2.8 billion users work together! This industry is expected to “play” with US $ 189 billion in 2021


Original title: 2.8 billion users work together! This industry is expected to “play” US $ 189 billion in 2021


[¡2.800millonesdeusuariostrabajanjuntos!Seesperaqueestaindustria”juegue”US$189milmillonesen2021]At the beginning of the new year, a gaming “episode” between Huawei and Tencent allowed the masses to “eat melons” while also waiting for the game industry development prospects in 2021. Recently, Newzoo, a well-known analytics platform for Third-party data, has predicted that the global gaming market may exceed $ 189 billion in 2021. (Shanghai Stock News)

At the beginning of the new year, Huawei andTencentThe “episode” of the game, let the masses “eat melons”, but also the game of 2021industryThe development prospects are full of expectations.

Recently known third partiesdata analysisNewzoo platform makes predictions for global games in 2021marketScale or exceed 189 billionAmerican dollar

  Global revenue can exceed US $ 189 billion

Specifically, Newzoo predicts that the number of global players will reach 2.8 billion in 2021, and these players will bring revenue of $ 189.3 billion to the market, an increase of more than 8% from $ 174.9 billion in 2020.


The reporter noted that in the first half of 2020, people from all over the world played games at home due to the new corona epidemic, which caused the gaming industry to progress at a rapid pace. However, as the epidemic gradually subsides, can the gaming industry really sustain the rapid development that Newzoo predicted?

In this sense, Newzoo gave a corresponding opinion, “The globalpopularA growing participation of global players was promoted. These increases in share will also be reflected in gaming market revenue. “

Taking a closer look, during the ongoing global quarantine, gaming has become a habit in people’s lives. Even after the global epidemic subsides, most of the player share and additional revenue due to the epidemic will remain unchanged. “Some (equipment) used for games and entertainmentinvestmentIt is not easy to let go. “

In terms of market segmentation, thanks to the low threshold of mobile terminals and the popularity of smartphones, mobile games can continue to exert force in 2021. Sensor towerStatisticsData shows that as of December 14, 2020, global mobile gaming revenue reached $ 75.4 billion, an increase of 19.5% over 2019. Among them, “Peace Elite” and “PUBG Mobile” from Tencent attracted almost 2.6 billion dollars globally.Year with yearAn increase of 64.3%, “Glory of the King” global revenue was nearly $ 2.5 billion, a year-on-year increase of 42.8%.

It can be seen that mobile games, which account for half the industry, have become the mainstay of the industry, with major manufacturers bound to launch a new round of competition in 2021.

  However, Newzoo also recalled that while low-threshold mobile games have benefited the most from the isolation of the global epidemic, their lower barriers to entry also bring greater losses. “How to retain new players and stabilize player returns is one of the main challenges facing developers and publishers.”

  Cloud gaming is still worth waiting for

If console games and mobile games are compared to “fuel vehicles”, then cloud games and virtual reality games are definitely the “new energy” of the games industry, and it is potential kinetic energy. to promote the large-scale development of the industry.

“2020 is a key turning point for cloud gaming, includingAmazon, Google,MicrosoftAnd Tencent has launched its ownService. “Newzoo said that withconsumptionThere is moreLong and shortWith the remainder of the time spent on gaming, the popularity of cloud gaming is expected to grow. Based on this, Newzoo predicts that annual revenue from the cloud gaming market in 2021 is expected to exceed $ 1 billion for the first time.

It should be mentioned that the performance of cloud games that are highly anticipated by the market in 2020 is not satisfactory. Taking the domestic market as an example, according to gamma statistics, the actual size of China’s cloud gaming market in 2020 is 910 million yuan. Although it has increased significantly since 2019, the growth rate is lower than market expectations.


The reason is that the gamma data believe that it is mainly due to the global epidemic andcompanyThe design is affected to some extent; at the same time, the games currently released by the national game companiesproductThe platform is still in the testing stage and the lack of new users has limited the growth of this market.

“WithdealWith the clarification of the model and further design from large-scale gaming companies, the explosion of cloud gaming will be a matter of time. “Some people in the games industry told reporters that the current computing power of many terminals is not enough to support the computing functions of large games, it is the main reason for the slow progress of cloud games.


It should be noted that with the full implementation of 5G commercialization and the continued increase in investment by gaming companies, the cloud gaming market in 2021 is quite interesting.

By the end of 2020 to get fixed increase approvalSanqi Mutual EntertainmentFor example,the companyThe non-public offering is intended to raise no more than 4.296 billion yuan for the development and operation of games, the 5G cloud platform and investment in the construction of the headquarters. Among them, it is planned to use 1.595 million yuan of the funds raised to build a 5G cloud gaming platform project.

In this sense, there areBrokerageInvestigation reportI think this move is expected to makeSanqi Mutual EntertainmentGain the first-mover advantage before the large-scale popularization of cloud gaming, take advantage of key traffic ‘input’, and anticipate the development of the cloud gaming business afterward.Competitive advantages

In addition, join the national major companies to jointly explore established providers of “5G + VR + cloud games”.a perfect worldThe design is also being improved.a perfect worldHe recently stated that the company’s classic IP will work with the major cloud technology companies to add the “standard configuration” of the cloud game development version to the development of new games.Process, Develop more innovative functions for cloud games.

(Article source: ShanghaiValuesNewspaper)

(Responsible editor: DF506)

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