“No one needs to search for the truth of things anymore!” – The Daily Standard


FVD MP Theo Hiddema was also heard after riots that the BNNVARA Zembla program unleashed on Thierry Baudet’s alleged status as a chess piece for the Russians. The second Forum member addresses journalists who describe the television document in a very positive light, including Tom-Jan Meeus of the NRC Handelsblad.

Even many journalists working on mainstream platforms had to admit it: Zembla’s anti-Baudetdocu broadcast yesterday little to the body. Experts who were invited by the show also emphasized this solid evidence was missing. Bottom line: The NPO has started too fast with this documentary.

However, there was a journalist who was delighted with the work that Marcel van Dam’s successors had done with his beloved broadcaster VARA. And that man was Tom-Jan Meeus. The NRC columnist ignored all the negative criticism and spoke openly about “Baudet and the Kremlin.” Meeus:

“Excellent Zembla on Baudet’s pro-Russian connections”.

That comment went wrong with Theo Hiddema, the second man from the Forum for Democracy. Because if FVD’s gray eminence hates something, they are complacent journalists. And then Hiddema provided that tweet with one spicy response:

Tom-Jan is happy. That alleviates, no one needs to seek the truth of things. “

So NRC columnist Handelsblad is allowed to pause this weekend!

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