“Barbie car not insured” | Entertainment


The accident involving Samantha, better known as Barbie, took place in The Hague on Sunday night. The driver of the car lost control of the steering wheel and crashed into the fence of a viaduct, among other things. Samantha who was in the vehicle as a co-pilot, was allegedly transferred to the hospital.

A total of three people are said to have been taken to the hospital. There are also rumors that the driver fled for the first time. At the same time, it was also learned that the car would not be insured. A check through the RDW site confirms that there is no registered WAM insurance, which is a criminal offense, although the RDW points out that it is not responsible for the accuracy of the data because they were sent by third parties.

The Department of Traffic Accident Analysis (VOA) will investigate the car accident, according to the news site.
