The 8 poverty-stricken counties in Yulin, 899 poverty-stricken towns are all listed by the West China Network (Shaanxi News Network)


On September 16, the Provincial Government Information Office held the seventh press conference in the series “Winning the battle against poverty and making the dream of a good position come true.” The 8 impoverished Yulin counties are reported to have removed their hats and the 899 impoverished villages have come out. Basically, widespread poverty was resolved and a decisive victory was achieved in the fight against poverty.

Yulin used the entire strength of the city to fight and overcome difficulties. The poor population decreased from 486,300 at the end of 2014 to 18,200 at the end of 2019, and the incidence of poverty fell from 16.3% to 0.6%. So far, these 18,200 poor people have been able to withdraw the conditions, the 8 poor counties have removed their hats and the 899 poor villages have been included in the list. General regional poverty has basically been resolved and a decisive victory has been achieved in the fight against poverty.

Yulin focuses on the “worry-free two and three guarantees” and drinking water standards, and is trying to find problems and make up for shortcomings. A total of 7.814 million yuan was invested in road construction and drinking water safety projects. 6,534 kilometers of asphalt and cement roads were built to pass the villages. All qualified organic villages received hardened roads and passenger vehicles; 5,218 drinking water safety projects were completed, and all the poor drink. Drink assured water. Efforts will be made to promote the transformation and improvement of rural electricity grids and grid construction projects to achieve full coverage of electricity, power and broadband networks in poor villages. We did our best to investigate the safety of rural housing, implemented the renovation of 21,300 dilapidated rural houses, completed the relocation of 13,300 poor households, and effectively solved the housing security problems of the poor. Continue promoting the effective connection of subsistence allowances and poverty alleviation, and 46,700 poor people were paid to urban and rural residents endowment insurance. A total of 359,200 people (times) have been included in the subsistence allowance and 61,100 people have been included in the support for the poor, in order to ensure that all insurance is covered. pocket. Accelerate the balanced development of compulsory education, strengthen the “long-term seven responsibilities system” to control dropout and guarantee school. Children from registered households will no longer drop out of school due to poverty during the compulsory education stage, and will also be able to enjoy nutritious meals with eggs and milk. Full implementation of immediate “one-stop-shop” payment settlement after diagnosis and treatment. All medical treatments for the poor are included in the “triple guarantee” system. Health insurance for urban and rural residents is fully covered. The problem of “difficult and expensive medical treatment” for the poor is effectively alleviated.

Following the promotion of increasing people’s incomes as the main focus of poverty alleviation and focusing on industry, employment and financial poverty alleviation, the per capita net income of the poor has increased from 3,013 yuan to the end of 2014 to 10.206 yuan by the end of 2019, an average annual increase of 27.64%. Energetically implement the industrial poverty alleviation project, develop and expand the four main industries of apples, vegetables, lamb and potatoes according to local conditions, and special industries such as red dates, small grains and Chinese medicinal materials. The 239,000 poor people who have the ability to work and are willing to develop industries have achieved full industry. cover. Establish and improve the mechanism of linking benefits for the alleviation of industrial poverty, explored the formation of “leading companies + leading industries + poor households” and other models to promote poverty and benefit the poor, guiding several new business entities and 34,000 poor households to establish a mechanism to promote poverty and benefit the poor. Firmly embedded in the industrial chain.

Yulin will adhere to the unceasing funding, the same policies and the non-retired team, will strengthen the monitoring of return-to-poverty prevention and dynamic assistance, and will continue to consolidate and improve poverty alleviation results. We will deepen the “100 Villages Demonstration, Thousand Villages Renewal” project, strongly promote the construction of beautiful and livable villages, and promote the general improvement of agriculture, general progress of the countryside and general development of farmers.

Reporter Li Lin

Publisher: Wang Yu
