1.7 billion! 2.5 Trillion! These Numbers Are Relevant To You_ 东方 Fortune Network


Original title: 1.7 billion! 2.5 trillion! These numbers are related to you

This year they are direct financial fundsmechanismIn the first year of exploration and deployment, how was the launch and use? These yearsTax reductionHow effective is the rate reduction policy? The State Council’s regular policy briefing held on November 12 will answer you one by one!

Direct financial funds mechanism:

Let the funds “stick to the end”

How is the current launch and use situation?

● The central government allocated 1,695 billion yuan

As of the end of October, among the 1.7 trillion funds under direct management, the central government has allocated 1.695 trillion yuan, an advance of 99.7%, and all qualified funds have been issued. The remaining funds are reserved primarily for monitoring of epidemic prevention and control grants.

● Budget of 1,607 billion yuan put into use

By the end of October, all localities had reduced the budget target of 1.607 trillion yuan from 326,300 projects to the unit of use of funds, resulting in expenditures of 1.198 trillion yuan, which represents 70.9% of the budget. already issued by the central government, 4.2 percentage points more than the initial schedule.

Where is the money used?

1. In terms of supporting tax and fee reductions, local governments have implemented tax reduction policies to reduce revenue this year. The central government has adopted special transfers and special arrangements against the epidemic.National debtAfter waiting for direct funds, it fully compensated for the reduction in local general public budgets and considerably increased local financial resources, thus strongly supporting the implementation of policies to reduce taxes and fees.

Two insured residentsjobOn the one hand, 46 billion yuan has been spent on employment subsidies and professional skills improvement activities, and 130 billion yuan has been spent on subsidies for people in distress, effectively supporting the implementation of the priority policy of job.

Third, in terms of safeguarding the basic livelihood of the population, the funds used for the livelihood of the population reached 963.6 billion yuan, which represents 57% of the direct funds from the central government, which support the basic results. of people’s livelihood.

Four guaranteesmarketAs for the main body, a total of 580 billion yuan has been spent for the benefit of enterprises, benefiting all kinds ofMarket players740,000 enterprises, a total of 1.4 million times, of which 106,000 million yuan of policy funds for direct assistance to enterprises to rescue, such as interest discounts on loans, assistance to stabilize employment, subsidies and subsidies , have benefited small, medium and micro enterprises.companyAlmost 340,000,Individual industrial and commercial householdsAlmost 250,000 households.

Fifth, in terms of ensuring the construction of large projects, more than 2,000 projects with a total scale of more than 450,000 million yuan have been organized with direct funds of more than 100 million yuan, which has positively contributed to accelerating the completion of infrastructure deficiencies and promote economic growth.

Sixth, in terms of supporting the fight against poverty, of the 20 billion yuan of special funds for poverty alleviation included in the direct management of the central government, 18.2 billion have been spent and the progress of spending is 91%, which provides a financial guarantee to win the fight against poverty.

Tax reduction and fee reduction:

Leaves “real goldsilver“An affordable business benefits people

It is expected to reduce the burden on enterprises by more than 2.5 trillion yuan throughout the year.

In the first three quarters of this year, the country’s new tax and tariff cuts totaled 2.092.4 billion yuan, of which 737.9 billion yuan were added in tax cuts and 1.354.5 billion yuan were added in tariff cuts . In addition to the preferential tax and fee policies for economic and social development, recently increased tax and fee cuts were 1,365.9 billion yuan. Second, policies introduced in the middle of last year added 726.5 billion yuan in tax and fee cuts this year.

Judging from the implementation of tax and fee reductions this year, the Party Central Committee and the State Council have introduced a series of (7 lots of 28) tax and fee reduction policies and measures to reach out to stakeholders in the market.jobsreportDetermined to reduce the burden on companies by more than 2.5 trillion throughout the yearobjectivesThe task can be completed as expected.

How effective is the tax and fee reduction policy?

● “One drop”: charge keeps falling

The burden of market entities continued to decline. In the first three quarters of 2020, key tax source companies will be paid for every hundred yuanOperating incomeThe tax burden was reduced by 0.63 yuan, a decrease of 9.4%.

● “Two increases”: more vitality and greater benefits

First, the vitality of market players has increased.In the third quarter of this year, the number of new market entities in the tax department for related mattersI andAn increase of 24.5%, 17.4 percentage points higher than the growth rate of the second quarter.

The second is the improvement of business operational efficiency.In the third quarter of this year, domestic enterprises of key tax sources realizedprofitThe total amount increased 4.9% year-on-year, an increase of 8.1 percentage points from the second quarter.

● “Three Stability”: constant recovery, recovery and improvement

First, the number of employed people has recovered steadily, reducing company employment.costProvides strong support to secure employment.

two isBusiness investmentSteady recovery, domestic startups from key tax sources in the first three quarters of this yearInvestment in fixed assetsA 1.5% year-on-year increase, positive growth for the first time this year, an increase of 5.1 percentage points from the first half of the year.

Third, development expectations are constantly improving. 68.6% of companies expect their development expectations to improve in the fourth quarter, an increase of 15.9% from the end of the first half. among them,information technologyService, Scientific research andTechnical servicesThe proportion of companies in high-tech industries expected to be better than 80%.

(Source: China Government Network)

(Responsible editor: DF532)

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