50 pairs help poverty-stricken counties and 47 eliminate poverty


Original title: 50 pairs to help 47 counties in poor counties

“47 of the 50 poverty-stricken counties assisted in the matchmaking have successfully reduced poverty and taken off their hats, accounting for 94%; 3787 of 3904 poverty-stricken villages withdrew, accounting for 97%; the population affected by poverty poverty in the Lika archives fell from 3,365 million to 79,500 People, the poverty reduction rate reached 97.6%. “Yesterday afternoon, the Information Office of the municipal government organized a series of” Determine a victory decisive in helping helped regions win the fight against poverty “Press conferenceAt the first press conference, cooperation for the city’s eastern and western poverty alleviation and counterpart supportTo workThe data set is brilliant.

According to the unified deployment of the central government, our cityCounterpart assistance82 counties (cities, districts) in 8 locations, including 50 counties in Gansu, Chengde in Hebei, Hotan in Xinjiang, Changdu in Tibet and Huangnan in Qinghai. In recent years, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government have continually strengthened their political responsibilities, carried out their missions courageously, comprehensively improved and strengthened poverty alleviation cooperation and counterpart support work in the East and West, and made decisive progress to help poverty-stricken areas in areas helped achieve their goals. The task establishes a solid base to guarantee a well-off and integral society. This year is the year of poverty alleviation, and the new sudden epidemic of coronary pneumonia has increased the difficulty of poverty alleviation. Over the past two months or so, the city’s districts and units, in the spirit of decisive battles and decisive battles, have done their best to accelerate the implementation of various poverty alleviation efforts and have achieved outstanding results.

Complete help to overcome the strength of deep poverty

“For the 3 counties and areas affected by poverty and taking off their hats in our city’s counterpart assistance areas, 46 villages have been established with a poverty incidence rate of over 10%mechanismTo achieve a policy for a county and a policy for a village, focusing on increasing guidance support and policy support, and on funding for project arrangements. Zhang Qingen, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Municipal Bureau for Cooperation and Exchange, said: “According to the urgent need to alleviate poverty in the assisted areas, more than 60 million yuan of various types of aid funds to help local solutions.IndustryDeficiencies in development, basic medical care, and home security. At the same time, we have extensively mobilized our private sector.BusinessHe and social organizations have carried out individualized assistance in 46 deeply impoverished villages, and now more than 70 have participated. “

Currently, our city’s counterparts are helping Gansu, and there are also five impoverished villages in Qingyang City’s Zhenyuan County that have not taken their hats off and whose poverty incidence rate exceeds 10%. Yuan Xinhe, Ganqian’s commander-in-chief, said Tianjin leaders at the city and district levels, as well as headquarters and matchmaking and support companies have carried out the full-coverage docking of “1 county and 5 villages. “InvestigationThe city also completed the allocation of 1.296948 billion yuan in municipal assistance funds in two batches in late January and early February of this year. Cooperation funds for poverty alleviation were distributed to counties at one time, of which 58% were in counties of extreme poverty, especially for the listed wars. In the counties and villages, a total of 67.947 billion yuan of financial funds has been allocated, and the financial funds rate in place is 119.2%. A “many-to-one” relationship of assistance has been established in all directions to ensure that no one home or person remains.

In the Hotan area supported by our city, there are 2 counties in Cele and Yutian, and 41 villages have not escaped poverty. “Tianjin is raising the city’s high quality to help the Xinjiang Hotan region complete the task of poverty alleviation and work hard at ‘science, precision and pragmatism,'” said Xu Hui, commander-in-chief of the municipal aid border, “This year, we will implement the night marketCultureEconomic project, which supports the establishment of 5 comprehensive sites that integrate the “morning market, the market and the night market” in Yutian County and Celle County, absorbing 600 people to stabilize their positions and irradiating 3,000 peoplejob. In addition, the Xiqing District will build at least one “Kulban Craft Workshop” in each of Duzhan’s villages, directly directing 800 impoverished households and 3,000 people to work nearby to get rid of poverty; Jinnan District will organize 1.85 million yuaninvestmentIndustrial projects promoted 15 companies to partner with Duzhan Village listed in Celle County. Currently, we have promoted Tianjin Food Group to build trade in Celle and YutianThe companyCarry outConsumptionPoverty alleviation, annual sales of agricultural and marginal products from Hetia.productsNot less than 100 million yuan. “

Reduce the impact of the epidemic and consolidate the effectiveness of care.

This year, our city will focus onLabor serviceThree key tasks are collaboration, consumer poverty alleviation and industrial cooperation.

In terms of labor service cooperation, it focuses on helping poor people in assisted areas achieve stable employment and increase their income from poverty. Encourage the poor to move to other provinces and come to Tianjin to find employment, and help the leading poverty alleviation companies, poverty alleviation workshops, etc. to resume production and development as soon as possible.Public welfare postsOrganizing trainings to become wealthy leaders, etc., to achieve local employment for the poor.

Since the beginning of this year, our city, along with the assisted regions, has organized financial grant funds and a precise online boostSend, Point-to-point private vehicle transfers and promoting the rehabilitation and production of poverty alleviation companies have helped more than 45,000 poor people find jobs.

In alleviating consumer poverty, our city will increase exhibition salesShow saleEfforts have been made to support e-commerce platforms, make good use of China’s social poverty alleviation network, and promote smart cabinets for consumer poverty alleviation etc. in an effort to solve the “difficulty to sell” agricultural and livestock products in the assisted areas and the problem of non-salable sales.

In the field of industrial cooperation, the city plans to organize more than 50% of financial aid funds to invest in alleviating industrial poverty, using 26 million yuan in industry.Support forSpecial funds are used to guide equity participation. More than 300 industrial assistance projects are expected to be organized throughout the year. It is planned to introduce more than 90 companies in the assisted areas and to attract more than 50,000 poor people. Today, industrial poverty alleviation has been shaped by leading companies, leading wealth leaders,cooperativeTake the initiative in understanding the general characteristic mode. To do a good job of organizing and promoting, the city will continue to host a series of Tianjin business activities such as “Long Shangxing, Chengde Bank and South Xinjiang Bank” based on the activities of “Jingqi Long Bank” last year.

Zhang Qingen said that this year, our city will make the most of its advantages in industry, talents, education and medical treatment to promote micro-medicine.Internet ++ “The model of medical poverty alleviation continuesComplementarity of industryCooperation, training of professional talents, improvement of the level of education and medical care, etc. Step up support efforts and continue to consolidate support achievements. At the same time, adhere to the combination of limited and unlimited, and robustly conduct matchmaking assistance and matchmaking and reconnaissance activities between districts and counties, cities, towns, villages, businesses, towns and social organizations to promote exchanges, exchanges and blends.

(Editor in charge: DF527)

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