Ma Yun’s comments are sizzling: growing children is an impossible investment overnight limit_Sina


Ma Yun’s comments are sizzling: cultivating children is an investment, and it is impossible to limit it overnight

“Generally, the first lesson in school is given to children. I think we should give it to parents. Because in China, before the child is 18 years old, it is the parents who decide the fate and learning of the child.”

On August 30, Jack Ma shared his thoughts on education at Yungu School.

Source: 21st Century Business Herald Comprehensive from Metropolis Express, The Paper and public information

Ma Yun data map. Figure / Visual china

“Generally, the first lesson in school is given to children. I think we should give it to parents. Because in China, before the child is 18 years old, it is the parents who decide the fate and learning of the child.”

On August 30, Jack Ma arrived at Hangzhou Yungu School and contacted the children. On the afternoon of August 30, Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba Group, came to Hangzhou Yungu School and gave a keynote speech on “going back to class and seeing again.” In the speech, Jack Ma still made frequent golden phrases. It is understood that Yungu School was funded and founded by Alibaba partners. In 2017, a new 15-year private international school was established covering kindergartens, elementary, middle and high schools, and is committed to making every “grain” (Yungu school students) become the best me.

As a former teacher, Jack Ma shared his thoughts and opinions on why the Yungu school was founded, how to run the Yungu school, what kind of children to train, and what kind of parents they should be.

“The first thing I want to do when I go home is hug my kids.” After listening to the speech, a parent left a message with the Dingding group.

 Yungu is not a noble school

It’s not Ali’s school

In the three years since its inception, the outside world has been full of curiosity and controversy about Yungu, but it comes down to two points: Yungu is an aristocratic school and Yungu is an Ali school for boys.

Jack Ma explained again why Yungu started: not to make money or to solve the problem of the children of Ali’s employees.

Ma Yun said that education is not only the anxiety of Chinese families, but also the world. But Yungu wants to explore a different way of teaching and set a model for how to educate in the next 20 years. “If today’s education is not prepared for the future, children will face the situation of not being able to find work in 30 years.”

Ma Yun said that the current education system was established during the first industrial revolution, but humanity has entered the era of digital economy and Yungu is a school ready for the future. “If you don’t change the way of education and training, it will be too late to cry at that time.”

Regarding the rumored aristocratic school, Ma Yun said that this is not a school for the rich, “but children must have a noble temperament and cultivate children with different patterns and visions, and it has nothing to do with money.”

Ma Yun said that Yungu does not want to open an international school, but an international school. “Cultivating the globalization of children’s ideas and products to connect with the world does not mean preparing children to go abroad.”

Ma Yun said that he has not read a day abroad, but that he has many friends all over the world because he often runs around the world, respecting others, understanding others, participating in others, and appreciating their culture. “I hope that Chinese children go abroad not because of their academic performance, but because they have many friends, loyalty, strong leadership and respect.”

Regarding the question of whether it is Ali’s children’s school, Ma Yun said that Yungu has not selected students. In the three years since the school started, she has not opened a back door for any Ali employee and has not recommended a child to school. “Yungu only interviews the parents and chooses the parents who agree with Yungu’s philosophy.”

 Many families have an anxious mother and a grumpy father

Parents should ask themselves three questions every day.

Speaking of Chinese parents’ anxiety about education, Ma Yun said that many families have an anxious mother and an irritable father. “The mentality of the parents affects the mentality of the children and, at the same time, the anxiety of the parents affects the mentality of the school.”

“Many families have an anxious mother and an irritable father.” In Ma Yun’s opinion, parents who don’t study well are particularly troublesome. “The mother who did not read a good book herself hopes that her son will be admitted to graduate school. She thinks that reading is a matter of hard work.”

In Jack Ma’s opinion, managing homeschooling is the happiest job in the world, because it is a particularly happy thing to accompany a child’s growth. “If you feel tired and upset about worrying about children, you must have done something wrong.”

There is a saying in Yungu called “Parents study hard, children will progress every day.” Ma Yun said that children get up before us and work harder than us. So if parents ask their children to study hard, they must improve.

Ma Yun believes that in terms of the division of labor in the family, the mother is the main part of early learning and the father is the main part in the later period. “Parents should ask themselves three questions every day to review: first, do they compare their children with other children today; second, are they concerned about their scores; third, are there children who do not listen and disrespect themselves? . “

I used to worry about my kids not going to college.

In the future, universities will worry about not hiring students

Going to a prestigious university and finding a good job have become the ultimate anxiety-ridden goal for most parents and children, but Jack Ma disagrees.

Ma Yun said that China has more than 13 million newborns every year, but among these children, less than 5% of them can actually read. In other words, only 600,000 to 700,000 people are born to study and finally have the opportunity to enter a prestigious school.

So what should we do for the nearly 13 million normal children left?

Ma Yun’s approach to the Yungu school summarized several points:

■ Don’t cultivate exam machines and you won’t give up comprehensive scoring skills training, but children won’t fear exams in the future;

■ The teacher does not give the correct answer, but asks the child to find the answer;

■ Oppose advanced learning, sometimes going fast is not good.

Ma Yun said that in recent years, I have had time to discuss with education professionals from all over the world, I went to see different schools and discovered that Israel, Finland and many Nordic countries have started to build schools of different personalities, some focused in sports, others focused on music. Some focus on painting, allowing children to make their own decisions, but also giving parents more options.

“Yungu doesn’t cultivate examination machines, but cultivates living people,” Ma Yun said, do you want to do your homework? You want a test. The answer is “must.”

In Jack Ma’s opinion, the test is about whether the school and the teacher’s educational methods are correct. The purpose of the test is to adjust the strategy of the school. “I hope that Yungu’s children are not afraid of exams, do not reject them, and do not take exams as their purpose. Real knowledge is not obtained by exam, but by love.”

Ma Yun recalled that when he was an English teacher, he was in the class that Jiang Fang (one of the 18 founding employees of Alibaba and the current Talent Director of Alibaba Group) was in. You did not prepare to take the CET-4 English test. There was a sudden notification for 3 months to take the qualification test. At that time, the 60% pass rate of ordinary schools was already high. As a result, Ma Yun’s class pass rate was 100%, which also included 4 regular students with average English scores. Raw.

In Jack Ma’s opinion, parents need not worry about whether their children can be admitted to universities, good universities, because “the birth rate is decreasing, universities are increasing, and universities will definitely not be able to recruit students in the future.”

Therefore, the mission of returning to school education is not to pursue ultimate success, but to make children their best and to lay a solid foundation for future success. “Having expectations for the future, always being curious about matters, knowing how to learn, being able to think uniquely and not being afraid of setbacks. This is the ability that Yungu can give children.”

Ma Yun said that Yungu’s children must be healthy: mental health and physical health. When faced with setbacks and failures, be positive and optimistic without complaining.

At the same time, it is necessary to cultivate the three visions of children: global vision, global vision and vision of the future. “Knowing how to use global thinking, enough to understand, respect and appreciate different nations and cultures, and at the same time integrate into them; know how to cooperate with the global vision, and position oneself in the future to think about problems.

Do you want to take interest classes?

The possibility of attending hobby classes is also one of the most anxious questions for parents.

Ma Yun said that he is not opposed to attending hobby classes. For example, some children study easily, so they can enroll in an interest class. Some children have poor grades and may also enroll in a class that particularly interests them, in order to build trust among their peers.

“If it is to add credits or to save the face of the parents, it does not interest him much. If the main dish is not good and the auxiliary eats a lot, do you think it may be okay?”

“If your kids don’t read well, don’t get depressed. For kids, the best role model is the self in their minds 20 years from now.”

Growing children is an investment, it is impossible to limit overnight

Ma Yun believes that cultivating children should be an investment, not stock market speculation. “Stocks will have a daily cap tomorrow, and will be ignored if they drop later; kids are growing slowly and it is impossible to limit overnight.”

“I hope that all children and parents feel proud to have a child who is different from the others,” Ma Yun said.

Jack Ma suggests that everyone should be a parent who helps children realize their dreams, not a parent who allows children to realize their dreams and be a supporter of the child, not a controller. At the same time, Ma Yun suggested that parents should “respect the young and love the elderly”: “Respect children and young people, and respect their ideas. In ancient times, children adopted to protect themselves from old age, today There is only one purpose of raising children, keeping him healthy, making him happy and letting go. You can bring happiness to others. “

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Editor in charge: Chen Zhijie
