The United States bans the importation of some Chinese products on the grounds of so-called “forced labor,” the Foreign Ministry replied ._ 汪文斌 – Sohu


  1. The United States bans the importation of certain Chinese products on the grounds of so-called “forced labor,” responded the Foreign Ministry_ 汪文斌 Sohu
  2. TikTok’s US business not selling to Microsoft and Oracle? Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to
  3. Regular Press Conference of Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin on September 14, 2020 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China
  4. Can US Undersecretary of State Clark visit Taiwan? Wang Wenbin: Resolutely opposing
  5. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: the search for TikTok in the United States is a typical government coercion agreement
  6. See the full report on Google News