99.8% form economic cooperatives! Heilongjiang Rural Collective Economic Development Enters Fast Track


Original title: 99.8% form an economic cooperative! The development of the rural collective economy of Heilongjiang has entered the fast track

The “Regulation of Rural Collective Economic Organizations of Heilongjiang Province” was approved by the Standing Committee of the Heilongjiang Provincial People’s Congress on August 21.meetingAdopted and will go into effect on October 1. This is a rural collectivepropertyAfter the reform of the system, the first comprehensive local regulations in the country on rural collective economic organizations. On August 28, Heilongjiang Province held a press conference on “Regulations of Rural Collective Economic Organizations of Heilongjiang Province.” Wang Jinhui, director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Heilongjiang Province, presented the relevant situation of the “Regulations”.

According to Wang Jinhui, so far, 9,966 collective economic organizations in Heilongjiang Province have established economies of participation.cooperativeOr economic cooperatives, which represent 99.8% of all collective economic organizations. Rural collectiveProperty rights systemAfter the reform, the development of the rural collective economy in Heilongjiang Province entered the fast lane. In 2018, the village’s total collective assets were 49 billion yuan, and the income was 5 billion yuan, an increase of 25% from the previous year. In 2019, total assets reached 52.1 billion yuan and revenue reached 6.36 billion yuan, an increase of 27.2% over the previous year. This is the fastest period in the development of the collective economy of the village since the reform and opening up.

Qiao Yanchun, a senior inspector with the Heilongjiang Province Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said the main driving force behind this growth rate is twofold. On the one hand, the Qinghua gathering work was carried out. Since 2018, after completingEarthFangzheng County, which is responsible for the registration of rights and reform of the property rights system, has deployedcontract, Resolve debts and newCapital increaseThe “Clean Hoa Income” pilot project, which focuses primarily on source fees, will be launched in 2019 across the province after two years of testing. With just a new resource fee, the village collective has achieved an income of 910 million yuan, which has driven a 66.7 increase in income for collective economic organizations. porcentual point. The new resource charges of Jiamusi City are 150 million yuan, which represents 26.8% of the city’s total revenue from collective economic organizations. On the other hand, support for national policy. In 2019, the Organization Department of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee, the Finance Department and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the “Notice on how to do a good job in supporting and strengthening the collective economy at the village level in 2019 “and rolled out pilot demonstrations comprehensively for the development and growth of the collective economy, and the provincial finance provided 295 million yuan Special funds to support the development of the collective economy in 590 villages. The Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Heilongjiang Province issued the “Three-Year Crop Plan for Model Models of” One Hundred Villages, Thousands of Cooperatives and Ten Thousand Households “in the Province (2019-2021).” It plans to use 3 years to cultivate 100 model models of new rural collective economic organizations to promote the province’s rural collective economic development.

In the last two years, the patrimonial situation of rural collective economic organizations has been optimized more and more, showing a good development trend. How to further regulate collective asset management to achieveCoverageAdding value and accelerating the development of the collective economy are important elements of legislative oversight and protection. Chapter 4 of the “Regulation” refers to “importation” and “To export“In two respects, in response to potential gaps, while adapting to long-term development needs in the future, more detailed regulations have been drawn up. For example, in terms of asset formation, it is clearly stipulated that rural assets formed with government funds belong to the collective economic organization of the village; to avoid loss of assets, rightFixed assetsStrict approval and filing procedures are established for the disposal of scrap metal, loss of inventory of various assets and bad debts; to prevent and control the risks of indebtedness of rural collective economic organizations, regulations must not be violated.BorrowBuild infrastructure orPublic serviceThe facilities should not provide guarantees for organizations and individuals other than the collective economic organization; To maximize the operating value of assets, it is stipulated that a relatively large amount of assets must be disposed of through an open rural community.Property rights transactionThe platform performs competitive transactions, etc.

Qiao Yanchun said that, unlike before the reform, the villagers ‘committee or the villagers’ group performed their functions. After the reform, a new type of collective economic organization was established, namely an economic cooperative of shares or an economic cooperative. Stock system, according to the modernbusinessThe operation of the system is obviously different from that before the reform in terms of management organization, accounting system and operating mechanism. The state has made it clear that rural collective economic organizations are administered by the agricultural and rural administration.SupervisorThe department is responsible for the registry. Article 5 of the “Regulations” clearly stipulates that agricultural and rural administrative departments at or above county level shall be responsible for the guidance, supervision and management of rural collective economic organizations within their administrative regions, and governments from the town of the municipality (city), the neighborhoodsofficeResponsible for the specific work of managing rural collective economic organizations within the administrative region.rural economyThe service organization is responsible for supervisors andaccountingOrientation and training of personnel, and provision of services for the management of the registration of organizations, registration of members, asset and capital management, etc.

This timeReform of the rural collective property rights systemOne of the main advances in China is the confirmation of collective operating assets and the reform of the cooperative stock system. The “Regulations” clearly stipulate that the establishment of collective capital stock in Heilongjiang Province is divided into two types: collective actions and member actions. The constitution of collective participations and the specific proportion of collective participations in the total assets of the rural collective economic organization will be decided by democratic discussion among the members of the collective economic organization. The proceeds of the collective actions are mainly used to develop the collective economy, social security expenditures, necessary public welfare expenditures and increase collective accumulation, deal with remaining problems, and resolve debts at the village level.

Heilongjiang Province Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Policy Reform and Regulation Division Level 3InvestigationMember Li Jiawen introduced that the new reformed rural collective economic organization as a special legal person has undergone fundamental changes in its organizational structure, accounting system, and management and operation mechanism compared to the original rural collective economic organization. Rural collective economic organizations are independent market economic entities, responsible for the management and exploitation of collective assets, and have the functions of developing the collective economy. In order to support its development and growth of the collective economy, the “Regulation” has clarified three aspects: it stipulates the responsibilities of the government. “The people’s government at the county level or above it can formulate policies and measures to develop the rural collective economy in the light of real conditions.” Two preferential policies are clarified. Article 7 of the “Regulations” stipulates: “Rural collective economic organizations enjoy preferential policies during the period in which the villagers ‘committees and villagers’ groups exercise their functions, and enjoy preferential policies formulated by the province for the new entities. agricultural business “. Article 8 of the “Regulations” clarifies that “organizations and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the development and growth of the rural collective economy, the village government at or above the county level can commend and reward accordingly. with the pertinent national and provincial regulations “. It will play a positive role in promotion.

According to reports, the “Regulation”ShareArticle 57 of Chapter 8 clarifies a series of basic systems, such as the status of the main body of the market economy, the main management body, the shareholder cooperation system, the asset operation mechanism and the supervision and management of the collective economic organizations, and solidifies the results of the reform of the property rights system in the form of laws and regulations. The promulgation of the “Regulations” is an important result of the rural reform in Heilongjiang Province, an important event in the rural economy and society and a milestone.

(Source: Science and Technology Daily)

(Responsible editor: DF062)

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