Democratic consultation and search for common development


Original title: Democratic consultation and search for common development

May 8, the third session of the 12th CPPCCMeetingOpen in Chengdu.

In Chengdu, more than 600 kilometers from Panzhihua, CPPCC members who lived at the Provincial People’s Political Consultative Conference actively performed their duties with the unique temperature and enthusiasm of the “City of the Sun Flowers”.AttitudeExcellent ability to perform tasks and solid effectiveness in the performance of tasks, focused on the important speech of the Provincial Secretary of the Peng Qinghua Party, the Standing Committee of the Provincial CPPCCTo workReportHot discussion and discussion with the proposal work report.

During the discussion, committee members used “enthusiasm” and “encouragement” to describe their feelings and “confidence”.Responsibility“To describe your mood.

Secretary Peng Qinghua’s “Five Focus” requirements for CPPCC organizations at all levels and the Standing Committee’s work report clearly defined the focus of CPPCC’s work throughout the year.QualityCarrying out tasks has pointed the direction and clarified the key points. During the discussion, Li Qunlin, a member of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, said that it is necessary to accelerate the implementation of the spirit of the relevant conferences and closely follow the development development of “one job, multiple branches, five districts “of the provincial party committee,” four-way expansion, global opening. “StrategyThe Chengcheng-Chongqing Double-City Economic Circle Building conducted a thematic investigation on the same topic in the province and Sichuan and Chongqing on the same topic, and made positive suggestions for decision-making by the party’s provincial committee.

Provincial CPPCC member Liu Daolu said in the discussion that the working report and the working report of the proposal of the Provincial CPPCC Standing Committee are simple and inspiring, summarizing the results and seeking the truth of the facts, They deploy workstations with high positions, clear ideas, and practical steps, making people feel deep and excited. Encouraged to enhance trust and development mission.

“After listening to the new requirements of the” two reports “for the work of the CPPCC, as a newly added member of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, I feel more responsibility and greater responsibilities, which increases the sense of urgency and responsibility to participate and discuss government affairs. “

During the discussion, committee members agreed that if it was a summary of last year’s job achievements, it was important to coordinate prevention and control of the epidemic situation and the economy.SocietyDeep analysis of development remains the layout and deployment of this year’s work. The “two reports” take charge of the overall situation and move forward. They are highly political and instructive, and indicate the direction and monitoring of the work of the provincial CPPCC.

The committee members also have new ideas and new reflections on the tremendous results achieved in the province’s epidemic prevention and control work.

“At a critical moment, we can test the will of a country and the spirit of a nation before the big test.” Qin Hongmin, a member of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, said that the fight for the prevention and control of the epidemic once again eloquently demonstrated that only by overcoming the strong leadership of the Chinese Communist Party can it be overcome. All kinds of difficulties and obstacles constantly move from victory to new victory.

Provincial CPPCC member Liu Jianming said in the discussion that economic data in various provincesStatisticsIn China, the Sichuan data is very striking, and our province is the first province to hold two sessions in the context of prevention and control of the normalized epidemic. Achieving great results is rewarding, but the epidemic is not yet over, we still have to work hard to fight for another. Achieve success.

Li Ming, a member of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, hopes to comprehensively review special response measures in the prevention and control of epidemic situations, and respond to some of the issues, such as online deliberation and celebration CPPCC conference room online.Work contentInstitutionalization and standardization of forms and forms, and vigorously promote the innovative development of the work of the CPPCC.

Building the economic circle of the twin cities in the Chengdu-Chongqing area is also a key point for committee members.

“Sichuan and Chongqing face a new round ofNational strategyThe design should strengthen the top-level design. For the construction of the economic circle of twin cities in the Chengdu-Chongqing area, it is necessary to think from the national level, not only in Chengdu and Chongqing. “Weiquhe, a member of the Provincial CPPCC, actively suggested.

Ren Wen, a member of the CPPCC Provincial People’s Political Consultative Conference, said that although Panzhihua is far from Chengdu and Chongqing, Panzhihua has vanadium and titanium,SteelOnlyIndustryAdvantages, I hope that Panzhihua can be included in the construction of the economic circle of twin cities in the Chengdu-Chongqing area, complementing the resources of Chengdu and Chongqing.

Focusing on poverty alleviation, committee members also made suggestions.

“While epidemic prevention and control work has achieved great results, we must also continue to pay attention to the impact of the epidemic on poverty alleviation.” Li Junhong, a member of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, expressed the need to further increaseFarm productsProtect the purchase price and increase farmers’ confidence in developing industries. At the same time, we must increase remote areas.TrafficBuilding infrastructure lays a solid foundation for the poor to get rid of poverty and get rich.

“To take over the world after the outbreakIndustry chain,Supply chainFit andReorganizationOpportunities to fight for the introduction of more industries to develop in Sichuan. “

“Affected by the epidemic situation, the situation of resumption of production and resumption of the market is complicated, and the” data-only theory “must be further eliminated, scientific and rational understandingEconomic indicatorsChina’s negative growth pays more attention to economic quality. “

“We should increase theBusinessThe degree of attention to living conditions. “

“My provinceCultureConstruction should go hand in hand with economic, technological and other constructions, and increase the emphasis on traditional culture at the national and provincial levels. “


Seeking support, finding countermeasures, making suggestions, and developing words, committee members continue to argue.

(Editor in charge: DF387)

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