30 advocacy conferences attracted 72.4 billion yuan of investment and took the initiative to implement 5 leading national innovation policies. Shunyi’s seven major industries proceeded to promote the construction of “two districts” | Shunyi_Sina News


Source: Beijing Daily

Original title: 30 advocacy conferences attracted an investment of 72.4 billion yuan and led the implementation of 5 leading national innovation policies. Shunyi’s seven major industries promoted the construction of “two districts”

Focusing on seven industrial fields, including aviation services, cross-border finance, cultural trade, trade conventions and exhibitions, digital trade, medicine and health, and international delivery and logistics, Shunyi has accelerated the construction of the “two districts” and has organized 30 research and investment promotion seminars in two months. For policy training activities, a total of 28 signed projects were signed, with a total value of 72.4 billion yuan.

Shunyi is one of the first comprehensive pilot demonstration areas to expand the openness of the service industry in this city. Since 2016, three rounds of expanded service industry opening have been tested, promoting the implementation of 126 tasks and creating aviation materials exchange and intellectual property securitization. This is the first typical case from the country to explore a number of new formats and business models in the service industry, such as cultural commerce and cross-border e-commerce. At the end of September 2020, 28.5 square kilometers around the Capital Airport were included in the international commercial service area of ​​the Pilot Free Trade Zone, ranking first in the city in terms of area.

Relying on the three main platforms of the Central Airport Economic Zone, Tianzhu Comprehensive Free Zone and Sino-German Industrial Park, Shunyi focuses on Capital Airport planning, and will build a leading area in influential airport economic innovation at the international level. global, and will create an internationally competitive port industry city. Integrated development demo area. In the Tianzhu Comprehensive Free Zone, five innovation policies have been implemented one after another, of which four are the only ones in the country and one is the first batch of pilot projects in the country.

“The biological product testing and sampling mechanism pioneered by the Fifth Branch of the Drug Administration in Park City is the only one in the country that has greatly increased the speed of customs clearance for biological products such as vaccines.” Zheng Jie, Deputy Director of the Policy and Regulation Division of the Tianzhu Comprehensive Protection Zone Management Committee, introduced In addition, the smart bayonet monitoring and the storage location categorized monitoring system innovated by Tianzhu Customs is also the only one in the country, and the Tianzhu Comprehensive Free Zone has also launched the first batch of cross-border e-commerce B2B export pilot projects in the country. National companies can approve The export supervision model of cross-border e-commerce has preferential measures, such as single registration, integrated customs clearance, automatic comparison and convenient return. The entire customs clearance process does not require paper, which opens a new channel for national companies to “sell to the world.” At the end of November, more than 300 orders for this type of business had been declared, with a cargo volume exceeding 11,000 tons.

Yang Dengke, director of the Shunyi District Commerce Bureau, revealed that the implementation plan for the construction of the “two districts” in Shunyi has been published and 85 key tasks and measures have been proposed in 19 categories. At the same time, a list of industrial policies, a list of space resources and a list of target enterprises has been established, and 25 According to the industrial policies and measures, the total area of ​​74 usable industrial space resources in the entire district It was 4,235 million square meters, 86 target companies were searched and the “accounts” were calculated to attract capital.

In addition, he also ranked a list of 85 policies and a list of 110 projects related to the construction of the “two districts” in Shunyi. The total investment of the project is approximately 74 billion yuan. Currently, 16 pilot policies have been implemented to optimize customs supervision measures for aviation materials, launch the guarantee insurance pilot program for customs duties and implement 40 demonstration projects such as China Financial Leasing, CCIC, JD Pharmacy and Guanfu Culture. As of October, there were 1,659 newly registered companies of the Shunyi Group in the Pilot Trade Zone, with a total registered capital of 7.513 million yuan, and the concentration of resources and economies of scale have gradually emerged.

In the next three years, the average annual growth rate of the real use of foreign capital in the Shunyi Free Trade Zone will not be less than 30%. With the Tianzhu Comprehensive Free Zone, by 2022, it will strive to achieve half of the national import of cultural and artistic objects. Imports represented 1/3 of the country. (Wang Kexin)
