Police make 27 arrests in raid on illegal gambling property in Rotterdam | NOW


Police arrested 27 people on Saturday afternoon who were guilty of illegal gambling in a building on Innsbruckweg in Rotterdam. All present were also fined for failing to comply with the applicable emergency ordinance during the crown crisis.

In addition, two cars, two slot machines and 10,000 euros in cash were seized.

Police raided the property around 11:45 p.m. after an anonymous report. Agents found cash, tokens, card games, and slot machines.

All the people who have been arrested now have been sent and have to answer in court later. In any case, they receive a fine of 390 euros for not observing the crown measures. An investigation is underway into whether the building on Innsbruckweg can be administratively closed to prevent a recurrence.

On Saturday, the police also raided an illegal poker tournament in Zaandam. There, 53 people were fined 390 euros.

The building in Rotterdam where the police raided. (Photo: police)
