Zembla’s hateful documentary on Baudet mainly shows the brain rot of Mediapark and Henk Otten – The Daily Standard


Columnist Jan Roos has also seen Zembla’s documentary on Thierry Baudet. He’s tough on it: It was a “ridiculous” TV broadcast, says Jan: “Calling things without evidence to harm an opponent” Indicates Hilversum’s ‘brain rot’. And also that of apple supplier Henk Otten.

No one is perfect. We already knew that, and that certainly applies to Thierry Baudet. I have a warm heart for him and for the Forum for Democracy, but sometimes I see and hear things about him that I comment on. And fortunately, because if I find perfection in a person, and especially in a politician! My critical thinking would have stalled.

I am in the luxurious position that I can express my review of Thierry personally through WhatsApp, among other things. Baudet is a person with, like me, a big ego. And like me, commenting on it is a source of exacerbation. He always asks what exactly I mean and sometimes he agrees with me. That is a healthy way to interact. It’s the other way around. Thierry has criticized me, which has helped me a lot.

We think the same about many things. Political ideas are also in line with mine and our vision of society is almost identical. But I understand that when you stay, for example, the comments about him get more and more intense. The more there are, the fewer interfaces, the more critical. That is a natural reaction. It’s the other way around. The more people there are, the further away I am from them and the more critical I am about their views.

However, you must be careful that criticizing someone does not become flat hatred, mixed with rude words. It quickly turns into nothing more than an ordinary fight, where people touch where they can touch. For example, yesterday someone on Twitter called me a “child molester” and another, including a former teacher, scolded me for “pedantic and pedantic vetlap of children.” These people do not know me, but they use these terms to attack me, since they do not agree with my thinking. Therefore, both are noticeably left. It doesn’t make any sense in terms of content, but they want to hurt me. Purely because I think differently from them. It escapes me like duck feather water. They are expressions of confused people.

It only gets serious when people like this call themselves journalists and attack in the same tone. That happened last night on the NPO Zembla program, funded by you and me. Thierry Baudet is said to be a Russian pawn controlled by the Kremlin. This is evidenced by the fact that at the time of the Ukraine referendum, WhatsApp joked about Putin’s support. Those jokes, which he often made as a campaign leader in the referendum, were fueled by media reports. For example, the VVD already said that we received the support of the Russians and that was a fact in the newspaper Faithful. Later, Joshua Livestro, who received € 200,000 from George Soros for his YES campaign, also admitted that he made the connection to the Kremlin because he had not been very successful in convincing people to vote for the association treaty.

It is, of course, a ridiculous accusation from Zembla. Calling things without evidence to harm an opponent. It’s as rude as ranting tweeters, only now disguised as journalism. It turned out to be the ex-fired treasurer Henk Otten who had helped Zembla with WhatsApp messages. Otten stole from Forum and had to leave. Since then it has been the sweetie from the mainstream media for their attacks on Forum and Baudet. After all, the dogma “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” applies. But the fact that the mass media itself tries to frame these transparent lies as true, in the hope that they will adhere to the people who can vote next year, has nothing to do with journalism.

Especially when you know that Henk Otten sent messages last night to, among other things, members of the First Chamber of the Forum who are now at a Putin party, after which he closed with a smile. Mission accomplished, Henk thought. It not only indicates the rot in your brain, but also that of Media Park. The reviews are good, but this was a hate campaign financed by tax dollars.

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