170 environmental scientists and organizations advocate for crimes against humanity in Trouw


One hundred and seventy intellectuals who, in all probability, have never experienced poverty on their own, abuse their scientific position to sell pseudoscience as real science. About 25 percent of these people are affiliated with the universities of Utrecht and Rotterdam, to which Rutger Bregman and Jan Rotmans (in a sense) are also affiliated, both leading advocates of basic income and sustainable change.

The manifesto was co-signed by the Dutch Footprint Working Group, an initiative of the Nature and Environment Federations in the Netherlands that are lobbying to achieve their goals. They create a false historical context to convince you of your right that it is riddled with fallacies.

“Their debts are not canceled, but their assets are redistributed so that an even larger group lives in dependency”

They claim that the main current economic consequences that followed COVID-19 are the result of the “dominant neoliberal economic model”, which they believe would require “an increasing circulation of goods and people”. This would have led to “ecological problems, increasing inequality, big companies holding hands, loss of precarious jobs and even greater pressure on health systems.”

However, the reality is that no one in the world is part of a neoliberal society. To this day, no government or regime creates a level playing field to guarantee individual liberties. Even in the Netherlands and Europe, we live in societies where the most honest people are the heaviest (financial) people.

“In the totalitarian regime that it adhered to in the manifesto, the companies are simply closing another COVID crisis and starving to death.”

In theory, neoliberalism actually means that the world is a great board game Monopoly It is where the same rules apply to everyone and everyone has the same opportunities to succeed. We are still miles away from such a world. In this country we live in an apparently neoliberal system that, compared to the many communist, socialist and dictatorial regimes, is much better for people, the environment and society. We are on our way to a neoliberal world and we have a gigantic way to go. The tsars, emperors and kings of the past bathed in gold and opulence by oppressing many people where neoliberalism had not entered for a long time. The more people have fewer freedoms, the greater the chances that the environment will also lose. Those who have known poverty know that they can only assert their right to better nutrition, more exercise and a healthy home if they can participate in society.

Oil and gas made the world much cleaner. However, most countries still operate on coal and lignite. These are also the countries where air quality is now vastly improving. They should also transition to oil and gas so that global CO2 emissions drop dramatically in the short term. In this way, we create the space to determine in peace and freedom how we make the world even more sustainable and just.

“Production sectors are essential to maintain prosperity”

Now big business can hold hands, but in the totalitarian regime that it adhered to in the manifesto, they simply shut down and starve in the next COVID crisis. After all, a basic income eliminates the need to earn money. And health care can now be labeled a “crucial” profession, with no life processes, including industry (oil and gas), the Netherlands will stop and we can immediately write all the attention in our stomach. Health care is, by definition, a cost element, whether you like it or not. A country needs its life processes to maintain things like care and education. With more opportunities for everyone, more people can make better decisions for themselves, allowing preventive care to grow. Production sectors are essential to maintain (sanitary) well-being.

“In countries where prosperity reigns, there are many more guarantees to protect ecosystems and biodiversity.”

According to scientists, ecosystems and biodiversity are also big losers of the current economic development model and this model has led to a faster spread of COVID-19. Aviation, however, only exploded after the plague had been roaming the world for centuries and sowing death and destruction. In countries where prosperity reigns, there are many more guarantees to protect ecosystems and biodiversity. In these countries, the chance of dying from air pollution has decreased dramatically. The more prosperous we become as a world, the less likely we are to die as a result of climate change. Virus outbreaks are part of life, viruses are many times older than humanity. Not so long ago, it was even normal in the Netherlands that not all of their children reached adulthood. Even in COVID-19 times, the chances of your child dying are slim.

“The transition to circular meatless agriculture deprives most people of the right to animal protein”

Therefore, we must consolidate the path towards a true neoliberal globalist society, guaranteeing fair rules of the game for all. The liquidation of the current economic system, which guarantees care and education, does not fit in with this. We owe it to everyone in the world to further consolidate and expand current real minimum wealth.

A basic income not only robs you of ‘wages to work’, but also your self-esteem and your right to life and a healthy ecosystem. Then you are good enough to be lived. The transition to circular meatless agriculture deprives most people of the right to animal protein. The building blocks that are essential to your body, your muscle building, your brain, and your recovery after trauma or illness. Meanwhile, the elite continues to feast in decline. They fly flying over billions of heads as if in luxurious lone rulers, while you have to step in the frugal luxury that cost you so much to earn and is no longer allowed to fly.

Their debts are not canceled, but their assets are redistributed, so that an even larger group lives in dependency.

We live in difficult times. Not by the crown or the weather, but by people with less kosher intentions, who are not thrown in a straw way to launch their dark fairy tale ideologies into society through channels through which most of ordinary people will never have healthy vision. to ventilate society. Simply because ordinary people do not fit their humanitarian worldview into the image of keeping the world population largely small.

Who will stop these crimes against humanity?

Also read: 170 leftist sympathizers (“sociologists, environmental scientists”) demand “a more sustainable and fairer society”

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