Building a Solid Foundation for Network Security to Protect People’s Information Security: A Summary of China’s Network Security Development Achievements in the New Era-Xinhuanet


Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 13, title: Building a solid foundation for network security to protect people’s information security: A summary of China’s network security development achievements in the new was

Xinhua News Agency reporter Yu Junjie

National Cyber ​​Security Publicity Week 2020 with the theme “Network Security for People, Network Security That Depends on People” will launch nationwide from September 14-20, focusing on improving the cybersecurity awareness and capabilities of the country.

“Without network security, there will be no national security, there will be no stable economic and social operations, and the interests of the great masses of people will not be guaranteed.” The clairvoyant words of Secretary General Xi Jinping indicate that we will promote the establishment of China’s network security system and establish a correct view of network security. direction.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the leadership of the Central Network Security and Informatization Leading Group, China has continuously improved the high-level design of network security work, effectively managed chaos in cyberspace and has built a strong line of defense for the protection of people’s information security, and has achieved a number of attention. achievement.

The “four beams and eight pillars” network security is basically established

Since the beginning of the new era, the rule of law has permeated the development of cybersecurity and computerization. It has become the consensus of the government, business and all sectors of society to manage the network in accordance with the law, run the network in accordance with the law, and go online in accordance with the law. The network security policy laws, regulations and standards system has been basically formed with the “Network Security Law” as the core, and the “four beams and eight pillars” of network security have been basically established. net.

-Establishment of institutional mechanisms. In 2014, the Central Leading Group for Network Security and Informatization was established to collectively lead Internet work nationwide. The Central Administration of Cyberspace of China was coordinated, and local cybersecurity and computerization agencies were gradually established, and the network security management work pattern gradually matured.

—— Strategy comes first and there are laws to follow. In December 2016, the “National Cyberspace Security Strategy” was published, which established the strategic objectives, strategic principles and strategic tasks for cybersecurity; On June 1, 2017 the “Cybersecurity Law” was formally implemented, which is the first in the field of cybersecurity in China Basic, framework and comprehensive laws.

——Improved emergency response capabilities. The “National Emergency Plan for Cybersecurity Incidents” was published and implemented, and cybersecurity emergency response and management capabilities were effectively improved; “Cybersecurity Review Measures” were issued to prevent and effectively resolve cybersecurity risks in the supply chain; The “Cloud Computing Service Security Assessment Measures” were formulated to enhance the party The level of security and control of cloud computing services purchased by government agencies and critical information infrastructure operators.

—— Strengthen uniform standards for network security. With the unified technical centralization of national cybersecurity standards, the unified organization of declarations, filings and approvals, the national cybersecurity standards system has become more and more complete. So far, 263 national standards have been issued, such as personal information security specifications, 79 are being studied and formulated, and the International Organization for Standardization has absorbed 39 national standards and technical proposals.


It weaves a dense protective web for network security, takes multiple actions, and participates from multiple parties and fronts. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the legal and scientific level of China’s Internet governance capabilities has been continuously improved.

Strengthen the protection of personal information and build the Qinglang online home

To rectify the network ecology and protect the security of personal information, the cause of network security should implement the concept of people-centered development, so that people have more sense of profit, happiness and security in the development of computerization.

In recent years, China’s multi-departmental ties have achieved remarkable results by continuing to rectify rumors online, combat cybercrime, and rectify illegal violations of “own media.”

In 2019, the Central Administration of Cyberspace of China, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security and the State Administration of Market Supervision took a joint action to carry out special management at the national level of the Illegal and illegal collection and use of personal information by applications.

Over the past year, more than a thousand applications with a large number of users, near-life problems and concentrates have been effectively rectified. 260 apps with serious problems have been interviewed, exposed and removed; applications are forced to claim rights, charge over range and cancel the account. Difficulties and other problems have been significantly improved, and basically an atmosphere has been formed in which the entire society pays attention and values ​​the security of personal information.

At the legal level, the judicial interpretation of the “two maximums” implemented on November 1 of last year clarified that if the network platform refuses to comply with its obligations of security management of the information network and has leaked more than 500 pieces of user communication content, can be convicted and investigated for criminal liability. .

As the first generation of “Internet Aborigines”, the “post-2000s” have been exposed to various electronic products and online content since they were young, guiding them to use the Internet safely and protecting their legitimate rights and interests is critical to cultivate successors to the cause of socialism. .

The “Regulation on the Protection of Children’s Personal Information Online” promulgated by the Central Administration of Cyberspace of China entered into force on October 1, 2019. It stipulates that network operators must establish special rules and user agreements for the protection of children’s personal information, and specifies that no organization or individual shall Produce, publish and disseminate content that violates the security of children’s personal information.

At the same time, the “Medical Hotbed Campaign” was launched to focus on cleaning up harmful information related to minors on the Internet, and the “Youth Mode” was set up for applications to launch an anti-addiction system to create a clear cyberspace for healthy youth growth.

Since 2014, National Cyber ​​Security Promotion Week has been celebrated for many years in a row. Through the launch of cybersecurity activities such as entering communities, campuses, and military camps, he has effectively enhanced the nation’s cybersecurity awareness and protection skills. “Network security is for people and network security depends on people.” The concept is deeply ingrained in people’s hearts.

Make the Cybersecurity Industry Bigger and Stronger, Train More Talents in Cybersecurity

In recent years, China’s network security industry has entered a period of rapid growth and comprehensive development.

In late 2017, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Beijing signed an agreement to jointly create a national cybersecurity industrial park, which started the innovative development of the cybersecurity industry.

In late 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology responded to the Hunan Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology to support Hunan’s construction of a national cybersecurity industrial park, becoming the second province and city of the country to be approved as a national cybersecurity industrial park after Beijing. The current scale of the cyber security industry has exceeded 10 billion yuan. An industrial chain has been formed that covers multiple fields such as basic hardware, application systems, business passwords, information security services, and industrial Internet security.

Statistics from China Cybersecurity Industry Alliance show that the scale of China’s cybersecurity industry reached 48 billion yuan in 2019, an increase of 21.52% year-on-year. The industry in general continues to maintain a rapid growth of around 20% in the coming years.

Competition in cyberspace is ultimately talent competition.

China attaches great importance to the training of talents in cyber security and seizes the commanding heights of international strategic competition. Since the new era, relevant departments have kept up with the times, explored new ideas and new mechanisms for talent training, and promoted and accelerated the construction of cybersecurity disciplines and talent training.

In June 2016, six departments, including the China Central Cyberspace Administration and the Ministry of Education, jointly issued the “Opinions on Strengthening Cybersecurity Discipline Building and Talent Training” to promote the development of disciplines and departments. of cybersecurity and innovate the mechanism for training talents in cybersecurity.

In 2017, the Central Cyberspace Administration and the Ministry of Education implemented the first-class cybersecurity university construction demonstration project, and 11 universities were selected, including Xidian University, Southeast University and University of Beihang.

With the support of relevant departments and localities, the universities included in the demonstration project have introduced special policies, strengthened cooperation between faculties and companies, expanded the enrollment scale, and further promoted the construction of security colleges in The cyberspace. Cybersecurity talent training has made significant strides.

The National Cyber ​​Security Base, located in Dongxihu District, Wuhan, has a planned area of ​​40 square kilometers. About two-thirds of the top 50 national cybersecurity companies have established themselves in this area. Several key projects have been developed in cooperation with Wuhan University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology. The green environment for the integrated development of talents, technology and industries is gradually being established.
