“It’s about freedom of conscience!” – The Daily Standard


In a special video message that Forum for Democracy has posted on YouTube, Thierry Baudet explains the fact that Henk Otten and the NPO released WhatsApp messages to him. This, he says, is much more than a few annoying accusations. It is the freedom to discuss things privately with friends and colleagues without fear that what you say may be used against you.

In what can only be called a particularly honest response to the Zemblablabla controversy, Thierry Baudet says in a new short video that he is completely ready with figures sharing private messages with him with the media … and, of course, with the media that then post messages.

Thursday “the world was startled, but not really! – through messages that I would have written years ago that would show that the Russians paid me. Well, all that, of course, is not true, and I also analyzed it because to demonstrate and also point out how it reaches the press, someone who is expelled for robbery with party money who later wants to get his gram. . This is all very low, “said Baudet,” and sad to see. “

“But I really want to make one more point clear here,” continues the FVD leader. “And that is what you say in the messages of the application or in the context of time, or in a meeting or dinner, which is destined for a closed circle, which of course you can never and should not in public are attacked because that does not it’s part of the opinion that you really expose in the public space. “

Of course you are absolutely right about it. It’s crazy that private statements are used publicly against you. As a politician, what matters to you publicly say what you public stalls. And besides, it’s also perfectly normal for me to debate certain topics internally. Or really: on all subjects. When all the disagreements, test balloons, etc. from other parliamentarians are made public and compared to the public opinions of their party, they have all of them A problem Skill!


“It is not the case that you use an application that someone has said, that someone has said something that youcurrent point of view, “as was the case in totalitarian regimes,” Baudet continues. It is about freedom of conscience, it is about the secrecy of the letters, it is about the most fundamental elements of our civil rights, and it is also about things that are necessary for the proper execution of our profession as a politician, as the creator of opinion. Because you can only develop a well-founded opinion if sometimes you also have a different point of view, or only the devil’s defender, or you just put yourself on your opponent, or check to see what happens when you have a chew in a position for a few days more extreme, or at an extreme moderate position. “

All of these things are essential for a free society.“, Baudet concludes,” for a democracy that works, and then I will go after today never go in more or respond to people who come up with a screenshot of something you once said, or maybe didn’t say anything, maybe it’s a fake screenshot, you can do it. Or you can’t verify it because you have a new phone and the data has been erased. All kinds of things are possible, but I’m not going to go into that ever again. I will not defend it, I will not deny it, I will not confirm it. I like to be approached by the things I have said in public. This also applies to other people at our parties, in our books, in speeches, at conferences, whatever. But this Digging years ago, “Did you ever have this or that …” I will never go into that again from now on.

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