Wen Jianying protects doors for residents of 22 epidemic communities


During the epidemic, Wen Jianying (third from left) stood guard at the gate of the Huayan Beili community. Photo courtesy of respondents

Wen Jianying’s nickname on WeChat is “Big Beautiful”, and many residents will enthusiastically shout “Big Beautiful Manager” when they see her.

As the base project leader of Tianyueheng Company of Shoukai Group, he has been in business for 15 years. From Monday to Friday, Wen Jianying travels between communities, hoping to do his job “in the eyes of the residents.” Residents are also familiar with this lively and cheerful property manager who is always well dressed.

Wen Jianying’s managed area begins at the Xiba River in the east, Heping Street in the south, and North Beach in the northwest, involving more than ten streets and six to seven thousand residents. The work of community property services is numerous and trivial. You often feel that “7 days a week is not enough.”

Her husband is also a grassroots property service staff. Every New Year’s Eve, the couple should be on call in their respective project departments to make sure the owners can spend the holidays with peace of mind. Therefore, Wen Jianying’s family has an unwritten rule: have a reunion dinner on the 29th lunar month.

Wen Jianying implemented the community’s closed management measures and joined the slaughter and surveillance work of each community. From February to April, he stayed true to his position and hardly took a day off. Like doctors, police, and messengers fighting the epidemic, Wen Jianying is on the front lines of property prevention and control and is the closest “most beautiful retrograde man” to residents.

24-hour shift during the epidemic

As a grassroots property manager managing 22 communities, Wen Jianying “rarely gets off work on time” and has grown used to it. Recently, his busy job is instructing community residents to sort trash.

In fact, from February to April this year, due to the outbreak, he barely took a day off.

At that time, she wanted to implement closed management in various communities. Shenggu Beili Community is one of the communities administered by Wen Jianying. Since its inception in 1989, this community has been semi-closed and has no doors. In order to better control the entry and exit of personnel and avoid errors and omissions in the registration, Wen Jianying decided to close the community gate.

It was during the Spring Festival, and the stores were closed. Wen Jianying and the street director collected materials on the spot, found several iron pipes and iron sheets in the corner of the storage room, and handed them over to the maintenance master for welding. Two hours later, a temporary gate was completed and Shenggu Beili became the first gated management community on Heping Street.

That night, Wen Jianying made the rest of the staff rush to prepare a pass for the residents. When the production of more than 1,000 passes was completed, it was already past 1 a.m.

Until the end of April, when the epidemic was basically under control, Wen Jianying remained mentally tense. During that time, the Tianyueheng Company also established a youth assault team with Wen Jianying as the captain. The 7 members of the command team and the community self-management committee are responsible for the closure, guard, registration, temperature measurement, sterilization and delivery of urgent delivery to the inhabitants of the 22 communities, who remain in their positions 24 hours a day . “At the time, I didn’t know when he was off work. Sometimes he was still on patrol at 12 at night.”

During the epidemic, “call me if something happens” became Wen Jianying’s most frequent saying.

Wen Jianying also checks the murder logs in public areas every day to check whether the guards are wearing protective gear correctly. Before leaving work, you will check again and ask your colleagues on duty at night to tighten the chain of anti-epidemics at all times, and at the same time, they must also protect themselves. Do your own protection work.

They will also meet some residents who do not understand and do not cooperate with the work. Wen Jianying believes that this is also the biggest difficulty in closed community management during the epidemic. “At first, everyone paid no attention to the epidemic and thought it was flu. Three days before the closed management, the residents had come to us for the theory. The staff explained that their voices became hoarse. Later, I found one drunken need to enter the night. From the community. “

Hearing the voices of the residents asking, Wen Jianying felt aggrieved, but also expressed understanding. In his opinion, a good house can maintain its value and a good property can maintain its life “We can keep the door so that the residents feel at ease.”

Lunar New Years Eve Dinner

There is an unwritten rule in Wen Jianying’s family: New Year’s Eve dinner is not eaten on New Year’s Eve, but is moved to the 29th night of the twelfth lunar month.

This is because she and her husband are grassroots real estate workers. Every year when thousands of families gather on New Years Eve, the husband and wife are often on duty. This situation has been going on for six or seven years. “Since my son was almost two years old, the three of us haven’t celebrated the New Year together. The boy is 8 this year and used to it.”

This year’s Spring Festival is even more special due to the harassment of the epidemic.

Wen Jianying works on the front line every day, with many people in contact, and she is also afraid. Do not dare to go home after work for fear of infecting children and the elderly at home. “I told my son about this situation, and the boy cried and told me that he was not afraid of the infection, that he only wanted to see me and his father.”

At that time, some netizens started a very popular topic on social media: “What do you want to do most after the epidemic is over?” Wen Jianying told the Beijing News reporter: “I thought at the time, After the epidemic is over, what I want most is to go home to my children. “

In addition to the children, concern for her husband also fills Wen Jianying’s free time after work. At the beginning of the epidemic, she and her husband were very busy, often meeting once a week and trying to talk on the phone every day.

“At that time, the mental state of the two was similar to that of the doctor and the husband. Let us appreciate each other.” Later, after having time to get to know each other, the “retrograde” couple who did not wear white coats during the epidemic made breakfast in the morning and went to work together in the car. I went to listen to art radio together, “We all appreciate each other and our family more.”

On February 2, 2020, on the “Symmetry Day” (February 2, 2020, “20200202”), which is once in a thousand years, Wen Jianying’s husband took advantage of the lunch hour and went to various stores to reunite. Wen Jianying received a bouquet of flowers.

The husband who never understood the romance seemed to suddenly “open up”, which greatly moved Wen Jianying, who was holding the bouquet of flowers with his favorite roses and lilies signifying “one hundred years of harmony.”

“We are the people who manage the backyard for everyone”

Since joining Tianyue Heng Company after graduating from university in 2005, Wen Jianying has been working at the grassroots level for 15 years.

For most of his work, Wen Jianying will go to various communities under his jurisdiction to check on environmental sanitation, home safety, and fire protection issues. But the main goal is to chat with the residents and understand their demands, especially for the newly occupied community. The first thing Wen Jianying did was visit the residents.

On February 28, 2019, Tianyueheng Company took over the old Shenggu Beili community with outdated facilities. Wen Jianying said, “I wore leather shoes the first day when I went to this community. After walking for almost half a day, there was a layer of dirt on the shoes, my body was dusty, and the environmental conditions were particularly bad.”

But what bothers the neighbors the most is not the hygiene of the community. In the first week of the inauguration, Wen Jianying and the staff visited the community. “The residents told me that when I left the house, the community was dark and the other communities were all lit up.” The Shenggu Beili community has had no street lights for 30 years. This is the problem that residents are most eager to solve. “

Two weeks after taking over the community, he installed 24 streetlights in the community. The night the street lights were installed, all of the residents left their homes and walked around the community to take a look. At that time the Spring Festival had passed, “I feel that the atmosphere that it should have on New Year’s Eve is revived, which is equivalent to letting everyone have a bright and warm Spring Festival. At that moment, I feel that all efforts are worth it. “

The contributions of Wen Jianying and other grassroots property personnel have also influenced community residents.

“When we first entered the Gubeili community, we all wore white shirts, black suits and badges. The residents looked at us like monsters, because they had never managed property.” Wen Jianying was helpless.

Wen Jianying recalled, but now when they return to the community, the first words of the uncles and aunts in the yard are “Have you eaten?”, “When they don’t see us, they still feel that something is missing.”

From residents looking at them defensively with strange eyes, asking aloud about “why do you want the property?”, Until residents treat them like family members, when they work overtime, residents serve food , water and they even spend the Spring Festival together. Within a year, Wen Jianying’s dedication made the residents feel comfortable, and the residents’ feedback also made Wen Jianying feel at ease.

“We are the people who manage the backyard for everyone and the people who ensure the normal functioning of everyone’s life.” Wen Jianying felt very happy.

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Instructor: Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, Capital Spiritual Civilization Office, Social Work Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee

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