53% of the workers applying for the Employment Subsidy belong to SMEs | Economy


The Minister of Labor and Social Welfare, Maria Jose ZaldivarTogether with the deputy director of Sence, Ricardo Ruiz de Viñaspre, they delivered a new balance of applications for the Employment Subsidy.

In the instance they were accompanied by workers from the wholesale distributor La Caserita who accessed this benefit presented just over a month ago; and that aims recover about a million of lost jobs due to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

From the beginning of October to date, 30,540 companies have applied a total of 149,250 workers to these subsidies, both on your line “Come back” (67,591), which encourages the return of those who were with their contracts frozen by the Employment Protection Law, as in its line “Contract” (81,659), which encourages new hires.

Of that total, 79,754 workers (53%) belong to micro, small and medium enterprises.

“Micro, small and medium-sized companies are the ones that have applied for the subsidies the most and we want them to continue doing so so that we can create those thousands of new jobs that Chileans and their families need so much to overcome the difficult time we are experiencing ”, Declared Minister Zaldívar.

The Secretary of State also recalled that the Government had US $ 2 billion to finance the subsidies and that these resources are sufficient to benefit 1.3 million workers.

Meanwhile, the deputy director of Sence, Ricardo Ruiz de Viñaspre, referred to the application system and emphasized that “regarding the salary of the benefited workers, this subsidy has had a positive impact, since the median salary of the subsidy – which is the one that it divides the beneficiaries 50 %— it reaches 450 thousand pesos, while for salaried workers, it reaches 420 thousand pesos “.

Return and Hire

The Employment Subsidy has two main lines: Return and Hire.

The first one is focused on incentivize reinstatement of workers whose contracts were suspended under the Employment Protection Law, delivering to the applicant companies $ 160 thousand for each returned worker.

The other second line seeks to promote hiring of workers financing 50% of the gross taxable remuneration with a ceiling of $ 250 thousand for each new worker hired. But, in the case of women, young people and people with disabilities, it rises to 60% of gross compensation, with a ceiling of $ 270 thousand.

Employers can apply through the website www.subsidioalempleo.cl until March 31, 2021.


Regarding the current figures and the number of companies that have nominated their workers, 8,837 are micro companies (with up to 9 workers); 10,768 small (10 to 49), 2,636 medium (50 to 199) and 1,360 large (over 200 workers), being 6,939 unqualified.

In addition, 45.3% correspond to applications for the Regresa line and 54.7% for the Contrata subsidy; 64.5% are men and 35.5% women, while the largest number of applications (96,144) are concentrated in the Metropolitan region.
