Sichuan Province Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectors “Looking Back”: 66 Rectification Tasks Completed and 37 Completed_ 东方


Original title: Sichuan Province Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspector “Looking Back”: 66 Rectification Tasks Completed 37

Sichuan Province recently revealed the “retrospective look” of the central inspector of ecological and environmental protection and the comments of the special inspector of water pollution in the Tuojiang River Basin.opinionRectification situation. So far 66 rectification tasks 37 have been completed, and the remaining 29 are being accelerated; 3,665 complaints and reports were delivered during inspection team parking. 3,569 corrections were completed, with an execution rate of 97.4%.

From November 3 to December 3, 2018, the Fifth Central Environmental Protection Inspection Group conducted a “retrospective review” of the first round of rectification of the central environmental protection inspection in Sichuan Province, to prevent and control the water pollution in the Tuojiang river basin.jobsA special inspection was conducted and the inspection opinions were fed back on May 9, 2019. The Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government attach great importance to it and consider that the solution of the problems reported by the inspectors is a political task. important.attitude, Practical measures to constantly promote the construction of an ecological civilization and the rectification of the problems reported by the inspectors.

  Strongly accept the inspector’s comments and rectify the policy.responsibilityTo ensure vigorous progress of rectification work

Strengthen organizational leadership. Establish a leading provincial ecological environmental protection inspection working group headed by the top leaders of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government to coordinate and promote the province’s ecological environmental protection inspections and problem rectification work; the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Standing Committee of the Provincial Government have repeatedly studied and deployed Environmental protection and inspection rectification works, 4 times in the provincial governmentmeetingPromote the rectification of problems in a formal way. Peng Qinghua, secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, and Yin Li, governor of Sichuan, went to the bases many times.InvestigationSupervisors and inspectors provide feedback on problem rectification, timely investigation and deployment, coordinate and resolve major problems, and promote the implementation of rectification work. The “Opinions on Study and Implementation of the Spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China” were issued, setting out clear requirements for the rectification and reform of feedback from inspectors. Strictly implement the “list system + responsibility system + sales number system”, accurate implementation of policies, specific efforts to ensure high feedback problemsqualityMake the corrections in place one by one.

strengthenmoneyGuaranteed. All levelsfinancialInclude ecological and environmental protection expenses in the annual budget, coordinate and integrate the relevant funds and strengthen the protection of funds for the rectification and reform of the supervision of ecological environmental protection. Promote comprehensively the “global coordinationplanning, Unified city and state packaging, integrated investment, construction and operation, integrated collection and processing, and government purchaseService“Governance model. Actively promote the implementation of political-banking cooperation in the field of ecological environmental protection, and have signed agreements with the Sichuan branch of the Agricultural Development Bank and the Sichuan branch of the Agricultural Bank of ChinastrategyCooperation agreement to provide no less than 100 billion yuan in 3 years from 2020CreditSupport, used to accelerate the construction of environmental infrastructure such as wastewater and garbage treatment.

Consolidate rectification responsibilities. Seriously implement environmental protection “The party and the government have the same responsibility, one position and two responsibilities,” and promote the formation of party committee leadership, government leadership,businessmain body,publicHe participated in the ecological governance and environmental protection work pattern. Persist in implementing inspection and rectification dispatch notifications, early warning reminders, unannounced visits and supervision, rectification of sales numbers, administrative interviews, regional approvals, transfers and accountability, and vigorously promote the rectification of problems of feedback. In response to the six questions of liability for ecological environmental damage transferred by the inspection team, 50 units and 77 persons were held accountable.

  Classify and rectify problems by inspectors and feedback to promote the quality of the ecological environment.Continuous improvement

Fight a tough battle against water pollution in key river basins. Accelerate the completion of deficiencies in wastewater treatment infrastructure, build 693 urban and rural domestic wastewater treatment projects, upgrade and upgrade 153 wastewater treatment plants, increase the watershed’s wastewater treatment capacity of the Tuojiang River in 404,000 tons / day and complete 131 provincial and aboveindustryConstruction of centralized treatment plants in the park. 23 projects were listed to oversee the rehabilitation of 16 of the key small watersheds, and 103 of 105 urban black and odorous water bodies were renovated. The renovation of 129 drinking water sources in municipalities with “a thousand tons of inhabitants” was completed. From January to July 2020, 83 of the 87 national test sections in the province have good quality water.Year with yearAn increase of 4.6 percentage points, no stretches with water quality below Grade V. The water quality of the 10 Sichuan sections reached the standard.

Accelerate the deficiencies of solid waste disposal. Accelerate the construction of urban and rural waste treatment facilities, with 284 new domestic waste treatment projects, 14 restaurant waste treatment projects, 15 new sludge treatment projects and 14 new constructions. Accelerate the special rectification of phosphorus chemical companies. Deyang phosphorus chemical companies have basically completed the phosphorous gypsum storage yard upgrade and fully implemented phosphorous gypsum “production by consumption”. Phosphorus chemical enterprises in Mianyang City Anzhou District have completed the storage of approximately 1.8 million tons of phosphorous gypsum And actively carry out comprehensive utilization, basically realize the “production and consumption balance”. Accelerate the construction of hazardous waste disposal projects, build 8 new hazardous waste disposal projects, and increase the annual disposal capacity to 592,200 tons.

Energetically promote the rectification of ecological environmental problems. Carry out the special action “Green Shield 2019” and implement the rectification of special inspection problems in nature reserves in accordance with the law. The rectification of 1,252 illegal problems in the Baodinggou, Caopo, Wolong and Lugu Lake nature reserves was completed. The rectification of the ecological discharge of 3,168 hydroelectric plants has been completed.

Intensify the prevention and control of air pollution. The quality of the atmospheric environment of the Chengdu Plain and southern Sichuanto get betterAs a key task of protecting the ecological environment of the province. Strengthen industrial pollution control, implement 285 key air emission reduction projects, complete a total of 6 million kilowatts of ultra-low emissions transformation of coal units, implement in-depth control and ultra-low emissions transformation of 38 companies cement plants and eliminate 546 small coal-fired boilers of less than 10 tons of steam station. 6.73 million vehicles completedDieselMonitoring and sampling of truck exhaust. More than 32,900 “scattered and contaminated” businesses were cleaned up. From January to July 2020, the average concentration of fine particles (PM2.5) in cities above the level of the province’s prefecture was 35.7 micrograms / m3, 11.9% less from year to year , and the number of days with good air quality reached 89%, 0.2% more from year to year. .

Efforts will be made to promote the rectification of the strong environmental problems denounced by the masses. Strengthen law enforcement and supervision in the field of ecological environment and crack down on all kinds of violations.behaviorSince 2019, it has handled 7,054 cases of various environmental violations. Continue to track the “hindsight” of the central inspector of ecological and environmental protection on rectifying the problems handed over to the masses in letters and visits. Recheck and handle 253 repetitive or unsatisfactory reports to promote continuous improvement of public satisfaction.

(Source: China Environment News)

(Responsible editor: DF386)

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