10 reasons why you would want the iPhone SE 2020


We had to wait four years for the iPhone SE 2020. The original 2016 iPhone SE was one of the best-selling devices and we hope that the 2020 version will also be a success. There are many people who don’t want the latest, but just want a good device at a reasonable price. There are even more reasons to choose the iPhone SE and in this article we list them for you. But we are honest enough to list the 10 least good points.

Also see our comparisons:

10 reasons why you want an iPhone SE 2020

Below you can read the main reasons for choosing iPhone SE, compared to the device you are using now. One of the advantages is, of course, that you benefit from proven technology. People who buy the iPhone SE are not looking for the latest experimental features or nice devices, but rather a device that has mastered the basic functions, works reliably, is pleasant to use and where the initial problems have already disappeared. That is exactly what the iPhone SE has to offer: all components have already been tested on previous versions of iPhone. Only with the camera has Apple introduced something new, applying new tricks to take portraits with a single camera. Although that happened (in a slightly different way) with the iPhone XR as well.

iPhone SE white black

# 1 You pay less and get more
The iPhone SE 2020 costs € 489 and that’s relatively low compared to the prices Apple normally uses. This was accomplished by using existing components that were already used in the iPhone 11 and earlier models. The design also goes back to an existing device, the iPhone 8. But at the time of writing, this device is cheaper than the iPhone 8, while containing newer technology. We hope that vendors will offer their current stock of iPhone 8 at lower prices.

iPhone SE 2020 Apple Arcade

# 2 This device is much faster than you are used to
Apple has opted for the A13 processor, the same one that is also in the iPhone 11. The applications start without waiting, they are fast enough for applications like augmented reality and you can play without stuttering or with minutes of loading. The chip is 2.4 times faster than that of the first SE.

# 3 improved portrait camera
The last SE has a 12 megapixel camera. You’ll find this in many predecessors, too, but there are still all sorts of improvements to the software. For example, there is now support for the bokeh effect, so you can blur the background. With this you can make beautiful portraits. The feature currently only recognizes people, not pets. Every year, Apple improves the cameras on the iPhone, so you can take advantage of all the improvements that have been made in recent years. The camera can also better handle light and dark situations thanks to Smart HDR.

IPhone SE 2020 portraits

# 4 You have a longer battery life
If you are someone with a somewhat older iPhone, you may have noticed that the battery doesn’t work as well after a year or two. At iCulture, we’re a big advocate of replacing your battery, because that gives you an iPhone that lasts a few dozen. But if you’re fully ready with your current device, or if Apple no longer offers support for your iPhone 4s (or other device), now is the time to upgrade. Depending on the model you are using, you can expect an operating time of up to 4 more hours.

# 5 Now you can charge wirelessly
The iPhone SE has the same case as the iPhone 8 and the dimensions are the same. However, something has changed: you can charge the device wirelessly. Therefore, it is no longer tied to a cable, but you can use the many wireless chargers that are now in the store. Cheap wireless chargers are available from around ten euros and can be as expensive as you want, up to 150 euros for a dock for your nightstand. A wireless charging device is not necessary, but it is very easy.

Livboj IKEA wireless charger

# 6 More storage options
With entry-level models of the iPhone, you often have a choice of two storage variants. Fortunately, with iPhone SE you can choose three storage formats, with a preference of 128GB. That costs just an additional 50 euros compared to the basic model.

# 7 You can use the internet faster
The iPhone SE 2020 runs on Gigabit class 4G and Wi-Fi 6, something you won’t find on older models. You get up to 6.5 times faster wireless connections through your mobile phone provider and at home you have up to 2.7 times faster Internet traffic through your wireless network.

# 8 Now you can load quickly
What has also become faster is charging through a cable. IPhone SE supports fast charging, but you need an 18-watt charger for this. You can use the power adapter that comes with your iPad or MacBook, where you can replace the USB-C cable with a Lightning connector cable. You can also have them.


# 9 More waterproof than your current device
It used to happen regularly: People threw their device in the water and then suffered irreparable damage. Fortunately, this is no longer necessary with newer devices, and the iPhone SE 2020 is also better organized. The device is waterproof to a depth of 1 meter. You even have 30 minutes to dive into the water and store your iPhone.

# 10 Dualsim
This is a feature that iPhone users have been waiting for a long time and has only recently been added. With the dual sim function you can use two SIM cards at the same time: a physical SIM card and a virtual SIM card from another provider. In this way, you can be contacted for commercial and private use on the same device. It is also useful for border residents.

Also read our article on the details of the iPhone SE 2020 that you didn’t know about.

10 reasons why you don’t want an iPhone SE 2020

There are also a number of things you should know before buying. Because there are also some points that you may not have thought about, or that are disturbing to you. We ourselves do not believe that this is a decisive factor, but we believe that you should take it into account.

  1. Wide edges of the screen: Apple has now switched to near-borderless displays so that it has the maximum possible display inside the case. This is not the case with this device, because the iPhone 8 was used and still had fairly large screen borders.
  2. No new design: Apple uses the design of the iPhone 8. That does not seem immediately outdated, but it is good to know that Apple is rumored to present a new look with the iPhone 12, with flat sides and without the curves that we since the iPhone 6 is used to. An advantage of reusing an existing design is that the iPhone 8 cases simply fit the new SE.
  3. The camera is great, but it has limitations.: You will probably take a big leap forward with the new camera. But keep in mind that the single camera can’t do wonders. If you want the best camera right now, you will have to go for the 11 Pro (Max).
  4. There is no 5G in it: You may have heard that 2020 would be the year of 5G. Due to the crown crisis, that could happen next year, but it’s nice to know that the iPhone SE 2020 still can’t handle 5G networks. This also applies to all iPhones at the moment.

WhatsApp with touch identification lock.

  1. No face identification: IPhone SE is equipped with a Touch ID fingerprint sensor. That works well, is safe, and is also used on almost all iPads. But you don’t get a Face ID and that means you can’t use Animoji and Memoji. In our opinion, it is not a disaster, but something to consider.
  2. Without U1 chip: Apple has not put a U1 chip in this unit. This is necessary for Ultra Wideband technology applications, which allows you to more precisely determine the location of your device and other U1 chip devices. There are still few apps for it and you might not see it as a SE owner, but it can’t be activated later via a software update, as is known now.
  3. Wireless connections are fast, but not the fastest.: IPhone SE has Wi-Fi 6 and Gigabit class 4G. However, Apple has not removed all the stops. This is a 2 × 2 MIMO antenna system, while the iPhone 11 is equipped with a 4 × 4 MIMO antenna system. Both are fine and probably a big improvement on your current device, but it could be even faster. Of course, for all those speed improvements (for example Wi-Fi) you need to have the correct Wi-Fi 6 router.
  1. It is not a small screen: The 2016 iPhone SE was so popular because it was such a compact device with a small screen. Apple no longer makes iPhones with a 4-inch screen, so it will have to switch to a slightly larger 4.7-inch screen. By the way, you will also find household appliances with other manufacturers, which are small and pleasant to use. Real budget Android devices are often frustrating and of poor build quality. With the iPhone SE 2020 you have the casing of an old flagship model, so everything in terms of materials and finish is superior.
  2. The front is always black: The iPhone SE 2020 is the first device with Touch ID, which has a black front in all versions. Even if you buy the white version. That in itself shouldn’t be a problem, because many people today use their device in dark mode and so it’s just as good if the edges are also black. It is also possible to choose between three colors: black, white and red. Most people will choose black; according to our survey a few days ago. If you want more options, there is the iPhone 11 or possibly the iPhone XR from the previous year.

Apple iPhone SE 2020

Price and availability.
The iPhone SE can be ordered at various stores and suppliers from Friday, April 17. The first plane will be delivered on April 24. You can choose between three colors: white, black and red. You also have a choice of 64GB, 128GB, or 256GB storage, with our 128GB preference. That only costs 50 euros more than the basic model and guarantees that your device is much more prepared for the future.

These are the prices of the iPhone SE 2020:

  • 64 GB: € 489
  • 128GB: € 539
  • 256 GB: € 659

Pre-order iPhone SE 2020 with subscription

Also see our iPhone offers

Pre-order iPhone SE 2020 to order separately (starting price € 489)

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