Greenpeace: good time to stop at Schiphol | Financial


According to the environmental organization, it is up to Schiphol to develop a plan that considerably limits damage to people, nature and the climate.

“And that does not mean going back to the previous plan, with 500,000 flights, a significant portion over short distances,” said the environmental organization. “Sustainable aviation remains a fairy tale at the moment, so it is time to stop flying several times a day to To fly to Brussels, London or Paris. We have to fully invest in the train and other green transport. Schiphol finally you can stop focusing on growth and more flights. Let’s take a new path. “

Greenpeace responded to statements by Schiphol chief Dick Benschop to the Trouw newspaper. Benschop stated that he does not want the number of flight movements after the crown crisis to return to the current high of 500,000 in a short time, although of course this is not the case at the moment. Most of the planes are grounded and the economy and tourism have been severely affected.

According to Benschop, aviation recovery will take until 2023 anyway. “I want a controlled recovery. So I don’t want to hit the ceiling again immediately, but in controlled steps.”
