Traveling to a new highway writing a new chapter: a survey by Shanxi Secretary General Xi Jinping


Traveling to a new highway writing a new chapter: a survey by Shanxi Secretary General Xi Jinping

Xinhua News Agency, Taiyuan, May 13, wired Title: Traveling a New Path Writing a New Chapter —— Secretary General Xi Jinping’s Research Records in Shanxi

Xinhua News Agency reporters Zhang Xiaosong, Zhu Jichai, reporter for the People’s Daily Du Shangze

The majestic Taihang, the rolling Lvliang, the mountains are green, and the Fen River is rolling.

At the critical moment of establishing a comprehensively affluent society and fighting poverty alleviation, Secretary General Xi Jinping arrived in Shanxi, went to the field, visited farmers, visited companies, and inspected reforms. Research on the results.

This is Secretary General Xi Jinping’s investigation and investigation in Shanxi after another three years. He said affectionately: “After working in the central government, I have been paying attention to Shanxi.”

He affirmed Shanxi’s achievements in poverty alleviation, transformation and development, comprehensive reform, ecological protection, people’s livelihood and party governance in recent years, and encouraged Shanxi to step forward and advance high-quality transformation and development. At a higher rate, we will strive to find a new path for transformation and development, and we will seize the momentum to write a new chapter in the practice of Shanxi socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

“Forget about worry, get out of poverty”

“Secretary General, in another month, the yellow flowers in this place will reach the flowering period, and then they will be golden, how happy!”

The warm sunlight shines on the vast fields. The yellow flower seedlings at the standardized organic yellow flower planting base in Yunzhou District, Datong City, have grown to the height of the ruler, stretching the green leaves skyward.

Secretary General Xi Jinping was in the field, looking at the field of hope in front of him, with a relieved smile on his face.

On the afternoon of the 11th, Secretary General Xi Jinping arrived in Shanxi for research and investigation, and came to Datong for the first time. He emphasized that after the villagers got rid of poverty, what worries me most is how to consolidate poverty alleviation, prevent the return to poverty and ensure that villagers continue to increase their incomes and enrich themselves. After getting off the bus, the secretary-general went directly to the field to gain a deep understanding of the development of the local yellow flower industry.

The yellow flowers, also known as Hemerocallis and Sorrel, are edible and medicinal. Datong Huanghua has a history of more than 600 years. In recent years, large-scale and standardized cultivation has vigorously developed. The planting area has reached 260,000 mu and the annual production value has reached 900 million yuan, lifting more than 15,000 poor households out of poverty. As the old saying goes: “There is no precious jade on the Mo Dao farm, the yellow flowers everywhere are golden needles.”

Villagers were brushing and loosening the land in the field. When they saw the secretary-general coming, they enthusiastically surrounded them and greeted the secretary-general aloud.

Xi Jinping spoke to everyone: Has the land been transferred? How much can an acre of land give? In addition to work, how much money can you earn in a year?

Everyone told the secretary-general that after the circulation of the land, the annual income per acre of land is 500 yuan, and working here can earn 150 yuan per day. In recent years, under the guidance of major companies and cooperatives, Huanghua’s production and quality have been stable, and sales and prices have been guaranteed. Last year, the average income of poor households was over 10,000 yuan.

“Originally, I didn’t dare diversify. Now that the base has a processing plant, I don’t have to worry about drying, processing, warehousing, and sales. The more yellow flowers I plant, the more income I get,” the enthusiastic enthusiasts said. villagers.

After hearing everyone’s “prosperity”, Xi Jinping was very happy: “Last month I went to a village called Jinmi Village in the Qinling Mountains of Shaanxi, where mushroom plantation has shaped industrialization, and I praise them as one.” small mushroom industry. “This is also a ‘small yellow flower industry’ and has a promising future.”

He told local cadres that they must protect and develop Huanghua’s industry so that villagers can become a good way to get rich and become a “rich flower” for the masses. “Communists must do things for the benefit of the people, benefit the people, do solid things for ordinary people, do good things for the people, serve as officials, and benefit the party.”

In Datong, Huanghua related products have formed a series. In the Huanghua product showroom, various products such as dried yellow flowers, yellow flower paste, yellow flower cake and cosmetics made with yellow flowers are dazzling. Through deep processing, extending the industrial chain and enhancing comprehensive profits, local people have embarked on a path of happiness. The slogan “Forget worry, get rid of poverty” is posted on the wall of the exhibition hall, vividly explaining the benefits of planting yellow flowers to villagers.

Xi Jinping carefully inspected Huanghua’s products and said with excitement, “It is building on local reality, vigorously developing characteristic industries, and making Datong Huanghua a nationally recognized brand, so that villagers can be rich and forget their concerns.”

On the afternoon of the 12th, the main comrades responsible for the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee briefed the Secretary-General on their development ideas “through industrial development through poverty alleviation, comprehensive well-being and rural revitalization.”

Xi Jinping emphasized: “Shanxi has many mountains, multiple landforms, and diverse climates. This unique resource endowment makes Shanxi’s agriculture output” special “and” excellent. “Structural reform needs to be deepened on the agricultural supply and improve agricultural integrity. Efficiency and competitiveness “.

“A better life is yet to come”

Fangcheng New Village, Xiping Town, not far from the Huanghua Plantation Base, is an ex situ poverty alleviation and relocation village. In recent years, it has achieved stable poverty alleviation by relying on ex situ poverty alleviation and industrial poverty alleviation.

Rows of bungalows and patios with white walls and cornices reveal the characteristics of traditional residential houses in North Shanxi.

Along the spacious and clean concrete road, Secretary General Xi Jinping entered the new village.

The secretary of the village festival branch, Liu Shigui, told the secretary general that since 2018, the 210 villagers from the original Dafangcheng village and Xizui village have moved here from the earthen caves in the sloping beams. and the saline land where generations lived. Big changes.

Upon entering the Bai Gaoshan Village, the vegetables and fruits grown in the courtyard attracted the attention of the Secretary General.

“This is zucchini, this is cucumber, these tomatoes have started to bear fruit, and those two are apple trees.” Bai Gaoshan is like a family treasure.

“These fruits and vegetables are enough for your family,” said the secretary-general with a smile.

From the living room to the kitchen, from the bedroom to the bathroom, Secretary General Xi Jinping seemed very detailed. The afternoon sunlight spilled onto the small patio, and the room was brighter. Ceilings, white walls, tile, refrigerators, color televisions, and gas stoves are very different from earth caves in the past.

Bai Gaoshan took out an old photo and showed it to the secretary-general: it was a cave dwelling where he lived for more than 40 years before moving to the new village.

Xi Jinping carefully took photos and asked, “How much does it cost to live in this house now?” Bai Gaoshan told the secretary-general that last year, with government support, he only spent 10,000 yuan to move into a new house.

“What do you do at home after you move? How about your income?” Xi Jinping asked.

Bai Lijun, the son of Bai Gaoshan, told the secretary general that after moving to Xincun, he went to a government-subsidized vocational training school and became an electric welder, earning more than 40,000 yuan last year.

“Now the village girls are ready to get married here, right?” Asked the secretary-general with a smile.

“It isn’t! Now that life is better and others are ready to come. My son has been playing single, he found his wife last year, and this year our couple hugged their grandson.” Bai Gaoshan smiled, “Building a house, getting married Political daughter, this is an important event in the life of our family. We sincerely thank the Communist Party!”

“The Communist Party seeks the happiness of ordinary people. Now not only does it not collect, maintain, tax, load or pay for grain, but it also sends medicine and medicine, builds houses, teaches technology and finds a path to prosperity” . The family, Xi Jinping asked, “What are your plans for the future?”

“I just hope the days improve,” said Bai Gaoshan.

“It will definitely get better! There are still good days left!” The secretary general’s words caused laughter in the house.

At the report’s meeting on the afternoon of 12, Secretary-General Xi Jinping affirmed the achievements of Shanxi Province in implementing poverty alleviation and relocation. He noted: “Shanxi has made decisive achievements in poverty alleviation. 58 counties affected by poverty have taken their hats off, but there are still more than 20,000 poor people who have not been lifted out of poverty, and more than 120,000 people who have escaped poverty and those at risk of poverty. ” We must do a good job of alleviating poverty for these poor people, consolidate and expand poverty alleviation achievements in industrial employment, do a good job of monitoring poverty alleviation and supporting relocation, strengthen monitoring and early warning of the return of poverty and dynamic assistance, and promote the organic connection between poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. “

“Let Yihong clean the water in the Yellow River”

In the early summer season, the water in the Fenhe River initially rose and the waves rippled.

In the Jinyang Bridge section of the Taiyuan City District of Fenhe, the Jinyang Bridge, which opened to traffic last year, stretches across clear water, traffic on the bridge is endless, and greenery on both sides of the Fenhe river is dense.

At noon on the 12th, Secretary General Xi Jinping came to investigate ecological restoration and construction of the urban environment of the Fenhe River Basin.

Fen River, the second largest tributary of the Yellow River, the mother river in Shanxi. More than 2,000 years ago, the ancients left here beautiful verses of “Panlou Boat, Jifen River and Yang Subo flowing horizontally.” However, over a period of time, due to the over-exploitation of minerals in the river basin, the ecology has been seriously damaged, the water quality of the Fen river has been seriously polluted and some sections of the river have even been interrupted .

In June 2017, Secretary General Xi Jinping emphasized during his inspection in Shanxi: “We must attach great importance to the environmental protection of the Fen River, so that the mother river in Shanxi has abundant water, good water quality and beautiful landscapes” , he asked Shanxi. Take extraordinary measures in terms of transforming the mode of economic development, comprehensive treatment of environmental pollution, protection and natural ecological restoration, saving resources and intensive use, and perfecting the system of ecological civilization, and carrying out ecological environmental protection in a comprehensive, regional and complete process.

Almost three years have passed, has Shanxi submitted “supernormal measures”? How about the effect?

Standing on the bank of the Fenhe River, Secretary General Xi Jinping listened to the introduction of the Fenhe River and the comprehensive “Jiuhe” treatment and ecological restoration of the river basin in Taiyuan City.

“Jiuhe” refers to the 9 main tributaries of the Fenhe River in the urban area of ​​Taiyuan, which were reduced to smelly ditches due to the direct discharge of domestic sewage into the river. Focusing on improving the water quality of the Fen River and improving the urban ecological environment, in recent years, Taiyuan City has implemented the “Nine Rivers” comprehensive treatment project, “Five Measures” for Pollution Control, the humidification, dredging, green bank and water transfer.

Relevant responsible comrades in Taiyuan City reported in detail: “We strictly implement water saving in the basin, focusing on transforming water saving into large-scale irrigation areas and addressing 13 areas of overexploitation in the basin. Groundwater level has increased for 10 consecutive years; By the end of the year, it was constantly withdrawn from the lower category ;; Through the construction of ecological landscapes, the green belts of the northern and southern banks of the Jiuhe River system expanded from zero to 15 meters. “

Hearing that the Fenhe River gradually realized that “the quantity of water is abundant, the quality of the water is good, and the landscape is beautiful,” the Secretary-General frequently agreed: “It really is a vicissitude and great changes! Taiyuan has been known since ancient times as ‘the splendid city of Taiyuan, surrounded on three sides by mountains and divided into water’ Now, the beautiful scenery of Splendid Taiyuan is becoming a reality. ” He noted that governing the Fenhe River is not only related to the ecological protection and economic development of Shanxi, but also to the historical and cultural heritage of Taiyuan and even Shanxi.

On both banks of the Fen River, the sky is clear and the wind is windy, and the western mountains in the distance are clearly visible. In the water, some kayakers crossed the red boat.

The secretary general walked along the east bank of the Fenhe River and stopped and looked at him from time to time: “In the past, I was busy making ‘roads, bridges, tunnels and railroads’, and now the county level lends great attention to the green transformation of the city. This is a welcome change. Urban construction The level reflects the economic strength, the philosophy of government and the quality of citizenship of a city, and we must persevere in it. “

He listened to the working report of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government: “We must effectively protect and manage the Fen River, reproduce the beauty of the late Yang Fen River crossing in old Jinjiang, and let Yihong clean the water in the yellow River”.

During the inspection in Shanxi, Secretary General Xi Jinping repeatedly spoke about the importance of green development: “You are here, the North China Water Tower, the Beijing-Tianjin Water Source Conservation Area- Hebei, an important part of the Three North Shelterbelt, and the ecological security protection of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and the Yellow River An important barrier. “

He particularly emphasized the need to carry forward the “Yu Yu spirit”: “Leading cadres at all levels must succeed in me, and must be in my kingdom. Do not participate in projects of rapid achievement and work harder in the contemporary era, benefit in the long run and benefit Things for future generations. “

“Efforts to create a new way of transformation and development”

Shanxi is the largest coal-producing province in China and an important energy and heavy chemical base, making significant contributions to the country’s development. However, the problems of the single industry and unreasonable structure are also very important. The task of transformation and development is very urgent and very arduous.

In the new era, the Party Central Committee gave Shanxi the important task of building a pilot zone of comprehensive reform in support of economic transformation based on national resources. Shanxi has become the first omnidirectional and systematic comprehensive national reform pilot zone in the entire province for resource-based economic transformation. In June 2017, Secretary General Xi Jinping came to Shanxi to investigate, hoping that Shanxi “will take advantage of this opportunity and truly embark on a new path of excellent development, high quality, good efficiency and sustainable development.” In May 2019, the Secretary General chaired the eighth meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensive In-Depth Reform and reviewed and approved the “Opinions on the Pilot Reform of the Energy Revolution in Shanxi”, supporting Shanxi through the comprehensive reform pilot and fighting to be the vanguard of the national energy revolution.

How is the progress of reform, innovation and transformation? On the morning of the 12th, Secretary-General Xi Jinping arrived at the Government Service Center of the Shanxi Reform and Reform Demonstration Zone to conduct a survey. “This reform is a topic that I raised during my research in Shanxi in 2009. I have always been very concerned about this issue.”

The exhibition hall condenses Shanxi extraordinary course “Phoenix Nirvana”: institutional reforms, scientific planning and design, improvement of the business environment and cultivation of modern industrial systems … A series of “core” scientific and technological achievements intuitively show the area Demonstration to cultivate the emerging New advances made by industrial groups. The Secretary General looked very carefully.

“Shanxi was once the dominant coal, but coal was also trapped in coal. The economic structure was too simple, causing severe damage to natural ecology and once having a negative impact on political ecology. The lesson was very deep”. As for Shanxi, transformation and development have a sense of urgency and a long-term strategic plan. We cannot wait for resources to run out before participating in the transformation. “

Secretary General Xi Jinping has high hopes for Shanxi: “If the path is right, we must persevere and work hard for a long time. Do not repeat and rule out. I hope that Shanxi will take the initiative to open a new path in transformation and developing”.

In the Taigang Stainless Steel Precision Strip Co., Ltd. workshop, the gears spun and the machines roared. Secretary General Xi Jinping delved into the company and inspected transformation and development cases on the spot.

In front of the glossy unit, Secretary General Xi Jinping stopped to look, and a line of silver-glossy paper-thin paper was slowly transported to the high-temperature annealing furnace along with the unwinder.

What is being produced is an ultra thin precision stainless steel strip with a thickness of only 0.02mm, which is equivalent to a quarter of normal A4 paper. It can be easily torn and is visually known as “hand-torn steel”. From the “high” aerospace industry, high-end electronics, new energy fields, to today’s folding screen mobile phones have their presence.

“We spent 3 years, after more than 700 tests, and finally we developed successfully, we currently lead the world,” said the head of the company with pride.

Xi Jinping took a piece of “hand-drawn steel” and carefully inspected it. He turned it gently with his fingers. He couldn’t help but praise: “The ship is really good. It is as thin as aluminum foil.

TISCO Stainless Steel Precision Steel Co., Ltd. has achieved rapid development by relying on the first “manual steel steel” product, which also reflects the profound importance of Shanxi’s transformative and innovative development.

“Taigang is a very important company in the field of steel manufacturing in Shanxi and even throughout the country, and plays an important role in adjusting and optimizing the economic structure and the transformation and development of Shanxi.” At the door of the production workshop, Secretary General Xi Jinping cordially exchanged with representatives of the surrounding employees. It will make persistent efforts to continue to scale the peak of technological innovation in high-end manufacturing and to take new and better steps to support advanced manufacturing. “

In recent years, with the support of the central government, the added value of Shanxi’s strategic emerging industries and high-tech industries has grown faster than higher-scale industries, non-coal industries, and manufacturing industries. They have grown faster than the coal industry. Industrial structure, energy The structure has been gradually optimized, and the tremendous effects of Shanxi’s implementation of the comprehensive pilot reform of the energy revolution and the construction of a pilot area for comprehensive reform of economic transformation based on national resources are gradually emerging.

Listening to the work report of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, Secretary General Xi Jinping emphasized once again: “Shanxi must implement the pilot requirements for comprehensive reform of the energy revolution, continue to promote adjustment and optimization of the industrial structure and implementation of a series of transformative, tensile and reference measures. Fundamentally abandoning the extensive development mode “.

Shanxi, a province that was once trapped by coal, is representing a beautiful image of transformative development, green development and high-quality development in the new era!
