Don’t let anyone be wrong: Amsterdam is GDR socialism at its best and Stalinism at its worst


In Amsterdam they want to abolish the rule of law. That’s the same constitutional state that, according to Amsterdam Mayor of GroenLinks Femke Halsema (one of the dirtiest and most rancid people ever and will ever exist), “should be your friend.” This rule of law increasingly gets in the way of the Green Left and the administrators of socialist cities more often: the cold revenge service and the destruction of existing power structures are generally severely hampered by the rules and laws that apply to everyone, including regents who prefer to apply only laws to everyone but themselves.

Amsterdam is managed by a GroenLinks-SP-PvdA-D66 university. That sounds very broad, liberal and progressive, but in reality it is primarily the communist steel frames that make up the service. The Steel Boxes know that you must suppress people before they see that the destruction of power structures, individualism, capitalism and the free market is the only beneficial way. Repressing people is best done with state terror. No other state has been able to do without state terror. Only when people are afraid and feel the eyes of the state always and everywhere on themselves, the oppression and submission of people are perfect.

No one should be confused: a city in which a councilman can shamelessly propose “naming and shaming” entrepreneurs (read: making entrepreneurs fearful enough to suppress and subdue them) is not a healthy city. And there certainly is no democracy. This is GDR socialism at its best and unconditional Stalinism at its worst.

Amsterdam is not governed by councilors who want the best for the city and the future. Amsterdam is governed by councilmen who want nothing more than to see their ideological enemies hanging from the gallows and the world burning in the scorched earth.

In that regard, the councilors of Amsterdam are as resentful, resentful, poisonous, false, arrogant, deceitful, and bloodthirsty as their mayor. You know, the woman who wrote in her autobiography before putting herself on the chain of charges that “saying goodbye to politics is final” and therefore would never accept the office of a mayor.

Those who live in Amsterdam and don’t feel hated by the city hall have long since been lost and the best they can do is learn to bow majestically as fast as possible, lick like a crazy poppy and crawl like a cockroach in the moldy sewers of the night.

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