This is the final product of the crown edition. Serious request | Entertainment


The aid organization will use the proceeds from the charity to distribute food boxes to people who are struggling to survive during the crown crisis.

3FM Channel Manager Sharid Everything he is very proud of the result achieved. “We demonstrated together last week that we can do something together during this difficult time. As 3FM we wanted to do our part, because we are all in the same boat and because we want to support the Netherlands, ”says Alles. “3FM Serious Request connects and that is more necessary today than ever. That is why I am very proud of the great initiatives that I have seen in the last week. “

The special stories behind the plate’s requests and the actions in the country touched everything several times. “I think it is fantastic that even in this strange moment, the Netherlands is willing to help others by donating or applying for a registration for the Red Cross.”

The Red Cross is also happy with the result. “We are happy with this good performance. Through these donations, we can support people with coronavirus,” he says. Marieke van Schaik, director of the Red Cross. “Whether it’s the elderly person alone or the corona patient who needs a clean bed or a meal at a corona hotel. We are there for them with our volunteers.”
