Xiamen International Trade Fair launches two-way investment, good for high-level opening and increases trust-Xinhuanet.com


Sign contract for large-scale projects and make the new economy and industries of the future so hot

Xiamen International Fair launches two-way investment, good for high-level opening, increases confidence

Accelerate the revision of the catalog of industries that encourage foreign investment, so that more foreign-funded enterprises can share the Chinese market and China’s opportunities, and open up to the outside world at a high level to create new advantages in cooperation and competition international … Xiamen International Trade and Investment Fair 2020 opened on September 8 At the Silk Road Investment Conference (known as the “Xiamen Fair”), a host of policies favored the liberation intensive. The “Economic Information Daily” reporter learned from the meeting that promoting two-way investment and achieving mutually beneficial cooperation has become a broad consensus.

It should be noted that during the conference large-scale investment projects were announced, signed and landed. Between them, the new economy and the industries of the future have become hot spots for design and investment from all parties.

The industry pointed out that China adheres to the “in” and “out” principle and continues to promote higher levels of openness to the outside world, greatly increasing the confidence of global investment and injecting momentum and new impetus to the accelerated recovery of the world economy in the post-epidemic era.

  Promote global two-way investment

High level of openness

During the Xiamen Fair, promoting the intensive launch of the benefits of global two-way investment and China’s high-level opening up has become the highlight.

Wang Shouwen, Vice Minister of Commerce and Deputy Representative for International Trade Negotiations, said that the Ministry of Commerce will continue to implement the negative list of access to foreign investment, expand the scope of promoting foreign investment and allow more foreign-funded enterprises share the Chinese market and Chinese opportunities. The foreign investment services system will continue to be established and improved, and the “Foreign Investment Law” and its supplementary regulations will be effectively enforced to create a stable, fair, transparent and predictable business environment.

Wang Shouwen also revealed that at present, the Ministry of Commerce is accelerating the revision of the catalog of industries that encourage foreign investment and will substantially increase the number of articles encouraged to support more foreign-funded enterprises to enjoy relevant preferential policies. . “We will intensify efforts to promote the implementation of various policies and measures, decisively stabilize the core market for foreign investment and foreign investment, and create new advantages in international cooperation and competition with a high level of openness,” said Wang Shouwen.

By promoting a greater level of openness to the outside world, many places have gained momentum. Zhao Long, a member of the Standing Committee of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and deputy governor of the Provincial People’s Government, said Fujian will make greater efforts to promote openness. Expand the new open economy space, promote the construction of the central area of ​​the Maritime Silk Road, deeply implement iconic projects such as the Silk Road shipping and explore the establishment of an open system for investment, trade , finances, transportation and personnel flow.

Lu Dongliang, Vice Governor of the Shanxi Provincial People’s Government, noted that Shanxi has accelerated the construction of a new plateau to open up hinterland areas with a more open and inclusive attitude, actively participated in the construction of the “Belt and Road” and accelerated the construction of a large canal for the opening.

“Affected by the epidemic, global cross-border trade and investment have fallen sharply. China adheres to a high-level openness to the outside world, supports the development of economic globalization and liberalization, will promote the cross-border circulation of various factors and the steady and orderly development of two-way investment, and it will accelerate the world economy. Recovery provides stronger support, “Pang Chaoran, research associate at the Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce, told reporters.

Concentrated appearance of large projects

The new economy becomes a focus of investment

On the afternoon of the 8th, the reporter noticed in the signing room of the Xiamen International Trade Fair and Exhibition Center that a very popular signing ceremony was being held for the Xiamen delegation, and the scene was full of people. .

Sunshine Holdings Group’s Supply Chain Project with an investment of 500 million yuan, Sanhe Power’s Smart Manufacturing Capital Increase Project with a total investment of 600 million yuan, and the State Reserve Power Project of China with an investment of 900 million yuan. The estimated investment is one billion yuan. The Tangxin Tongche Road Collaborative Project, the Meituan City (Southeast) Smart Transportation Operation Headquarters project with an estimated investment of US $ 30 million, and the large-scale cultural tourism project on the themed island of the Blue Earth with a total investment of 20 billion yuan … A total of 8 lots of 41 major projects Focus on signing and landing here.

This is just a microcosm. The reporter learned that with the Xiamen Trade Fair as a platform, many key local projects were unveiled. Shanxi has launched 330 major investment promotion projects with a scale of about 300 billion yuan to the world, which are mainly divided into 6 categories: strategic emerging industries, modern service industries, modern agriculture, factor investing, media. of social life and infrastructure and equity cooperation. In 2020, Shanxi Province will focus on 14 flagship, leading, and traction industrial cluster projects.

In addition, the introduction of Taiwan-funded enterprises in Yunnan province, the promotion of cooperation projects in Shaanxi, the promotion of investment opportunities in Fujian, China and Thailand, and the special matchmaking meeting in the Philippines … all Investment promotion conferences are in full swing simultaneously. Between them, the new economy and the industries of the future have become distribution and investment hot spots for all parties.

Taking Xiamen as an example, Hu Changsheng, a member of the Standing Committee of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and secretary of the Xiamen Municipal Party Committee, stated that Xiamen will further expand the open cooperation space, actively implement policies to relax access to foreign investment, market access and other policies, focusing on high-end manufacturing and shipping, such as electronic information and biomedicine. In modern service industries, such as logistics and financial services, we will focus on attracting big players, encouraging foreign investment in new technologies, new industries, new business forms and new models, taking deep advantage of the open potential of service trade and fully promote the construction of pilot cities for the innovative development of trade in services.

Huang Heming, director of the Xiamen Municipal Commerce Bureau, told reporters that Xiamen has established this year as the “year of investment promotion and project construction” and will propose specific measures and implementation measures in terms of “market of investment “and public procurement to support the implementation of the project. Promote a greater level of openness, increase investment in newly opened fields such as automobiles and finance, and support companies with foreign funds to increase capital and expand production. Accelerate the construction of new economic industrial parks and other investment carriers, and increase investment in emerging industries such as next-generation information technology, Internet +, smart manufacturing, and new functional materials.

Help accelerate economic recovery

Revitalize Global Investment Confidence

Discuss, cooperate and open up, promote two-way international investment, and confidence in global investment is accelerating.

“By participating in the Xiamen Fair, in the future, the Philippines and China will establish a closer cooperative relationship in a healthier global environment under the new normal,” said Ramon Lopez, Minister of Commerce and Industry of the Philippines.

Former Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said that in the future, international economic cooperation should be greater, more far-reaching and more frequent. It is expected that after this global epidemic, a way can be found to continue the successful cooperation and further deepen the comprehensive cooperation between China and Serbia, including economic and trade exchanges.

“China is actively expanding the potential of bilateral trade, promoting the two-way opening of the service industry, innovating industrial cooperation mechanisms, facilitating investment and financing mechanisms, improving the level of global interconnection, and promoting the healthy development of inclusiveness. and economic ties. This is not only a process of deepening cooperation between countries, but also for Global companies have created good business opportunities, “said Wang Xiangming, chairman of China Resources Group.

Li Yong, Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, noted that the epidemic has accelerated the digitization process. Both large multinational companies and small and medium-sized companies are aware that new technological innovations and digital investment will bring efficiency improvements to established business processes and help improve industrial competition. Energy, environmental sustainability.

“The signing of many high-quality projects has played an active role in guiding and demonstrating the development of subsequent two-way investment. This is also an important manifestation of global investors seeking opportunities in crisis situations and turning crises into opportunities under the influence of the epidemic, and to promote the healthy future of two-way investment. Development has played a positive role, “said Pang Chaoran.

Sun Chuanwang, a professor at Xiamen University School of Economics, told reporters that China has not only actively begun to build a comprehensive domestic demand system, but has also maintained a high level of openness and cooperation. By accelerating the opening of new industries such as electronic information, the digital economy and the Internet of Things, we will enhance the ability to “replenish the chain and expand the strong chain.” On the one hand, we will provide a stable and efficient supply chain for the world, drive the high-quality development of the global economy, and drive the dual industrial chain. Circulation; on the other hand, relying on the scale advantage of the huge market and the good performance of economic development, it has injected a strong boost to the global economic recovery and industrial investment. (Reporter Ban Juanjuan)
