Empresas Gasco recruits former head of advisers from the Ministry of Economy as director


This morning the ordinary shareholders meeting of Empresas Gasco was held remotely, led by its president Matías Pérez. In the instance, the company’s investment plan for this year was announced, a figure close to US $ 83 million.

According to Cristián Aguirre, corporate manager of Administration and Finance, “of this figure, 64% will go to continue developing the segment of gas energy solutions in Chile, 29% to supply and 6% to the development of energy solutions for the international Business”.

During the session, the new directory was chosen, in which two new members joined. These are the former head of advisers to the Ministry of the Economy, Michèle Labbé -current chief economist of Dominus Capital- and Rodrigo Álvarez, former Minister of Energy of the first government of President Piñera.

Thus, the board was made up of the two of them and Francisco Gazmuri Schleyer, José Ignacio Laso Bambach, Vicente Monge Alcalde, Andrés Pérez Cruz, Matías Pérez Cruz, Carmen Gloria Pucci Labatut and Carlos Rocca Righton.

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Strategic plan and coronavirus

On the occasion, the president of Empresas Gasco, Matías Pérez, delivered the results and main milestones of each of the company’s subsidiaries: “during 2019 our organization continued to implement its strategic plan to consolidate itself as a leading company in the provision of solutions optimal and competitive energy sources, extending its geographical coverage throughout the national territory, starting the commercialization of cylinders in the Arica and Parinacota Region and the supply of bottled gas on Easter Island ”. He added that – as part of its policy of commitment to the community – the company continued to promote initiatives and programs aimed at promoting cultural development, care for the environment and the formation of human capital.

Regarding the contingency, Pérez pointed out that “in the face of the unprecedented and uncertain situation caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic, not only in Chile, but in practically the entire world, energy companies are called to make all human efforts and materials so that there is no lack of energy for hospitals, homes, industries and commerce, taking all the security measures and protocols for our workers ”.
