Europe’s epidemic returns to March level, many countries consider expanding job security plans


Original title: The European epidemic returns to the level of March and many countries consider expanding the occupational safety plan

Recently, the new corona pneumonia epidemic in Europe has recovered severely and some countries have returned to March levels.

According to data from the Ministry of Health of many European countries, as of the 13th, the accumulated number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in Spain has exceeded 500,000, France and Spain have added nearly 10,000 new cases in a single day in the last week, and the number of new cases in Italy, UK and Germany has been 1,500 ~ out of 3,000 people.

The epidemic has caused most countries to close schools,businessContinue to maintain the remote office. For stabilityjob, France, Germany and other governments are considering expandingJob securityplan. However, for Spain, where the epidemic is the worst, the government has not indicated that it will continue with this plan. Spanish into acceptThe media said in an interview that if the epidemic continues and the government does not introduce enough stimulus plans, their companies only have the option of “closing.”

  France: the most obvious rebound, but will not restart comprehensive control measures

Across Europe, the French epidemic has recovered more quickly. Last week, the number of new confirmed cases in France is approximately 50,000 and the number of infected people per 100,000 French residents has risen from 57 in the previous week to 72. The positive rate of virus tests has also continued to rise, and the positive rate of new coronavirus tests in Paris increased to 5.4% in the last 7 days.

The French Ministry of Health issued an epidemic notification on the 11th that 39 provinces in France had an infection rate that exceeded the warning line in the last 7 days (50 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants), and 60 provinces exceeded the alert line (per 100,000 inhabitants). 10 cases of newly diagnosed residents).

French Prime Minister Castel said the French epidemic is showing a clear worsening trend. Some companies said they would continue to work remotely. In France, more than 30 schools and more than 500 classes are closed. Many schools require students with suspected symptoms to provide a negative nucleic acid test certificate before classes can resume.

However, Castel said the recent increase in the number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in France is partly due to increased testing of new coronary pneumonia. France has more than 1 million new coronavirus tests every week, making it the third most tested country in Europe.

Although the number of new infections in France has risen, Castel said the French government will no longer take comprehensive control measures. “You must not stop society,cultureFight against the virus in the context of economic life. Castay said.

The French government adjusted its anti-epidemic policy on the 11th, shortening the period of home isolation for close contacts from 14 days to 7 days. French Health Minister Vilan explained that many French people cannot be quarantined for 14 days, and shortening the quarantine period will make people better isolate

  Spain: The cumulative number of confirmed cases exceeds 500,000

Spain is the first country in Europe where the accumulated number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia exceeds 500,000. In addition, its new positive rate for the coronavirus test is also much higher than the average level of European countries, close to 10%.

According to local media reports, this has increased the pressure on hospitals in Spain. Patients with new coronary pneumonia in Spain occupy 7.4% of hospital beds and have occupied 10 to 15% of intensive care units. The situation in Madrid is the most serious, the intensive care unit has occupied 18%, close to double the national average. In the last 20 days, the number of people in the intensive care unit has multiplied by 2.5.

The Spanish government believes that, as in other European countries, non-compliance with social regulations by young people is an important reason for the recent upswing in the Spanish epidemic.The average age of new cases of coronary pneumonia in Spain has gone from 59 at the end of March to 38.

Infections in the home are another factor contributing to the rebound in the epidemic. The most common contagion scenario in Spain is the family one, which represents half of the new confirmed cases in recent days. The Spanish government requires that people wear masks outdoors. However, it is not clear to the government whether people are fully aware of the risk of infection at home. According to a survey published last month by the World Health Organization and the Carlos III Health Institute of Spain, almost 50% of those surveyed believe that the risk of holding social gatherings at home is low or medium.

The population density of Spain is higher than the European average, almost the entire population is concentrated at around 13%EarthMost people live in small, crowded apartments.

Furthermore, Spain’s central-local governance model also makesCrisis managementIt gets a bit more complicated. The president of the Spanish government, Sánchez, believes that control of the epidemic should be the responsibility of regional governments, and the general health budget of regional governments is more than 10 times that of the central government. Regional governments believe that the central government should provide more financial assistance.

  Many countries will expand job security plans

The resurgence of the epidemic has led to the suspension of schools in many countries and some corporate employees have to take time off to care for their children at home. To this end, some governments have indicated that they will continue with their workplace safety policies. On the one hand, to resolve the concerns of the employees of private companies; on the other hand, do everything possible to stabilizeemployment rate

The French Ministry of Solidarity and Health announced that employees of private companies who have to care for their children full-time at home due to school closings can enjoy replacement income from the first day of child isolation until the end of isolation .

French Labor Minister Borne said the long-term partunemploymentThe measures will continue until next summer. Compensation for employees is still at 84% of net pay, and the employer’s loading rate remains unchanged, still capped at 15%. The new measures allow companies to negotiate agreements to reduce up to 40%operating hours. Borna said that companies can take advantage of this time to train and retain employmentSend, To strengthen us after the crisis.

According to data from the French Ministry of Labor, since March, companies in crisis have proposed a total of 345 job saving programs (PSE) throughout the country, representing a total of 50,000 jobs, compared to 231 in the same period from last year.

The German government also said it is considering extending the stimulus plan. In June this year, the German government approved a tax cut,SMEsProvided a total of 130 billion yuanEURStimulus plan. The plan was supposed to expire at the end of August, but the German finance ministerAltMeyer said the aid project is expected to run through the end of the year.

According to a survey conducted jointly by the University of Mannheim in Germany and the European Center for Economic Research,the companyAmong them, about two-thirds have received more or less assistance provided by the German government, includingshort termjobstolerance, Emergency aid due to the epidemic, delay in paying taxes, etc. These companies said that without this assistance, 44% of them could requestBankruptcy

However, for Spain, which has been most affected by the epidemic, the “temporaryemployeeThe “Change Plan” (ERTE) is about to expire, but the Spanish government has not indicated that it will continue with this policy. As of now, 800,000 workers in Spain remain unemployed. If the policy is not extended, the company will not be able to fire workers after that. , It must also support workerssalarywithSocial Security. Some entrepreneurs in Spain say that for them, the only option left to the company is to close it permanently.

(Source: China Business News)

(Responsible editor: DF532)

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