Shanghai plans “North and South plus one island” to ensure stability in this field for the next 30 years_ 东方


Original title: Shanghai plans to “add an island from north to south” to ensure stability in this field in the next 30 years

The increasing amount of medical waste poses a challenge to the capacity for harmless disposal.

The reporter learned from the Special Medical Waste Forum of the First National Solid Waste Disposal and Resource Recycling Summit Forum held in Shanghai today that China’s medical waste disposal volume reached 980,000 tons in 2018, of which the delta of the Yangtze River accounted for about 20%. When analyzing the data over the years, the average annual growth rate of medical waste production in large cities and large cities across the country is estimated to remain between 12% and 13%.

“China’s latest round of substantial improvements in medical waste disposal capacity dates back to around 2003.” Ministry of Ecology and EnvironmentplanningHospitable ecological environmentinvestmentversusindustryCheng Liang, deputy director of the institute, candidly said that medical waste disposal facilities in many large cities have been in operation for more than 10 years, and because they are gradually unable to keep up with production from the source, there is widespread overload.

One data set shows that among the 148 medical waste incineration facilities in the country, the number of facilities with a processing scale of less than 70 tons accounted for about 70%. Those small-scale installations are difficult to maintain stability in actual operation. This epidemic in particular has intensified the testing of the emergency response capabilities of relevant facilities across the country. Let’s take Wuhan as an example. At the peak of the epidemic, medical waste production reached 247 tons per day, which was about 5 times the daily average in 2018.

Cheng Liang noted that in some remote areas, medical waste disposal facilities still have “little food”: the distance between the established centralized medical waste disposal facility and the source collection point is too long, resulting in at a low load on the disposal facility. .

Suggested, yesMunicipality, Provincial capitals and cities with a population of more than 10 million or a population of more than 5 million in the western region, conduct a reassessment of medical waste disposal capacity and find that the loading rate of the facility of disposal has reached 60% or more for three consecutive years, and needs to be specifically increased Disposal capacity is more than double the actual amount of medical waste generated between 2017 and 2019.

Also, some havedemandIn cities with the right conditions, every million people can be equipped with an emergency response capacity of 8 tons per day to meet the challenges that may arise in the future.

Rapid growth in source production has begun to force continuous improvement of disposal capabilities.

Ministry of Ecology and Environment Solid and Chemical WasteadministrationTechnology CentertotalengineerWei Honglian revealed that as of June 6 this year, the national medical waste disposal capacity reached 6245.4 tons / day, which represents an increase of 27% from 4902.8 tons / day before the epidemic.

At the end of last year, a total of 442 hazardous wastes were released across the country.OperatingPermits, of which 415 were issued to facilities that treat medical waste separately, these medical wasteBusiness UnitThe actual processing capacity is 1.18 million tons / year.

As early as 2003, after SARS, Shanghai began a new round of transformation and improvement of medical waste disposal facilities. The first is the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, which supports the construction of self-incineration facilities for medical waste. The two facilities (one for use and one for preparation) each have a disposal capacity of 12 tons / day.

Second, Shanghai has built a centralized medical waste disposal site with a design capacity of 122 tons / day – Shanghai Solid Waste Disposalthe companyTo dispose of medical waste in Shanghai, except Chongming, Chongming establishes emergency incineration facilities for medical waste to meet the needs of the island, with a disposal capacity of 25 tons / day. In 2014, Shanghai also started using the Laogang Renewable Energy Utilization Center for emergency treatment of medical waste.

The new corona pneumonia epidemic has posed a serious challenge to Shanghai’s medical waste disposal capacity, but through unremitting efforts, Shanghai has still achieved the achievements of Nissan and Nissan.jobsZero infection of personnel.

Ren Juping, director of the Soil Ecology and Environment Division of Shanghai Municipal Ecology and Environment Office, revealed that after testing, Shanghai will further improve its medical waste disposal capacity and form a “southern design and north plus an island “of medical waste disposal facilities.WarrantyThe harmless disposal of medical waste in Shanghai in the next 30 years.

“North and South plus one island” respectively refer to: “North”, the existing Shanghai solid waste disposal company located in Jiading District; “Sur”, which is under constructionPudong New AreaThe Laogang Solid Waste Comprehensive Utilization Base will be completed and operational before the end of 2020, with an incineration capacity of 240 tons / day; “Island”, the ongoing transformation and disposal of solid waste project on the island of Chongming.

Last year, Shanghai harmlessly treated 55,700 tons of medical waste and the harmless treatment rate reached 100%. After the new batch of facilities has been completed and put into operation, by the end of this year, Shanghai’s scale of incineration and disposal of medical waste is expected to reach more than 100,000 tons per year.

(Source: Shangguan News)

(Editor in charge: DF353)

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