The whole world facilitates the blockade, because the economy has to work, only the NL remains closed


More and more countries and regions are choosing to relax anti-coronavirus measures as the number of new infections and deaths declines every day in many places. Germany and Israel, among others, are reopening the country in part.

In Germany, preparations to ensure that everything runs smoothly are in full swing. In the eastern city of Dresden, 200,000 masks are distributed, because they are mandatory in the state of Saxony for anyone using public transport or a store. Many German stores reopen from Monday, such as zoos, for example.

Schools are gradually reopened, but under strict conditions all rules are followed. Labs and libraries are reopening at universities. People still have to keep a minimum distance of 1.5 meters from each other, even in shops, public transport or at school.

Belgium partly relaxes the measures by reopening large garden centers and DIY stores. However, most stores remain closed. Like the Dutch government, the Belgian government will make a decision next week on adjusting the blocking rules.

Denmark and Austria have also partly restarted public life, where a blockade was also introduced earlier than in Germany and the Netherlands. In Denmark, the largest hairdressing reservation site crashed shortly after it was known that hairdressing shops would reopen on Monday.

Israel has reopened a ton of businesses and stores since Sunday to get the economy back on track. In the country, the number of registered infections and deaths has remained low compared to other countries. Therefore, public life is slowly resumed. Elderly and vulnerable people must still remain indoors.

The states of Vermont and Texas of EE. USA They have announced in recent days to ease Monday’s closure. Several companies will reopen there to help get the economy running again. In the United States, the states themselves determine the measures, the severely affected states of New York and New Jersey will remain closed until May.

Spain reported on Saturday that it will extend the state of emergency to May 9. That is the most affected country in Europe. In France, Italy and the United Kingdom, the measures will also remain in force until May.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte will likely announce on Tuesday whether the measures for the Netherlands will be extended or amended.


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