The crisis generated by the covid-19 pandemic It is not only sanitary, but also financial, so it has directly hit people’s economy. And this is reflected in a study carried out by Chiledeudas.cl, which disclosed details of this harsh reality: 20% of overindebted Chileans who responded to the survey took advantage of the Insolvency and Re-Entrepreneurship Law, 20,720, by the factor coronavirus.
Likewise, 15% of the surveyed people are evaluating the Insolvency and Entrepreneurship Law as an exit before the pandemic, while the remaining 65% have not thought about taking this route.
“It is quite worrying that one in five overindebted Chileans has already used this legal tool. And probably at the end of this year we will overcome the barrier of the five million financial defaulters in the country, those who will surely have to use this path ”, alerts the director of Chiledeudas.cl, Guillermo Figueroa.
Among the reasons for accepting the rule given by the people who did it, the crisis due to the covid-19, with 22.7%. They follow the lack of access to real refinancing, with 17.5%, poor financial management, with 15.5%, and the sum of the pandemic with the social outbreak factor, with 8.5%.
Of the total number of respondents to the Chiledeudas.cl, 30% have not had their salary reduced at the company where they work. 21.7% were fired due to the crisis of covid-19. The salary was reduced by 21.1% by more than 50%, by 14.7% by between 30% and 50%, and by 12.5% in the range of 10% to 30%.
“The combination of zero or less monthly income is lethal for an overindebted one. That is why the different financial entities and the State must increase their support measures for people beyond what has been announced so far, with flexibilities in the payment of debts that do not imply a new loan, with the associated expenses that it means ”stresses Guillermo Figueroa.
In addition, 56.3% of the people surveyed by Chiledeudas.cl they have not opted for the possibility of credit refinancing granted by banks, 10.7% have taken it and 33% are evaluating taking the option for the pandemic.
“What is disturbing is that 37.6% of these people surveyed believe that this route provided by banks is a consumer abuse vulnerable by the crisis. 35.4% affirm that it is a business of the companies and not a profit. 14.3% think that it is not ideal, but that it works. 8.8% assures that it is totally insufficient. And only 3.8% state that it is convenient and that it was useful ”, details the representative of Chiledeudas.cl.
A few days ago, the deputy RN Eduardo Durán met with him Minister of the Economy, Lucas Palacios, and with him Insolvency and Entrepreneurship Superintendent, Hugo Sánchez, to present their own project that seeks to reformulate Law 20,720, better known as Bankruptcy Law, with the aim that those affected can carry out this process more quickly, easily, and without suffering any type of discrimination.
The pillars of the initiative are the modification of the admissibility requirements of the procedure such as, for example, the list of pending lawsuits with patrimonial effects, the reduction of the amount to declare bankruptcy, going to 2.3 million pesos, and the prohibition expresses all kinds of arbitrary discrimination.
With the latter, the aim is to avoid all types of financial discrimination against those who have accepted the law, especially after the termination decision has been issued, as it cannot be a justification for any type of less favorable treatment.