HaoHua HotelTheir requirements for staying in a hotel are “at least clean, with good water quality and eat nearby.” It seems our “hotel freedom” has yet to be realized.

“Business herald of the 21st century”Micro ExpoScreenshot

  Many platforms have launched huge subsidies,

  Which one do Internet users prefer?

Many outlets reported that this may be the most profitable National Day Golden Week to travel in five years. From online to offline, traveling on National DayPromotionThe battle started in mid-September.

Many travel platforms have launched huge grant programs.

  • how,CtripLaunched the “tourmemberJapan’s major promotional activities, the top ten lines of business have a maximum reduction of more than 1,000 yuan;

  • Tongcheng launched a billion-dollar grant program from September 15 to October 8;

  • Fliggy launched the “10 Billion Grants” program, from hotels totrafficTravel, tickets to scenic spotsproduct, Covering 100,000 hotels in hundreds of cities across the country.

In addition to hobbies and habits, the choice of travel platforms of Internet users is also affected to some extent by the degree of subsidies to the platforms. Weibo users who have received high praise say that in comparisonCtripThe price is advantageous. Thus,In voting to choose a travel platform,CtripThe number of votes is way ahead, followed by Meituan and Flying Pig.

Offline, the battle to “win customers” is also in full swing. There are already more than 500 scenic spots in the country that have free or discounted tickets, such as the free ticket system for 53 A-level scenic spots like Xi’an Datang Furong Garden; Qingdao Laoshan Level 5A Scenic Site Opens Free; Persistent Garden, Humble Administrator’s Garden and 14 other well-known garden scenic spots are launched in Suzhou “1 yuan excursion garden” activities and so on. In addition, many places have organized tourist festivals and distributedconsumptionVouchers and other ways to stimulateTourist consumption

Ctrip predicts that travel demand that has been suppressed for 9 months will likely skyrocket in 8 days, and this November will become the first golden week of the year at peak tourism and consumption. However, it is worth noting that the will to travel does not mean an actual journey.

  CICCInvestigation reportIt was noted that the willingness of residents to travel during the National Day Golden Week has basically recovered and that actual travel remains cautious.Passenger flowThe limit of 50% of the maximum load capacity, some elementary and secondary schools and colleges and universities recommend that students do not leave the province during small and long vacations. We expect the actual travel during the National Day holiday to be less thanmarketexpected. “

Travel plans are always full of variables. What is the real travel situation? Network tuning lab 21 will continue to pay attention.

(Source: 21st Century Business Herald)

(Responsible editor: DF526)

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