The Court for the Defense of Free Competition (TDLC) declared admissible a lawsuit filed by the Chilean Association of Consumers and Users (Agrecu) against three supermarket chains for collusion of chickens.
Legal action against High school (parent company of Unimarc), Cencosud (Jumbo, Santa Isabel) and Walmart (Leader), filed by the Association, seeks that the firms compensate each affected customer with $ 50 thousand, approximately.
The TDLC gave supermarkets 10 business days to submit their responses in this regard.
In the framework of this case, in April the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court increased fines for the three supermarket chains for colluding in the price of chickens.
In detail, about SMU, Cencosud and Walmart (Lider) weighed a fine of 29,568 Annual Tax Units (UTA), that is, about US $ 21.1 million ($ 17,869,590,000 in Chilean pesos).
Initially, the sanction for the three firms was 13,947 UTA.
According to the ruling, the companies violated articles of the law “by having participated in the agreement aimed at fixing, through their suppliers, a sale price for fresh chicken meat in supermarkets, equal to or higher than its wholesale list price, at least between 2008 and 2011 ″.
SMU, Cencosud and Walmart had appealed not to reach that instance in early 2019.