“Top ABN Amro warned of money laundering problems” | Financial


That’s what the Financieele Dagblad writes. Several current and current supervisory directors recently testified about this in court in the ongoing investigation into possible violations of money laundering legislation by ABN Amro.

Internal warnings and testimonials from supervising directors may have consequences for the ongoing investigation into ABN Amro by the Public Ministry and FIOD. This investigation under the Guardian name began last year and will likely be completed by the end of this year at the earliest. Then it will be clear if ABN Amro and the directors with legal responsibility are charged with criminal offenses.

The collisions about compliance at the top are evident in the book De Staatsbank, to be published on Tuesday. ABN Amro interposed itself between officials and bankers of FD journalists Ivo Bökkerink and Pieter Couwenbergh. The book is based on conversations with over a hundred people involved inside and outside the bank and non-public documents.
