Cecilia Gutiérrez in the foreground of the town after the departure of Me Late: Daniel Fuenzalida’s lie bothered me


The journalist Cecilia Gutierrez made a new chapter of his program on Instagram “First Plan of the Town”, this time alone, without Sergio Rojas, and in a lapidary way, to condemn sharply what he described as “the lies” who argued Daniel Fuenzalida to fire her from the “Me Late” panel.

Through a live broadcast that It lasted a little over 42 minutes and reached more than 9,200 people, Gutiérrez presented his version of what happened during the week he ended up outside the TV +, gaining the support of the public and seeking to appease the speculations that were generated around the event.

“From the first day that the First Plane of the Town left we started to have problems. You thought we were joking, but it was super serious”The journalist started warning.

And he stressed that “I never thought that we were going to end this. I mean, I thought about it, but not so abrupt. I didn’t think it was going to be from one day to the next. One day when I had to go to the studio also, which came from my vacation. It was all super rough, abrupt, painful. “

Cecilia Gutiérrez in the middle of the episode of “Primer Plano del Pueblo”, after Daniel Fuenzalida decided to fire her from “Me Late”.

She then went on to explain that “my decision to be alone was because I did not feel comfortable being with Sergio. I was not comfortable with a post that he published today as well. “

The publication he refers to is one that Rojas launched on his personal Instagram account and in which he dismissed the influence of machismo in the firing of Gutiérrez.

“It was super shocking today to see a post by Sergio with his family, with his women, saying that it was not effective that they had fired me for machismo. I called him, I told him that he had taken my apartment, that he had left me as a liar”, he pointed out.

Gutiérrez commented that to resolve the issue, he will meet with Sergio on the weekend, at which time they will speak and “we will throw the fuses.”

The publication of Sergio Rojas dismissing machismo on the part of Daniel Fuenzalida, which bothered Cecilia Gutiérrez.

Later, he went on to refer to the reasons he argued Daniel Fuenzalida, as animator and executive producer of the program, to disassociate it from “Me Late”, something that he exposed as follows and that in RedGol we transcribe verbatim:

“Daniel Fuenzalida alluded that my dismissal was exclusively because I was the host of the program, which is not real. You who see it every week know that it is not like that, that they are shared roles. “

“He also said that I was the executive producer of the program. I comment to him, and I comment to you, that there is no executive production, because this is not a program itself, it is a transmission that is done on Instagram and Sergio has the role of producer, I don’t“.

“Sergio is the one who manages the Instagram, the one who manages the sponsors, the one who has the deal with them, the one who collects the commissions from the sponsors, the one who sees the exchanges. I just sit in front of the screen and report all the weeks “.

“I would like to demystify a little the reasons that Daniel Fuenzalida alluded to throw me out”.

“Daniel Fuenzalida is the owner of his program and has the power to do whatever he wants. He can take or put people on the screen as he comes to; I will never question that.”

What bothers me deeply are the lies and he lied. He said that I was going for an undertaking, that it was this; that’s not real, he decided to get me out. It was not my decision. Then she said she was taking me out because she was an executive producer on the show, which wasn’t real either, I am not a producer of anything. He said I was the driver, it’s not real either. He said that I was the journalistic editor, which is not real either, because There is no journalistic edition, there is no guideline, we just sit down to talk Sergio and I“.

“We are two journalist friends who talk, cahuineamos, that is the grace. The grace of this program is that we sit down to talk as if we were in the living room of the house, having a drink and commenting on what happens on TV.”

Daniel Fuenzalida’s lie bothered me a lot. It bothered me a lot that when I got together with him, to get him to say goodbye, he told me that The Town’s First Plane was more entertaining than the Late Me. That was their argument. Which is right, The First Plan of the Town is much more entertaining than the Me Late, but that is not my fault, it is his fault, because he manages the Me Late, he manages the pattern, he watches the content and if it is not entertaining it is his fault. the. It’s not Sergio’s or mine’s fault. We tried to make every effort to make Me Late as entertaining as possible. “

“Then he tells me that He does not like the type of show that is done, which is not the show that he wants to do. Since when I spoke about the subject of Iván Núñez in this program, the first thing he did was recriminate me that I did not give that topic in the Me Late“.

As host and executive producer of “Me Late”, Daniel Fuenzalida considered that the “Primer Plano del Pueblo” was not compatible with his program.

He told me that he did not like the controversy of Daniela Aránguiz. Controversy that it was not mine, that it was Sergio’s, who also started at Me Late. He (Fuenzalida) touched on the subject in Me Late, Sergio gave a statement and Daniela Aránguiz uploads these stories to him. So it’s a controversy that he starts with Me Late, but he doesn’t like it. “

“Then he tells me about Luli’s controversy, which he didn’t like either. Luli’s controversy started because he sent a material to Sergio de Luli at a gasoline station. It was a material that he had. He sent it to Sergio for him to attribute it to him, but it was actually Daniel’s. So, don’t let him say that he doesn’t like this type of show business, because he is the one who got the material and the one who puts it on the agenda. “

What am I going with this? In what are lies. If you want to kick me out, kick me out. Tell me that I am bad, that I do it terrible, that I want to renew the panel, that I no longer like it, that you look ugly, that you are not attentive, that you look at the computer a lot; what you want. But don’t say you fired me for reasons that aren’t real. That is what bothers me and that it appears in the national media saying that he fired me because I am the producer and host of a program, which is not real. “

The chapter of this Thursday of “First Plan of the Town” can be reviewed below:
