The Resource Tax Act was formally implemented on September 1 to clarify the specific tax rates applicable in many places_ Securities Times


Reporter-in-training He Jueyuan

The “Resource Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China” (hereinafter the “Resource Tax Law”) will be officially implemented on September 1 after the 12th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National Congress of the People will be voted and approved on August 26, 2019. According to Bu Xianglai, Director of the Department of Property and Behavioral Taxes of the State Tax Administration, compared to the Provisional Regulations on Resource Tax, the of the Resource Tax has regulated tax items in a uniform manner, has adjusted the authority to determine the specific tax rate and has regulated the tax reduction and exemption policies. At the same time, in accordance with the authorization provisions of the Resource Tax Law, several provinces, autonomous communities and municipalities have successively reviewed and approved the applicable specific tax rates, the calculation methods, and the reduction and exemption methods. taxes for taxable resources in their respective regions.

Experts said that the introduction of specific tax rates for resource taxes in various places in accordance with regulations favors the active role of resource taxes in protecting the environment. With the formal implementation of the resource tax law, the tax law will become a “catalyst” for the green transformation of companies.

Clarify the specific tax rates applicable in many places

According to preliminary statistics from a Securities Times reporter, 13 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities across the country have reviewed and approved the specific applicable tax rates, calculation methods, and specific tax reduction and exemption methods for taxable resources. in the region, including Yunnan, Hubei, Zhejiang, Shanxi, Henan, Jiangsu, Hainan, Guangdong, Anhui, Ningxia, Guangxi, Tianjin, Beijing.

In Shanxi, one of the major resource provinces of the country, in order to encourage enterprises to increase the comprehensive utilization rate of resources, promote the full use of resources, avoid wasting resources and environmental pollution, taxpayers exploiting co-associated or low grade mines will rely on the geological survey report. The resource tax will be reduced by 30% if the taxpayer extracts tailings, and the resource tax will be exempt.

The Henan Province People’s Congress Standing Committee issued the “Decision on Applicable Tax Rates of Resource Tax in Henan Province” on July 31, which included 75 minerals with proven reserves and issued mining licenses in the scope of taxation, covering the current province. All resource elements developed, taking into account the resource grade, mining conditions and impact on the ecological environment, determine the applicable tax rate and calculation method for each tax element, and use taxes to establish a “safety net” for natural resources.

Jiang Yajuan, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Law at the Southwest University of Political Science and Law, stated that all localities strictly follow the authorized elements of the Resource Tax Law to introduce specific tax rates for taxes on assets. resources, specify the specific applicable tax rates for the relevant tax purposes, optimize calculation methods and preferential tax policies, and For the first time, the impact of development resources on the ecological environment is taken as an important factor in the determination of the resource tax rate, which favors the active role of resource taxes in protecting the environment.

Resource Tax Law Will Become “Catalyst” for Business Transformation

Bu Xianglai once pointed out at the press conference the day the resource tax law was voted on. Compared to the interim regulations on resource tax, the resource tax law has absorbed effective tax and service collection practices in recent years, with three new changes. The first is to simplify the collection period, which favors the reduction of the tax burden. The second is to standardize the items and tax rates, which favors the simplification of tax returns. The third is to strengthen departmental coordination, which favors the safeguarding of the rights and interests of taxpayers.

The person in charge of Shandong Jinling Mining Co., Ltd. is deeply moved by the convenience of taxes that the resource tax law brings. “We produce both iron ore and fine iron powder. Current iron ore sales need to be calculated by conversion ratio. It is not only complicated to calculate, but also not easy to understand. After the implementation of the Tax Law On Resources, the two tax rates for the raw ore and the profit are clarified directly for the iron ore companies, so the calculation and the declaration are much easier. “

While experiencing the convenience of tax processing, Chongqing Nengtou Yu New Energy Co., Ltd. also saw an opportunity for corporate transformation and upgrade. The company’s CFO Liang Yi said: “There is a new tax exemption policy for coalbed methane that must be mined for safe production in the resource tax law. It is estimated that the tax on the company’s resources will be reduced by nearly 2 million yuan a year. ” Select scrap equipment to improve resource utilization. “

Xishan Coal and Electricity (Group) Co., Ltd. is the country’s largest coking coal production base and the country’s first batch of circular economy pilot units. In recent years, the company has been engaged in the implementation of landfill and bargain mining projects to achieve “green mining” of coal resources. According to the “Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Tax Administration on the Continued Implementation of Preferential Policies on Resource Taxes”, within 3 years after the implementation of the Resource Tax Law, the tax to resources will be reduced by 50% over coal replaced by landfill and mining. Calculated on the basis of the company’s annual filling capacity of 600,000 tons, the tax is estimated to be reduced by 11.22 million yuan. Filling and mining can reduce bargain emissions and at the same time reduce corporate bargain spending by 7.5 million yuan. The gangue filling and mining project not only effectively manages the coal mine, protects the groundwater and reduces geological disasters, but also largely solves the environmental pollution and relocation problems of the surrounding villages.

Tan Heng, director of the Tax Research Institute of the State Administration of Taxation, said that in the next step, the tax department will focus on addressing the “six stability” and “six guarantees”, fully play the role of the taxes, promote the implementation of the resource tax law and promote green development and build a beautiful China. Make new and bigger contributions.
